Black woman wants to know why don't Black men BUILD in their communities like Asian and Hispanic men do?


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
Multiple things can be true. :manny:

Nkkas DO be in the way, of themselves. We're not tryin to build together. You will have two nkkas (from two separate cliques), on two separate sides of the street, who BOTH know how to get money. Instead of coming together, they would rather beef, go to war, or go at it alone. We're our own worse enemies. Sad shyt is, the nkkas who will beef, like the SAME women, the same clothes, the same hobbies, etc. Yet won't come together, to build. Jealously and envy, runs deep with us. Nkkas will say "hello" to a cac, then mean-mug a breh.:hubie:

The oy yays get on my nerves, but I'll always respect, how they come into an area, and setup shop. They'll open their own notaries, beauty salons, check cashes, markets, mechanics, tire shops, etc and won't fukk wit the cacs for shyt. :mjlol:

Next thing you know...they've infiltrated the entire area, and took it over. Rinse and repeat. Nkkas had these same opportunities, in the 70s and 80s. I don't necessarily wanna hear "crack" as an excuse, cuz the Fetty is around NOW, and I don't see a bunch of Hispanics, throwing it all away to get high. Maybe they learned from our mistakes, but either way, I'm just callin a spade a spade. :hubie:


Jul 24, 2018
Black relationship YouTube channels are the new hustle. I went through her page and it’s all the same shyt y’all post on here. Black men vs black women. Videos be up for 1 day and got 20k views.

Who wakes up in the morning and immediately hops on YouTube to see what some random black man or woman said about relationships?

I’m not hating at all. I glanced at a few other channels related and saw the same types of videos. It’s a very popular topic.


Mar 11, 2022
People dont buy into the black community. People move like its some shyt you stuck with if you broke. I say this as someone who supports black businesses and goes to black events in my city regularly. Outside of the activist types and the needy there is frighteningly little support for our own by our own.
first i'll say that woman doesn't know anything about resting in her femininity if that's how conducts herself and secondly, i'm a black woman and the bolded quote has been my experience. even going to networking events to promote my business i can count on one hand how many of "us" are out there and also i've been actively discouraged by black men and women not to deal with black customers. we can get online and talk about unity and whatever but that has not been my experience in the real world, we are really not supporting each other like that.


May 25, 2022
That's actually a good question.


Black people deliberately pushed for integration in the 50's and 60's because they wanted to be around cacs who despise them then they proceeded to leave their own businesses (e.g., grocery stores, bus companies, insurance companies, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, etc...) because they wanted to give their money to whites in all areas of the economy.

They were also desperate to hand their own children over to whites in white schools for them to be mentally and physically destroyed. And Malcolm told them not to but they didn't listen.

They also follow Christianity, an anti-Black pro white religion that destroyed them spiritually and mentally.

And as I've said before, Black Americans because of the above and their high levels of interracial marriage and births with cacs, deliberately high number of abortions, low birth rate, and their lack of interest in being anything other than the entertainment they face the long goodbye in this country.


Sep 12, 2015
She's one of those bullet-bag/all black men are incel types. But overall she's right. When a young black boy opens a history book in school he reads about black men being conquered by white men. Later learns about black men being castrated and enslaved by Arabs even before the Europeans. He opens up his laptop to see about current world politics and sees China taking over Africa and the Caribbean. He goes home and sees 90% of the stores in his neighborhood run by Jews, Indians, Koreans, Arabs, Mexicans and Whites....:francis:

This does something to your brain wether you believe it or not subconsciously. Most black men don't believe they have what it takes to compete with other men/ have what it takes to conquer other people.

There's a reason why every once in a while a thread would pop up on some "If you could choose, would you live in a system of blacks on top and everyone else on bottom or live in equality" most black men choose equality. Because they CANT EVEN PICTURE themselves being in positions of power because they've never seen it in their lives. Go on a white forum, Asian forum, Arab forum and ask them the same question; their answers would be ALOT different.

People on here tend to think I'm joking or trolling when I say as a man, you are more important than a women. Men are the ones that run society, build civilizations, provide confidence to our children, protect our wives, build businesses, etc. No one goes up to a bunch of women expecting them to conquer shyt or motivate them :mjlol:. This is exactly why blacks worldwide are in the position we are in, black men by and large have failed our people something serious and have caused women to try to take up the slack (again something women naturally can't do).

There's more I can say, but im.gonna end the rant here.

Tldr, black men have failed our communities and families terribly (especially for the last 500 years).

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
If you want to make a 'Why aren't BW leading us properly' thread feel free to do so. But this thread is about BM.

If you are incapable of building a community just that. But trying to blame BW whenever asked about your roll in your own owe advancement is played out. You need new material.
I don’t really want to make another thread. I’ll kindly speak my peace here, friend.

Why complain about something you can do yourself? Or start having relationships with quality men and together raise Black males to become future builders. Do you really think Black males are going to learn how to build under a Black Gynocracy?

Before the white sponsored Black Gynocracy was established in the 70s, patriarchal Black men were building successful communities throughout America. But your demonic white Zaddies burned, bombed and destroyed those successfull Black communities. Tulsa, Rosewood, Wilmington (NC), Omaha (NE), Springfield (IL), Corbin (KY), Columbus (TN), Elaine (AR) and etc.

Let’s us work together to destroy the demonic white supremacy sponsored Black Gynocracy and replace it with a economically viable Black Patriarchy. I know we can agree on that, friend.


Aug 26, 2015
It would be dope if Black folks had distribution or supply chains for businesses such as hair shops, grocery stores, etc.

There are a few Black owned grocery stores. I believe most are owned by Black Muslims / NOI types.
Jun 15, 2022
There are some black men that try to build but a lot of people don’t give a damn about black men unless they’re rappers or athletes. Most of those guys aren’t role-models and women (not just black women) continue to mate with the black men that share their same destructive mentality and lack of conscience. Like in idiocracy, the wrong men are breeding and a lot of the right men are either being boxed out of the gene pool or devaluing themselves to compete - like Tupac

Like I bet I can go on LSA right now and find a thread about any obscure rapper because the lot of them act like fools, but I don’t think I can find one about the thread we have here - the Harvard doctor homeschooling his kids.


Aug 26, 2015
She's one of those bullet-bag/all black men are incel types. But overall she's right. When a young black boy opens a history book in school he reads about black men being conquered by white men. Later learns about black men being castrated and enslaved by Arabs even before the Europeans. He opens up his laptop to see about current world politics and sees China taking over Africa and the Caribbean. He goes home and sees 90% of the stores in his neighborhood run by Jews, Indians, Koreans, Arabs, Mexicans and Whites....:francis:

This does something to your brain wether you believe it or not subconsciously. Most black men don't believe they have what it takes to compete with other men/ have what it takes to conquer other people.

There's a reason why every once in a while a thread would pop up on some "If you could choose, would you live in a system of blacks on top and everyone else on bottom or live in equality" most black men choose equality. Because they CANT EVEN PICTURE themselves being in positions of power because they've never seen it in their lives. Go on a white forum, Asian forum, Arab forum and ask them the same question; their answers would be ALOT different.

People on here tend to think I'm joking or trolling when I say as a man, you are more important than a women. Men are the ones that run society, build civilizations, provide confidence to our children, protect our wives, build businesses, etc. No one goes up to a bunch of women expecting them to conquer shyt or motivate them :mjlol:. This is exactly why blacks worldwide are in the position we are in, black men by and large have failed our people something serious and have caused women to try to take up the slack (again something women naturally can't do).

There's more I can say, but im.gonna end the rant here.

Tldr, black men have failed our communities and families terribly (especially for the last 500 years).
We haven't failed. We have had systematic issues against us. I get what you're saying because ultimately no one is coming to save us so we have to save oursleves.

So man let's build. They're not better than us. They just had a head start. We're getting their slowly but I firmly believe in a "Black Code" so to speak to get where we need to be economically.


Nov 18, 2016
You know she's right but we are true Israel trapped in modern day Babylon, the land of our captivity and punishment. The dry bones mentioned in the valley of the dry bones. History has also shown any effort at nation building by Black men will be hindered and sabotage. That is why American empire must fall.

Multiple things can be true. :manny:

Nkkas DO be in the way, of themselves. We're not tryin to build together. You will have two nkkas (from two separate cliques), on two separate sides of the street, who BOTH know how to get money. Instead of coming together, they would rather beef, go to war, or go at it alone. We're our own worse enemies. Sad shyt is, the nkkas who will beef, like the SAME women, the same clothes, the same hobbies, etc. Yet won't come together, to build. Jealously and envy, runs deep with us. Nkkas will say "hello" to a cac, then mean-mug a breh.:hubie:

The oy yays get on my nerves, but I'll always respect, how they come into an area, and setup shop. They'll open their own notaries, beauty salons, check cashes, markets, mechanics, tire shops, etc and won't fukk wit the cacs for shyt. :mjlol:

Next thing you know...they've infiltrated the entire area, and took it over. Rinse and repeat. Nkkas had these same opportunities, in the 70s and 80s. I don't necessarily wanna hear "crack" as an excuse, cuz the Fetty is around NOW, and I don't see a bunch of Hispanics, throwing it all away to get high. Maybe they learned from our mistakes, but either way, I'm just callin a spade a spade. :hubie:

Don't be ashamed to call it what it is. 20+ years ago you could've covered up the problem. Now, this shyt is to out in the open now. We have a hard time getting along with one another, and blaming another gender group is just a stall tactic.