Black woman wants to know why don't Black men BUILD in their communities like Asian and Hispanic men do?


Jul 11, 2015
Plenty of black businesses in Compton, South Central, Inglewood, and Watts, shyt one of the most famous black owned burger spots right across from Nickerson gardens..

This Mr.T looking bytch probably in a side of town where it’s no black people at to make this weak ass point..

If this bytch in Miami and drive to pork and beans or little haiti there will be black businesses there as well..just won’t be glamorous enough for her and she’ll shyt on those somehow too when the bytch argument is that black men don’t create businesses..thats extremely false..

If she so invested where is her successful black business in a black community, drop a link for her business please..
Apr 3, 2014
Yes, she is right. I remember you had a post a few weeks ago about how black men have failed... you're right bro... You'll see a thousand posts of blk men on this board playin the blame game... and 99% of them haven't tried to do anything.

Yep. And if they were working in the community, which some of us are (I'm one of them) this video wouldn't have offended them because a, they already knew this and are working to change it and b, because they wouldn't fall under the category that she's talking about.

These dudes in here crying like a wounded dog cause they know deep down that she's right. Most these negroes stay high, smoked out and aint doing a damn thing in their lives but blaming other ppl for their condition but then want all the respect from a woman that they feel is due to them.

Not realizing and understanding that no woman who got something going on is gonna respect a bum.


Mar 11, 2022
I’ll just say this - Asian, Hispanic, white, etc. men do not want their women and children having to shop/socialize outside of their communities. Some consider this “building” for them while others may see it as manipulation to keep their culture dominant and prevent the women and children from being “turned out” so to speak. It also allows them to be in America for 30+ years and not speak English very well or at all. It’s a hustle too.

Blacks lived through this already and chose integration. For whatever reason, we felt it better to live/work/shop/school with whites than not. That’s worked out well for the talented tenth but not so much for the rest.

Either way, the choice has already been made. Black Americans are fully integrated - we speak English, we work for whites, we depend on their economic system, etc. it’s a done deal and no one is going back.

I am not impressed by an Asian banker at Wells Fargo. They hire based on community needs - the white man will take anyone’s money. We have seen that.

I’m not going to trash her appearance but I will say very few men will put up with a woman who is masculine no matter how correct she may be about a man’s shortcomings.


All Star
May 24, 2022
I didn’t believe it till I was trying to help one of my friends create one. In NY in order to create an LLC there’s a New York LLC Publication requirement that states within 120 days of formation, LLC’s must publish a notice of formation in two newspapers (one weekly and one daily) for six successive weeks in the county of the LLC’s principle office. The catch is you can’t pick any newspaper you want. It has to be approved by the county clerk of the county you’re starting the business in, (Kings County) Brooklyn for this example.

There’s a list of approved newspapers by County. The publication cost for Kings County is $1,100 per article and remember you have to drop two per week for 6 consecutive weeks. It calculates to $13,200. Where as Queens County (Long Island) is $850 per article and Staten Island is $620 an article.


The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
She's one of those bullet-bag/all black men are incel types. But overall she's right. When a young black boy opens a history book in school he reads about black men being conquered by white men. Later learns about black men being castrated and enslaved by Arabs even before the Europeans. He opens up his laptop to see about current world politics and sees China taking over Africa and the Caribbean. He goes home and sees 90% of the stores in his neighborhood run by Jews, Indians, Koreans, Arabs, Mexicans and Whites....:francis:

This does something to your brain wether you believe it or not subconsciously. Most black men don't believe they have what it takes to compete with other men/ have what it takes to conquer other people.

There's a reason why every once in a while a thread would pop up on some "If you could choose, would you live in a system of blacks on top and everyone else on bottom or live in equality" most black men choose equality. Because they CANT EVEN PICTURE themselves being in positions of power because they've never seen it in their lives. Go on a white forum, Asian forum, Arab forum and ask them the same question; their answers would be ALOT different.

People on here tend to think I'm joking or trolling when I say as a man, you are more important than a women. Men are the ones that run society, build civilizations, provide confidence to our children, protect our wives, build businesses, etc. No one goes up to a bunch of women expecting them to conquer shyt or motivate them :mjlol:. This is exactly why blacks worldwide are in the position we are in, black men by and large have failed our people something serious and have caused women to try to take up the slack (again something women naturally can't do).

There's more I can say, but im.gonna end the rant here.

Tldr, black men have failed our communities and families terribly (especially for the last 500 years).
I’ll agree with you when it comes to history. It’s the way it’s taught to where you have dudes like Anton Daniels saying the past holds us back. The schools just teach we were slaves and that was it. If you learn about how Black people solved these problems of extreme oppression you can learn it’s possible to do anything. You have to learn from a problem solving nuance because our ancestors wasn’t just sitting around waiting. It was riots every week and they were terrified. A lot of intentional planning and out smarting people. We were soldiers, clergymen, educated men and farmers competing with European serfs and the results of that showed through how well we were out competing them economically. We lost because as educated people do, they choose civility. I think in some black and even native tribes, when war is done you don’t keep a standing army some of us kept that tradition, evidently with the ending of the Negro Wars and the burning of Tulsa solidifying the near end of Black American war culture. They chose violence over commerce, it ain’t because we were too defective, it’s because we were too successful and didn’t create any unfair advantages. We have a modernist culture that seeks the present, always running away because as Pac said “don’t ask me about the past because it was all bad”

The sum Black history in this hemisphere is that everyone else is scared of our potential. If we were so low IQ, why put trillions of dollars into stopping 13 percent of people over here? Why try so hard? Why harass a heroin addicted mess like Billy Holiday to death or try to lock up fat ass harmless Louis Armstrong? Meanwhile the Chinese are running in and out of super secure American institutions with info and they ain’t being surveiled at all
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Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
A lot of y'all are Kevin Samuels stans right? Delivery is harsh but the message is correct is something repeatedly said regarding him.

Well, even though this woman probably holds a deep resentment towards BM, can anyone really claim she isn't telling the truth here? :francis:
The message is not correct at all? Kevin Samuels actually offers solutions.

That rooster headed bytch was just talking shyt while being a part of the problem. What the fukk does she own or do for the community to criticize


Jan 16, 2015
I don't disagree with many of her points, but context matters.

Speaking generally, men are builders and protectors by nature, while women are the nurturers and social glue of our communities. There is a natural balance there that is often lost in the "death to patriarchy" conversation usually led by white liberals.

So when you have things like mass incarceration and drug crises that rip men from their communities, the whole village suffers. For decades after the civil rights movements, this was the unfortunate (and intentional) reality of too many of our neighborhoods.

Despite absolutely heroic efforts by BW to fill the void, women cannot really raise men to be men. They can nurture them and teach them, but it's not quite the same as having a male role model in the home. (Chris Rock has a funny "wait til your father gets home" bit that I've found absolutely true with my young boys)

It's not that black men are somehow less industrious or don't care about their status, it's that a) they're starting from further behind and b) a lack of male leaders, due in large part to past (and some current) discrimination, too many didn't have male role models and develop the 'man' muscle memory. As a result , too many of our young men allow themselves to succumb to helplessness or coddling.

And NO woman that's about building wants to take care of a grown ass man that just sits around doing nothing.

With all that said, I do think things are improving. I bank black, many of the restaurants I eat at are black-owned and I often work out of a (new) black coffee shop. All of these things were started by black men. But seeds are just being planted and will take time to bear fruit.

Sidenote, I hate the BM/BW 'gender war' shyt with a passion. Obviously there are issues to work on, which yes, generally stem from white supremacy. But there is nothing stronger than the black family. I know first hand. Don't let these incel men, bitter women or internet trolls convince you otherwise.
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All Star
Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
Yep. And if they were working in the community, which some of us are (I'm one of them) this video wouldn't have offended them because a, they already knew this and are working to change it and b, because they wouldn't fall under the category that she's talking about.

These dudes in here crying like a wounded dog cause they know deep down that she's right. Most these negroes stay high, smoked out and aint doing a damn thing in their lives but blaming other ppl for their condition but then want all the respect from a woman that they feel is due to them.

Not realizing and understanding that no woman who got something going on is gonna respect a bum.
facts... and to me... it's like when does this blame game end...they'll pass these excuses on to the next generation and the generation after... The lady is right... It's us blk men who have failed to get rid of these thugs and crackheads. failed to keep our communities safe, failed to put our heads down, study and reinvest in the community.

There are some good brothas doin some work though...but not enough.

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
Look who dapped this post :mjlol:

@CarmelBarbie @Neo The Resurrected ONE and @™BlackPearl The Empress™

BMAT’s posters and a simp :dead:

Pearl need to just get a white man like when she was stripping and whoring for them.

Carmel need to just transition her son into a woman like she obviously wants

And neo just need to end it all.

you three losers stay in any thread shytting on Black men and Neo admitted he never had a woman care about him ever so he think if he just go with divestor thinking online it’s gonna somehow make its way to real life and a bw gonna love him if he just spout

“yes ma’am I’ze trash” talking points.


It would be foolish to not think there tons of black men and women that need to step up :yeshrug:. While it was abrasive, she brought up valid points.


May 3, 2012
Who she got this talking point from? Because based on that it will let me know how much I need to say.
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May 3, 2012
St louis
black women or a broad with
cherry kool-aid colored hair?
I agree with the message but come on.
