Yeah, those are creole, but the use of the same types of seafood is a soul food thing, in my opinion.I would describe this more creole, than "soul food", if you add gumbo, gotta add etouffe, jambalaya etc..which usually arent cateogrized as "universal" soul food dishes.
Most black people eat crustaceans, different fish, and eat that as part of the "soul food" dishes. In Louisiana, they just use crawfish instead of shrimps, but the eating of it, is basically the same as other blacks in the south. The same with crabs. My family is from NC, and eating crabs was an integral part of the diet. I grew up with fish fries, and crab boils, and my family wasn't from Louisiana. I think what really sets the creole apart is the soup making using the seafood. And the spice used. The method to make it is still the same as other blacks in the south when they make roux. The roux is really the base of what makes a gumbo. My mother always made a roux when she fried fish or shrimp, I thought it was normal for everyone to do that. We just ate the roux with some rice, the creole's use it as the main dish when they make gumbo.
I wish I can find a vegetarian gumbo, I LOVE GUMBO