This is why our nations lack. Lets be clear on somthing, sticking together as a race does not mean holding hands around campfires kissing ass singing "we shall overcome" and making noises at church rallies. Sticking together means creating institutions, practices or establishments that will benefit the future of our race and our race only. You may be thinking "sht, no other race did this" but that is far, far from the truth, every single prominent race has done this at one point or another.
Most nations considered first world were founded by non-blacks, very few black nation are considered modern or first world, am I lying? Right, now why do you think this is? If humanity is really "everyman for him self no matter race" as you propose, why is the global distribution of wealth and prosperity between races so uneven? Why are European nations typically much better of than African nations? The answer is unionization. One things white folks did more than enough of was to move as a union, as a race they travelled the globe, conquered and used resources from their exploits to improve themselves. They had grand ambitions as a collective and accomplished them together, they didnt give a fck about anyone else, especially us, the only time they let us fck with them was to exploit us and even then if our ex-leaders tried to bring us together they had their character or physical assasinted, am I lying?
When we unionize, our minds , interests, skills, abilities diverge and in that we become much stronger. Every great nation has done this to a much larger extent than we have, in fact, Europeans/Americans came to many african nations, caused internal conflict and split our nation apart because they knew that we are easier to control/break once separated (.e.g. read about the Biafra war, brother @
Don Drogo knows the deal. Hell, they've even done it recently, check Libya out), then to make things worse our own people began leaving our nations due the misconception that a better life could only be found away form Africa. The simple truth is that our nations problems, whether in the AA communities or back home, can be solved if we unionise hence why brothers in here are stressing unity like they are.