Black Woman Blames White Universities For NOT Hooking Them Up With White MEN


Jul 24, 2015
They not mine I don’t have ownership over these random women :dead: :mjlol:

Craziest part is let black women hear you say that they need you to protect them from chad and brad :dead: .

Be 100% honest would they be flattered or tell you they don’t need you you to protect them from brad ? You know the fukking answer dikkhead :russ:
Again lying

I never said I wanted to or would protect anyone.

Further proof of you being a cac cause they live to lie.

King Poetic

Yeah I’m Washed
Feb 15, 2013
The Lakes
I think what we’re missing here is how the socioeconomic background of the women being discussed affects their thinking and goals.

When you come from a lower income background, to keep it 💯, your parents probably aren’t telling you to go find a man who can take care of you and start life. They’re telling you to hit the books and focus on your career because the faster you become financially independent, the faster they know you are “good” and they don’t have to worry about helping you.

You peep that line: "For Black women attending college, we're really striving to level the playing field or become economically stable. Our goal is to secure a career, and in turn, secure our families,"

There are some Black families who send their daughters to school to make money and help out the family, the way sons are generally expected to do that if the family needs help.

This shyt ties into the trope of Black families being hard on their girls when it comes to education— a lot of families look to those daughters to “make it”.

Black folks are not having an honest discussion about how Black girls are treated when coming up.

When compared to these White girls, marriage culture is a real thing. Parents expect them to try their best to find a man who is upwardly mobile and will be able to provide for her. Get married and get out the house. You get the degree to say you have it. Shyt I work with older white women who were like that. They graduated, got married, left the workforce. They only came back when their husbands fell ill or passed away and they didn’t have enough money to remain “retired”.

That is not what happens in Black culture at large.

Now, upper middle class Black folks operate the same way- they send their daughters to school and tell them to find an enterprising young man and get him to lock it down.

I remember that episode of A Different World- the clip is always floating around social media— Whitley was marrying the politician and her mother said she was proud. She was like “Why are you proud? I didn’t do anything“. Her mother said “You’re marrying a man who can support you”! LOL THOOOOOOSE are the college girls who get find their husbands in/soon after college. The girls with mothers like that. THAT is what these Black girls don’t realize. All of this stuff is cultural.

If you’re literally trying to get your career started because THAT is the path of security for you/your family, you’re coming from a shaky foundation and can’t focus on YOUR OWN future happiness. A lot of these girls are concerned about making sure their families/parents will be ok. That’s part of the issue that some of these White girls aren’t burdened with.

And the white guys they date come from families that give them some support and prop them up to be ready to propose at 24, 25. Down payment for the new house, job opportunities waiting when they graduate, big check from the grandparents, uncle, etc upon graduation, no or less student loans than the average Black student, etc.
(I mean, I know in my family the real gifts ($) weren’t given until you graduated undergrad— which was part of the motivation to get outta school lol)

But these girls are comparing themselves to White (marriage) Culture. It’s not the university’s job to set that up. That’s white ppl doing what white ppl do: unite familes.

If you wanted something similar your family should’ve been more focused on talking to you about marriage and finding the right guy who would take you to the next level, instead of them expecting YOU to take them to the next level. You see more of this at HBCUs.

It’s tough to say but it’s a difficult cycle to break: the women who have husbands supporting them are the exact women who teach their daughters to go find a man of their own to do the same for them. When your own mother didn’t experience it and can’t show you how to maneuver, you get lost.

These chicks literally go to college to meet men. That’s the silent part no one is willing to say out loud. The degree is just acquired to show that you are “educated”.

For white and Asian girls college is about finding a man. Black girls didn’t get the memo because Black girls actually need the $ that degree leads to.

I legit know Asian doctors who, when we’d sit around and talk they’d say “yea I mean did it to show I could. You don’t want to look lazy or uneducated. But yea once I’m married I’m done”. LOL But those girls families had money. Having a daughter who was a doctor was something to show off, but they didn’t really care about that more than marriage.

Black families aren’t promoting marriage and most young Black folks don’t have the financial security other groups have in their early/mid 20s to make that leap.

Said it a thousand times on here: y’all do not understand the bad messaging that Black girls get, mainly those from struggling backgrounds.
Totally agree.. being older and seeing how many of our black women in the late 80s going into the 90s got caught up with Oprah with the whole I don’t need a man phrase begin one of the downfall in our community

But the biggest problem nobody ever mentioned was welfare and section 8 in the 80s… that right there told a lot of our young sisters that u can go out fukk anyone u want and have a kid and we will take care of u if he doesn’t, but u can’t have him up in your crib..

And that right there turned the landscape of our community where the hard working 9-5 working at the auto plant or manufacturing plant brother wasn’t necessary no more for our women, because the fast life drug dealer can get them what they want, them brothers was flashy , had the latest rides and buy them what they want.. and if they get them pregnant and bounced , well step daddy welfare/section 8 can come in and help and they could go on and now focus on getting a education..

Then later on white corporations started catching heat about work diversity and not enough women of color in their organization… So they started hiring black women because that killed 2 birds with one stone.. hired a woman and a black person,, which led black men on the outside of many of these corporations, even as of today

But overall black men and women minds are all about SELF no marriage no building together and no faithfulness and honesty among the two.. everybody is for self today and that’s why we at the bottom


May 6, 2012
crazy that after decades black men can’t peep game being ran on them :dead: .

That bytch gives zero fukks about black men she just put enough to fool you
You got wenches writing articles about dating white men you’ve found a way to defend it , spin it and make it black mens fault and somehow I’m the one with self hate :dead:

nikka please :mjlol: :pacspit:



Apr 30, 2012
I be joking with the pawg shyt I just see things the way it is and not afraid to say the truth but when I imagined my wife in my head she ain’t no cac :russ:
I’m thinking about leaving breh :banderas:

Not even for women but I’ll definitely be indulging :wow:

I’m tired of the rat race of America that black men will never win . I’m prepping my exodus. I’m going to take American dollars and get the fukk out of here :umad:
Digital nomad working online and remote shyt

Brazil is looking like the go . Black Brazilian women :wow: I’m not a delusional passport breh that thinks it’s going to be a perfect fantasy but I think that’s the move for me right now .

Y’all might think it’s lame but y’all date black women here who hate y’all :umad::dead: I’m going to be chilling on the beach. I’m not just chatting shyt I’m never going to do either . Definitely by 2024:banderas::yeshrug:

I’m still young I can go for a couple years and if I don’t like it I’ll come back and give brehs my honest experience :obama: from someone who’s actually done it not just hating old heads telling y’all that you lame for wanting to travel:dead:

I’m tired of America in general American women just happen to be included.
i get your frustration but black Brazilian women are even bigger wenches :dead:

i mean. they are the number one enforcer along with black dominican women of that making the race brighter phrase and process that was carried out in latin america


Mar 11, 2022
I was told that the bw of all women goes against nature
Because we have a CULTURAL problem lmao

Those girls of other races have dad at home supporting their mother, they see a woman being taken care of and their parents say “hey, go get your own man to take care of you”

Black girls are told: “no one is coming to save you, go make money”

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
Because we have a CULTURAL problem lmao

Those girls of other races have dad at home supporting their mother, they see a woman being taken care of and their parents say “hey, go get your own man to take care of you”

Black girls are told: “no one is coming to save you, go make money”
A lot of it has to do with social media and entertainment as well, amplifying that message instead of noting that such is not the ideal. It should be seen as a reality to avoid rather than something one runs head long into. It shouldn't be glamorized. It would help to elevate the more self-conscious women who got it right, like Michelle Obama (all media gaffs aside) and so on.


High Value Poster
Jul 18, 2018
Because we have a CULTURAL problem lmao

Those girls of other races have dad at home supporting their mother, they see a woman being taken care of and their parents say “hey, go get your own man to take care of you”

Black girls are told: “no one is coming to save you, go make money”
They don’t see that. That’s what they choose to believe. It isn’t based in reality. Middle class women who are married still work and split bills. I work with Asian, Indian, and white women all of them are married or engaged, work full time, and make $65-100k a year.


May 6, 2015
Want black men that are educated, are not the ones they physically attracted to. Not every black man is some 6'8 chiseled ballplayer with clout and swag that is a 6 figure earner.

Hate to say this, but outside of staying in shape for health reasons, too many black folks are throwing away good partners over extreme sexual attraction. Like, wanting dudes to be some sex god to them as a regular standard.

But here is the hypocrisy, for some Black females, we gotta be 6certer with Ghost's physique and bread.....but....but...they end up with some Seth Rogan/Jonah Hill cac who are two burgers away from a triple bypass...

Which is what sis is gonna end up with...

And who gets married at 22?23? Dumb decision...

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Didn't read the article. Just commenting on some of the responses I read.

BW are dong the exact same thing every other woman is doing; working and getting an education. Yet we're the only community of women demonized for it.

Yet the same community that told us that these things are keeping us for marrying somehow has no issue having children with us or laying up with us.

I am so tired of "bw are at fault for low marriage rates." BS

These men aren't marrying the women in their community because they don't want to or can't afford to be married. That's the bottom line. If it wasn't the case they would be marrying in high numbers in other communities.

BW need to stop being delusional and believing the BS that we are harming our community by participating as productive members of society.


Mar 11, 2022
They don’t see that. That’s what they choose to believe. It isn’t based in reality. Middle class women who are married still work and split bills. I work with Asian, Indian, and white women all of them are married or engaged, work full time, and make $65-100k a year.
Of course- most couple work. Of course.

Point is there is a man in that house who ultimately takes responsibility for the women in his house and won’t send his daughter out in the world to fend for herself.

What these white and Asian ppl say to their 23YO daughter is not what is said in Black households

V Skyye

All Star
Mar 26, 2017
Totally agree.. being older and seeing how many of our black women in the late 80s going into the 90s got caught up with Oprah with the whole I don’t need a man phrase begin one of the downfall in our community

But the biggest problem nobody ever mentioned was welfare and section 8 in the 80s… that right there told a lot of our young sisters that u can go out fukk anyone u want and have a kid and we will take care of u if he doesn’t, but u can’t have him up in your crib..

And that right there turned the landscape of our community where the hard working 9-5 working at the auto plant or manufacturing plant brother wasn’t necessary no more for our women, because the fast life drug dealer can get them what they want, them brothers was flashy , had the latest rides and buy them what they want.. and if they get them pregnant and bounced , well step daddy welfare/section 8 can come in and help and they could go on and now focus on getting a education..

Then later on white corporations started catching heat about work diversity and not enough women of color in their organization… So they started hiring black women because that killed 2 birds with one stone.. hired a woman and a black person,, which led black men on the outside of many of these corporations, even as of today

But overall black men and women minds are all about SELF no marriage no building together and no faithfulness and honesty among the two.. everybody is for self today and that’s why we at the bottom
No woman in a loving and supportive marriage wakes up one day and says “I don’t need a man” because Oprah said so. Men were already long out of the home by then. I agree with some of the cultural stuff you said but this is really a chicken or egg argument. I also agree that it is by design to shut black men out of the workforce. And I really can’t fault anybody who has to choose between being homeless as a family vs qualifying for section 8 housing without a man. Love goes out the window for many women if their man can’t find a job and their children are facing eviction.
Because we have a CULTURAL problem lmao

Those girls of other races have dad at home supporting their mother, they see a woman being taken care of and their parents say “hey, go get your own man to take care of you”

Black girls are told: “no one is coming to save you, go make money”
Statistically speaking, this is true and many older women learned this the hard way. Especially now due to the wealth inequities in communities. Like you said earlier…. White people are more likely to be able to assist their kids with college, home down payments, and weddings.

But Black girls and women do need to learn better dating practices really starting in high school. They should be encouraged to date boys who are smart, come from get families, and are serious about the future. Setting standards starts early.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Didn't read the article. Just commenting on some of the responses I read.

BW are dong the exact same thing every other woman is doing; working and getting an education. Yet we're the only community of women demonized for it.

Yet the same community that told us that these things are keeping us for marrying somehow has no issue having children with us or laying up with us.

I am so tired of "bw are at fault for low marriage rates." BS

These men aren't marrying the women in their community because they don't want to or can't afford to be married. That's the bottom line. If it wasn't the case they would be marrying in high numbers in other communities.

BW need to stop being delusional and believing the BS that we are harming our community by participating as productive members of society.
Are you sure that you are the right person to be spreading this message? You, by your own admittance, does not fit this category of women.

Also, your attempts to talk down about the finances of Black men is pretty hilarious considering the methods you have used to support yourself.