"Black people were better off during the Jim Crow era"-the coli

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
"Mickey Factz will be bigger than Lupe Fiasco." - The Coli

"Cam Newton isn't built for the NFL." - The Coli

"Drake is done." - The Coli

"Mayweather has never faced a fighter like Pacquiao." - The Coli

"Kylie Jenner is a 5." - The Coli

Jul 26, 2012
Racial pride was not prevalent in our community in the time of segregation. If you ever read a book from Dubois or watch a documentary about Garvey, both of them had detailed the lack of confidence, consciousness, and pride in heritage that negroes had in the past. We all should know the history on how COLORISM was the great divider : lightskin vs. darkskin. The wealthy blacks would have stay in their communities and rebuild their neighborhood with innovative plans if they had racial pride. Integration shouldn't have been an excuse for them to ditch their own people to live next to white people.



The one true gym gawd...
May 24, 2014
Thank you white people for integrating us for your own...I mean black peoples economic and social benefit :blessed:

Thanks for outstanding job you're doing of policing our communities giving us jobs and welcoming us open armed in your communities :blessed:

That's for lettin us be slaves, I mean workers for your companies making you all rich while we make next to nothing :blessed:

shyt we might as well thank them for ending slavery too since their wasn't any other intentions outside of the good that's in every white persons heart :blessed:

What would have done without being integrated into the white mans society wholeheartedly :sadcam: I shudder at the thought of the savages we would've become if we had to do for ourselves because lard knows white Jesus didn't have that in mind for us :wow:

The irony of the similarities between clowns who believe integration was a great thing for us and the reasons against reparations...but we shouldn't discuss shyt like that since the white man has treated us so good since Jim Crow era. Integration is the best thing that's happened to us since the white man brought us to the states :blessed: our poverty rate has decreased while our income stagnated and debt to income ration increased substantially to white owned institutions :lawd: meanwhile more of us are in jail or felons than ever :leon: and our youth is the most unemployed in the nation :leon:

Thank you white man for ending Jim Crow :ahh: I really don't know how we would've made it without you good fellas help :whew:


Dec 2, 2012
everybody who claims integration was a mistake and black people should have just done their own thing doesn't understand economics :snoop:
there is no way black people could have separated from white people and build up a competetive economy rivaling with that of "white america". in an advanced capitalist society, you can't build an economy based on cornerstores, restaurants and other small businesses, which are the only businesses you can open up directed at only "your people". you need industry and large corporations. back then you would have needed car manufacturing and steel plants, today you would need large banks and technological companies. these are companies that can neither employ nor sell to solely black or white people, because that would put them at a huge competetive disadvantage. it simply doesn't work like that. let alone the fact that the america you fools want black people to separate from had already build up the biggest economy in the world and since capitalist economies grow exponentially, it is almost impossible to catch up. learn economics before you start preaching that group economics shyt, so that you actually understand what you are talking about.


All Star
Jan 27, 2015
:sas2: Yeah lets act like pre tax income is the ONLY measure of "better off"...love that liberal reductionism

This is very one sided. In the late 60s there were literally kids starving to death in the south because people were not working.

1967 – Robert F. Kennedy’s Visit to the MS Delta | Jim Lucas Photography
Robert Kennedy's transformation ran through Mississippi
Nobody had to tell Senator Robert F. Kennedy that the world was filled with starving children. He’d met them — toddlers with the telltale swollen bellies, oozing sores, and persistent listlessness — in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. But surely not in America’s richly fertile Mississippi Delta, whose sugar, rice, and soybeans fed the world. Not after the billions we’d spent waging a War on Poverty, a war that the Kennedys helped kick-start. Not our babies.

What he heard about hunger at a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill in March 1967 so alarmed him that a month later he flew to a field hearing in Jackson, where his airport greeting party included a gauntlet of KKK protesters shrieking “n----- lover” and carrying a sign reading, "let lbj send rfk to hanoi, not to mississippi." The next day he and fellow senators listened intently as witnesses gave human faces to the figures recited in Washington. Black sharecroppers were surrendering their jobs to crop-picking machines, then being chased out of the state by white oligarchs who were petrified they’d lose power now that Negroes had the vote. Two-parent families were ineligible for welfare and, with zero income, could not scrape together the monthly fee of $2 per person for food stamps. Bobby knew better than to take seriously Mississippi governor Paul Johnson’s sneer that “all the Negroes I’ve seen around here are so fat they shine!” But surely Marian Wright, the young civil rights activist, was being equally hyperbolic in testifying that scores of her fellow Mississippians were “starving. They’re starving, and those who can get the bus fare to go north are trying to go north. ... I wish that (senators) would have a chance to go and just look at the empty cupboards in the Delta and the number of people who are going around begging just to feed their children.”

“I want to see it,” Bobby said. The following day, while other senators on the Poverty Subcommittee flew home to the perquisites of Washington, he and Chairman Joe Clark ventured into the region that once was the dominion of King Cotton. Their first stop was a black outpost in the bowels of the Delta, at a shotgun shack where daylight shone through cracks in the floor and ceiling and the only item in the refrigerator was a jar of peanut butter. Fifteen people called it home. The stench was a nauseating brew of mildew and outhouse. Children huddled out front, clad in rags that barely covered the open sores on their arms and legs. “What did you have for breakfast?” Bobby asked a young boy. “Molasses.” he said. “For supper?” “Molasses.” “For lunch?” “Don’t have no lunch.” A large, ancient-looking woman in baggy clothes thanked the senators for their offer of help but explained that she was too old to wait. How old was she? Bobby asked. “I’m thirty-three.”

“I’ve been to third-world countries and I’ve never seen anything like this,” Bobby whispered to his aide Peter Edelman as they trekked across a field of uncut grass to another weather-beaten hovel. Clotheslines crisscrossed one room. Bricks propped up a bed where an infant sucked on a bottle. An open toilet out back had no plumbing. There were no tables in the house, nor any knives, forks, or spoons. Annie White, mother of seven, was in the kitchen doing laundry over a washboard and zinc tub that could have been her grandparents’. Her twenty-month-old son sat nearby in a tattered diaper, his tummy bloated from too little food rather than too much. The boy picked at bits of cornbread and rubbed spilled kernels of rice in circles, around and around in a hypnotic motion. Bobby knelt beside him on the dirt floor, silently stroking his cheek. It was the way this tactile senator communicated — a pat and tickle delivered at the child’s eye level, where adults seldom ventured. A minute went by, then four more. The boy remained transfixed by his scraps, oblivious to the flies swarming overhead or the senator with tears streaming down his cheeks, trying desperately to make a human connection.

Quietly shattered, Bobby stepped through the back door and told those within hearing, “We spend $75 billion a year on armaments and $3 billion a year on dogs. We have to do more for these children who didn’t ask to be born into this.” Cliff Langford, editor of the local weekly newspaper and a longtime Kennedy hater, shouted back that the two senators were being brainwashed and “I don’t know of anybody starving down here.” Bobby: “Step over here and I’ll introduce you to some.”

The reassembled motorcade — a pair of senators, a dozen reporters from state and national newspapers and the three TV networks, along with a squad of U.S. marshals, state highway patrolmen, and local police — headed toward Clarksdale, where a crowd of a thousand young blacks waited. But Bobby wasn’t quite ready. He insisted on stopping at one more roadside shack, where he was greeted by an out-of-work farmer named Andrew Jackson, who invited him in, unsure who he was. Jackson said he was supporting his family of six on $12 a month. His house had no electricity, running water, or toilet. On the wall were two photographs — of the Glorybound Singers and John F. Kennedy. “Is you really Mr. Bobby Kennedy?” Jackson inquired. “Yes,” said Bobby, as he grinned and clasped his host’s hand, “and are you really Mr. Andrew Jackson?”

That trip to the Delta is often cited as Bobby’s epiphany regarding the depth of poverty in America, and proof of his ability to focus a laserlike spotlight on a hidden issue like starvation.
Conservatives and Libertarians love to talk about the failure of liberal policies. But they never talk about solutions. If Thomas Sowell knows so much, why doesn't he tell us the solution to poverty in the inner city. Easy to point out where the doer of deeds fail instead of proposing solutions. There are parts of this country where the free market fails. Do conservatives/libertarians have solutions to those problems.


All Star
Jan 27, 2015
:sas2: Yeah lets act like pre tax income is the ONLY measure of "better off"...love that liberal reductionism

And if the starving and malnourished kids in Mississippi delta wasn't enough to show just how bad things use to be and how much better they are now...

All of this to say that the conservative/liberal notion that the welfare state is what bought about America's, and more specifically Black America's, downfall is a myth. Black people were screwed long before LBJ, Affirmative Action or the Welfare State.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
:sas2: Yeah lets act like pre tax income is the ONLY measure of "better off"...love that liberal reductionism

Of course you would come in and post a garbage c00n ass Thomas Sowell video.

There is no life quality index measure that would indicate that black life was of a higher quality pre-1965 than it is today. There was more poverty, less well-paying jobs, no social safety net, unequal access to public resources like schools, hospitals, etc., high school graduation rates were awful, loan discrimination, redlining, only 3% of black people graduated from college, police brutality wasn't a national outrage it was a given part of black life, lynching was still going on and sundown towns were prevalent all over the country, and in the most progressive locales you could still be arrested, beat up or killed for walking too far and crossing an imaginary line out of your designated ghetto. There was no freedom or agency to go wherever you want and do whatever you think might make you happy.

There isn't one black person who lived in the Jim Crow days that wouldn't trade places with us today.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I can't believe it took all the way 'til post #26 in here for Black business to come up.
That's often the impetus for the quote in the title.
Only a minority of black people owned businesses and black businesses for the most part didn't make shyt because the whole black community they serviced was poor, so the business owners were poor too. Plus with redlining and loan discrimination, they could only own the businesses they were allowed to own by white people.

Lol you really think the average broke ass black owner of a bar, restaurant, or a clothing store in 1960 wouldn't trade that to be a corporate worker bee in 2016?

I'm a cog in a large corporation but I make pretty good money, and I live in the suburbs with a nice car, health insurance, 401k wi-fi, kodi, etc, and I can go where I want and do what I want and my kids will be better off than black kids in the 50's and 60's. That life > owning a dry cleaners in your segregated ghetto with no diploma or degree, living in poverty, and getting lynched for not saying "no sir" to a white man.
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Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
And if the starving and malnourished kids in Mississippi delta wasn't enough to show just how bad things use to be and how much better they are now...

All of this to say that the conservative/liberal notion that the welfare state is what bought about America's, and more specifically Black America's, downfall is a myth. Black people were screwed long before LBJ, Affirmative Action or the Welfare State.

Look what racism have done to our people. :mjcry: The documentaries are so depressing:to:


Feb 2, 2016
:ufdup:Total separation from the white man.

:whoa:Not necessarily from the white women, tho.

:snoop: that wasnt what Jim Crow was about nikka. We still rode the same transportation...worked the same jobs...attended the same venues...it was about whites dividing them from us. We had shyttier schools...homes..service...AND COULD NOT GET ACCESS TO BETTER...we were flat out denied loans..college admission..better schooling..jobs...in some cases and far too often emergency healthcare.

Yall foolish idea that there was this black mecca where blacks thrived with hundreds of businesses and top notch schools and banks and economic independence...is some shyt only a idiot who has never read a book in thier life would believe.

And black wallstreet was a mecca...but whitey bombed the shyt out of it...that should tell you something. We have always been integrated in America. The major difference now is we can get what they have with some fortitude and determination. We have the doors opened for the most part...but alot of us simply dont understand the significance of walking through...some dumb nikkas even talk about working for the white man...like nikka...:what:..get this money and let that shyt work for you...clowns are backwards as hell...like if you really knew...


May 10, 2012
the American standard of living was pretty shytty all around until the 50's/60's massive expansion of the post WWII economy brought a ton of folks into the middle class, it was downright appalling for the 75% of the black community until a few recent decades ago


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Only a minority of black people owned businesses and black businesses for the most part didn't make shyt because the whole black community they serviced was poor, so the business owners were poor too. Plus with redlining and loan discrimination, they could only own the businesses they were allowed to own by white people.

Lol you really think the average broke ass black owner of a bar, restaurant, or a clothing store in 1960 wouldn't trade that to be a corporate worker bee in 2016?

I'm a cog in a large corporation but I make pretty good money, and I live in the suburbs with a nice car, health insurance, 401k wi-fi, kodi, etc, and I can go where I want and do what I want and my kids will be better off than black kids in the 50's and 60's. That life > owning a dry cleaners in your segregated ghetto with no diploma or degree, living in poverty, and getting lynched for not saying "no sir" to a white man.

Bruh, you don't have to tell me this - I know.

But this is lost by the "why don't you have a Black business? Why you wanna slave for the White man?" crowd.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
"EVERYTHING was worse back then, but that's what makes it better :blessed:" - thecoli.com
"I don't give a fukk about what anyone from that time says, I know what they went through better than they do themselves" - thecoli.com
These cats must've never talked to an old black person in their life. They must not know their grandparents or something.