the thing is money seems to seperate blacks to a point where its a total disconnect
almost like youve escaped being black to a certain extent
@Tommy Knocks not so much n this thread but still the handout from whites part i disagree a
nd i barely know what nikkas mean when they say troll
but my point still stands with that statement
nobody said anything about hand outs, but rather not viewing whites who are willing to work with blacks as enemies. and yes, they do exist....they elected a black president...and have hired me in great corporate positions without seeing the color of my skin, and only my credentials, and no, not because of affirmative actions because the dept already had 3-4 other black folks. she was just a cool ass boss who wanted a diverse team.
What am I doing? Im in college getting educated so I will have the tools and networking to start programs that focuses on poor black youth in inner cities like Oakland.
lol at blacks thinking latinos love them.
Go to south America...I have been there once. They hate your ass.
Get a gun and be ready to shoot when they take over legally of course
Got a taste of your own medicine, huh Ghania boy?
Now, you know how Black women feel when you go out of your way to diss them constantly.
they hired a biracial president who happens to look and identify himself "racially" as black but hes not black
he wants people to come together as one...the exact opposite of this thread in a way
im all for diversity and individuality but at the same time it plagues my mind that we are never the employers,distributers,manufacturers,financiers
Is that you?![]()
actually we are. you might want to take a look at the fortune 500 rich blacks. believe it or not they're not entertainers or athletes. For example the CEO of Amex is/was black. for a group that only makes up 10% we actually have a large amount of what you just listed. not as high as jews, but pretty high.
alotta nikkas arguin the same points just at different speeds
but if yall aware of this knowledge pass it on
you aint gotta be preachy but keep it real wit nikkas
dont assume people fukked up cuz they choose to be fukked up
but that goes back to the point where we were sayin its such a large disconnect when it comes to those not fortunate and those who are
im not suprised but the average black guy isnt gonna be convinced weve reached equal opportunity
think about it BET is not even owned by blacks anymore
all of those CEOs are in avenues irrelevent to whats goin on in the blak communties
and even then the decisions they make are in the interest of whites or just overall profit
its prolly a black CEO for alot of companies but they for damn sure aint workin in the benefit of blacks.
I agree with you on this also, but the only way to do it is by living it, and let them ask you. When I was coming up, I noticed there were very few people willing to listen to the old man with dreadlocks who was losing his hair due to stress. I listened to him though, but learned the hard way, all the knowledge in the world won't wake people up. It's hard to admit, but most people don't care about shyt, unless it's making them feel good at the moment. I got tired of trying to get people to see the light, only to have them shyt on me when they got a little something. This came from all races. I'm never going down that road again. I learned you can only help people who truly want it, and that is not a lot of people.
You only get one life, so you have to ask yourself is it worth trying to change people who aren't willing to change or live your life, and change those who you meet on your journey by talking to them, and letting them see the living embodiment of what they want in life, which gives them the energy to live their dreams. To me all the prophets came already, so I don't need to try, and be one. All I can do is use the tools they allowed me to have, and do my thing. Yeah, some people aren't going to like me, but they have issues so why should I care. This is a mental war, so if I know that, then I know how to win it, and that is to get my mind right with confidence form history, and knowing humans in general are crazy who did good and bad things so I need to protect myself, and choose which side I want to be on, accomplishing things that money can't buy so I have proof that I am not the bullshyt people say I am, and learn how to use my money to gain power in my world because someone can try to hurt me all they want, but if I have money, I can stop that shyt quick fast because money is what EVERYONE wants. Plus, I can protect myself with the best tools to make someone think twice of seeing me as a victim.
what I learned in african american studies is that many blacks are in high positions but that they're not highlighted as blacks. For example, did you know we have 12 astronauts on the NASA roster? probably not. why? because you probably read the name and assume they're white, or the media never highlights the race like they do when it's a criminal. when it's a criminal they make sure to add "african american, 5'11, etc etc" but when it's a CEO etc, you just read a name, or his nationality (american), its funny because when it comes to good things, he or she is american, american innovator, american CEO, american business owner, but when its something bad....african american or black is used magically.
as for benefitting the black community, I agree. and that's because there's no sense of community once you reach those heights much like rich white folks aren't seeing it as 'helping the white community' when have you ever heard that term? rich people don't help poor people no matter the race. don't get me wrong a lot of rich black folks contribute to charities and organizations but they're never control. whats fukked up is, I think it should be highlighted as to encourage the youth, so they have role models.