Black People stop lightening your skin


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
You must be broke, jobless, uneducated or living home with your parents. Because black folks (especially black women) WHO WORK IN CORPORATE America completely understand my statements.

Sorry kneegrow...but your sense of entitlement over MY hair ain't going to stop me from making a living.

You're a idiot c00n, do you know what cointelpro is, do you know what jim crow is? do you know what the prison industrial complex is? surely you know what slavery is? ALL WERE SOCIAL INSTUTITONS created by the "powerful" white men of this country that you idolize, to keep the black maledown, this isn't excuses its cold hard facts. Generations of black men have been DESTROYED by white america, do you realize when slaves were freed, we were actually being elected into public office? When the southern white male saw that we were becoming too powerful too quickly he HAD TO NIP it in the bud with Jim Crow, before you shyt on the black man, look at the CAC who installed institutional white privilege into our "great" society and see why the state of the black man is so fukked up,

sincerely fukk you c00n. :pacspit:
Apr 11, 2013
i understand your statements, but when are you black feminist going realize your hypocrisy? you praise patriarchal white men and their desire to build for their community and women; but denounce the idea of black men having any kind of dominion over black women. the sad part is black women still haven't figured out they need both genders to succeed in order to thrive, we are tethered to eachother, lady.

At what point did I claim to be a feminist???? :wtf:

Also, you comparison of white men and yourselves is an unfair comparison. When it comes to women's issues white men are by far the most progressive of all raises of men.

Furthermore, black women aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building. We aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building with each other.

White feminist didn't stop Steve Jobs from building Apple. White feminist didn't stop Bill Gates, Donald Trump, all them other rich and powerful white men from building their empires.

Black men aren't out here trying to build a damn thing and black women don't have a thing to do with it.

When I start seeing some functional black communities then maybe we can start talking about black men flexing their some patriarchy. Until then, folks need to stay in their lanes and stop catching feelings because people like ME (who just so happen to share their race) have no desire to be in the poorhouse with them.

As long as a white man is signing my paycheck you damn right I'm going to get with his dress codes in the workplace.


Aug 22, 2012

:gag: This is supposed to be one of the biggest NY rappers right now...

i like how you throw NY in there


May 2, 2012
At what point did I claim to be a feminist???? :wtf:

Also, you comparison of white men and yourselves is an unfair comparison. When it comes to women's issues white men are by far the most progressive of all raises of men.

Furthermore, black women aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building. We aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building with each other.

White feminist didn't stop Steve Jobs from building Apple. White feminist didn't stop Bill Gates, Donald Trump, all them other rich and powerful white men from building their empires.

Black men aren't out here trying to build a damn thing and black women don't have a thing to do with it.

When I start seeing some functional black communities then maybe we can start talking about black men flexing their some patriarchy. Until then, folks need to stay in their lanes and stop catching feelings because people like ME (who just so happen to share their race) have no desire to be in the poorhouse with them.

As long as a white man is signing my paycheck you damn right I'm going to get with his dress codes in the workplace.

well, the white man isn't stopping black women from wearing their hair natural. however, he does set the standard for what he deems attractive, and black women do get with the program. that wont change until black men control at least SOME of the economic landscape in our own communities.

the connection between black men not building is evident when you see who's raising these men. black males are taught by black mothers who don't know how to do anything other than consume. it's no coincidence so many black males are into fashion just as much as the women. problem is y'all believe black boys are supposed to pop out of the womb and know how to create wealth out of thin air. blaming black males born in the 80's for problems that existed before our fathers were born. :heh:

nobody is asking you to be in the poor house with us homely nikkas. would just be nice for black women to understand they perpetuate the problem and go against their best interest by making black males their enemy. because despite a few being cherry picked here and there, as a collective, white men will never acknowledge black beauty.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
At what point did I claim to be a feminist???? :wtf:

Also, you comparison of white men and yourselves is an unfair comparison. When it comes to women's issues white men are by far the most progressive of all raises of men.

Furthermore, black women aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building. We aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building with each other.

White feminist didn't stop Steve Jobs from building Apple. White feminist didn't stop Bill Gates, Donald Trump, all them other rich and powerful white men from building their empires.

Black men aren't out here trying to build a damn thing and black women don't have a thing to do with it.

When I start seeing some functional black communities then maybe we can start talking about black men flexing their some patriarchy. Until then, folks need to stay in their lanes and stop catching feelings because people like ME (who just so happen to share their race) have no desire to be in the poorhouse with them.

As long as a white man is signing my paycheck you damn right I'm going to get with his dress codes in the workplace.


Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012
At what point did I claim to be a feminist???? :wtf:

Also, you comparison of white men and yourselves is an unfair comparison. When it comes to women's issues white men are by far the most progressive of all raises of men.

Furthermore, black women aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building. We aren't doing a damn thing to stop black men from building with each other.

White feminist didn't stop Steve Jobs from building Apple. White feminist didn't stop Bill Gates, Donald Trump, all them other rich and powerful white men from building their empires.

Black men aren't out here trying to build a damn thing and black women don't have a thing to do with it.

When I start seeing some functional black communities then maybe we can start talking about black men flexing their some patriarchy. Until then, folks need to stay in their lanes and stop catching feelings because people like ME (who just so happen to share their race) have no desire to be in the poorhouse with them.

As long as a white man is signing my paycheck you damn right I'm going to get with his dress codes in the workplace.

You're disgusting and you make black women look bad.
Apr 11, 2013
At first I was on your side and was even cosigning you until I started to read more and more of your posts. You're really coming off as a bitter, faux pro-black feminist bulldyke and you seem to have nothing but sweeping generalizations when it comes to black men. You flat out ignore the ones who are trying to do good and try to give back to the community.

You're really no better than the c00ns you decry. House ****** is a very fitting description for you.

With all due respect...where I come from you give respect to get it.

People on here think they can throw darts and shots at people and expect that shyt to fly. Then when folks start defending themselves they find themselves butt hurt.

Scroll up...someone here came at ME. I didn't come at him. So, the fact that I defended myself and MY STATEMENTS makes me "bitter" and a "bulldyke" in your book?? Well I'm sorry need to pick up another book!

Check your emotions and stay in your lane.

You're a idiot c00n, do you know what cointelpro is, do you know what jim crow is? do you know what the prison industrial complex is? surely you know what slavery is? ALL WERE SOCIAL INSTUTITONS created by the "powerful" white men of this country that you idolize, to keep the black maledown, this isn't excuses its cold hard facts.

Generations of black men have been DESTROYED by white america, do you realize when slaves were freed, we were actually being elected into public office? When the southern white male saw that we were becoming too powerful too quickly he HAD TO NIP it in the bud with Jim Crow, before you shyt on the black man, look at the CAC who installed institutional white privilege into our "great" society and see why the state of the black man is so fukked up,

And you're a moron. What the hell does this have to do with dumbasses on this site passing judgement on black women who choose to wear their hair the way they phucking want???

So because black women would rather subscribe to white Eurocentric alot of case to put and KEEP food on table...rather than the flip-flopping standards of a forum full of LOSERS we're "c00ns"???

Again, you "men" (and I use this word loosely) must live at home with your mothers. You must work some dead end shytty jobs. You must be broke as hell. Because people who actually have their foot in the door already know what time it is.

sincerely fukk you c00n. :pacspit:

No...fukk you! And have a nice day. :youngsabo:

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I love how not one black women is going aginst mudershewrote. Wake up simps most black women agree with her post