When you look at some of the Black neighborhoods in New York and compare what they have to potentially getting a trader Joes, the latter simply can't compete. in 2014 you still have food deserts in many hoods in NYC where the closest thing to healthy and affordable food is a corner store that sells frozen fish sticks and chicken nuggets. If the Black representatives have an alternative that would see them have a black supermarket put in place where they are giving blacks jobs and investing in the community then I would have no problem with it. But it seems as though they have no viable alternative that would do that.
Black business in NYC is waning and it's waning fast. Alot of historical landmarks and businesses are being closed, sold, or torn down because they either don't have enough support from the community to stay in business, they don't have have products that attract customers, or they don't have enough capital to stay in business in commercially expensive areas like Brooklyn and an emerging Harlem. I actually like the idea of a co-op or a venture by local black entrepreneurs to introduce a supermarket in the area that is controlled by blacks and is invested back into the community for the benefit of blacks. But as long as Blacks have this "im gonna do me" attitude, then other groups are gonna outpace us sadly.