She's one of those bullet-bag/all black men are incel types. But overall she's right. When a young black boy opens a history book in school he reads about black men being conquered by white men. Later learns about black men being castrated and enslaved by Arabs even before the Europeans. He opens up his laptop to see about current world politics and sees China taking over Africa and the Caribbean. He goes home and sees 90% of the stores in his neighborhood run by Jews, Indians, Koreans, Arabs, Mexicans and Whites....
This does something to your brain wether you believe it or not subconsciously. Most black men don't believe they have what it takes to compete with other men/ have what it takes to conquer other people.
There's a reason why every once in a while a thread would pop up on some "If you could choose, would you live in a system of blacks on top and everyone else on bottom or live in equality" most black men choose equality. Because they CANT EVEN PICTURE themselves being in positions of power because they've never seen it in their lives. Go on a white forum, Asian forum, Arab forum and ask them the same question; their answers would be ALOT different.
People on here tend to think I'm joking or trolling when I say as a man, you are more important than a women. Men are the ones that run society, build civilizations, provide confidence to our children, protect our wives, build businesses, etc. No one goes up to a bunch of women expecting them to conquer shyt or motivate them

. This is exactly why blacks worldwide are in the position we are in, black men by and large have failed our people something serious and have caused women to try to take up the slack (again something women naturally can't do).
There's more I can say, but im.gonna end the rant here.
Tldr, black men have failed our communities and families terribly (especially for the last 500 years).