New Hope For the HaveNotz
You must be broke, jobless, uneducated or living home with your parents. Because black folks (especially black women) WHO WORK IN CORPORATE America completely understand my statements.
Sorry kneegrow...but your sense of entitlement over MY hair ain't going to stop me from making a living.
You're a idiot c00n, do you know what cointelpro is, do you know what jim crow is? do you know what the prison industrial complex is? surely you know what slavery is? ALL WERE SOCIAL INSTUTITONS created by the "powerful" white men of this country that you idolize, to keep the black maledown, this isn't excuses its cold hard facts. Generations of black men have been DESTROYED by white america, do you realize when slaves were freed, we were actually being elected into public office? When the southern white male saw that we were becoming too powerful too quickly he HAD TO NIP it in the bud with Jim Crow, before you shyt on the black man, look at the CAC who installed institutional white privilege into our "great" society and see why the state of the black man is so fukked up,
sincerely fukk you c00n.