Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (Official Thread)

May 29, 2012
White bear is the episode I tell people to watch first. I think it sums up the series perfectly.

I don't think San Junipero has a happy ending. At the end of the day, all of those people are dead. And that simulation they live in doesn't replace the sorrow they were dealing with in real life. And I think it's taking a heavy shot at religion. But that's just my 2 cents


May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota
White bear is the episode I tell people to watch first. I think it sums up the series perfectly.

I don't think San Junipero has a happy ending. At the end of the day, all of those people are dead. And that simulation they live in doesn't replace the sorrow they were dealing with in real life. And I think it's taking a heavy shot at religion. But that's just my 2 cents
I don't understand white bear. can you explain why its so great?
May 29, 2012
I don't understand white bear. can you explain why its so great?
The social commentary on how judgemental the public can be for one. All of those people participating in the torture of the girl. The mockery of not helping while filming her. Imagine that in real life. Imagine someone committs some horrible crime, and the courts sentences them to something similar. You don't think that says something about the society where that happens?


May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota
The social commentary on how judgemental the public can be for one. All of those people participating in the torture of the girl. The mockery of not helping while filming her. Imagine that in real life. Imagine someone committs some horrible crime, and the courts sentences them to something similar. You don't think that says something about the society where that happens?
Did she really let her boyfriend molest and kill that little girl or was it all planted in her head?
May 29, 2012
Did she really let her boyfriend molest and kill that little girl or was it all planted in her head?

the girl Victoria assumed was her daughter was actually six-year-old Jemima Sykes, whom Victoria and her fiancé, Iain Rannoch (the man from the photographs), abducted a few miles from her home. After taking her to a nearby forest, Iain tortured and killed Jemima and burned her body while Victoria recorded his actions on her mobile phone. The "White Bear", originally the victim's stuffed teddy bear, became a symbol of the nationwide search and murder investigation, while the symbol on the screens and on the hunter's mask was identical to the tattoo that identified Victoria's fiancé (who committed suicide in his cell before the trial). Having tearfully pleaded guilty and insisting she was "under Iain's spell", Victoria was given a sentence the judge described as "proportionate and considered": to undergo an experience where she would feel the same feelings of terror and helplessness that the victim did, repeated every day.


He's A Good Man
Jun 29, 2012
Willacoochee, Ga
White bear is the episode I tell people to watch first. I think it sums up the series perfectly.

I don't think San Junipero has a happy ending. At the end of the day, all of those people are dead. And that simulation they live in doesn't replace the sorrow they were dealing with in real life. And I think it's taking a heavy shot at religion. But that's just my 2 cents
you know i never even thought about the shot at religion...its like they were saying fukk even trying to see if a heaven or whatever existed...upload me to that shyt too. not trying to take that chance :lupe:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
White bear is the episode I tell people to watch first. I think it sums up the series perfectly.

I don't think San Junipero has a happy ending. At the end of the day, all of those people are dead. And that simulation they live in doesn't replace the sorrow they were dealing with in real life. And I think it's taking a heavy shot at religion. But that's just my 2 cents

I've put people on by telling them to watch "the entire history of you" and all 3 have been hooked after that

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
Lol that's what his simp ass get on 15 million merits. How you gonna blow 15 mil on a bytch you just met and barely had a conversation with. I'm glad she agreed to get smutted out by Mr marcus and he was forced to watch that shyt


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

"The reveal throws everything else in the episode into confusion, from the scene in the beginning of the episode where Kenny is nice to a little girl in the restaurant to the sympathy we’ve been encouraged to feel for Kenny throughout his ordeal."

:heh: see that's the thing - I never had any sympathy for Kenny at any point of this episode. 'Shut Up and Dance' only works from the standpoint of having real concern for the characters and their "crimes".

I sympathize with the kids who commit suicide because someone filmed them having gay sex and they had not come out to their family and friends yet. I'm not sympathizing with any of these characters.


He's A Good Man
Jun 29, 2012
Willacoochee, Ga
"The reveal throws everything else in the episode into confusion, from the scene in the beginning of the episode where Kenny is nice to a little girl in the restaurant to the sympathy we’ve been encouraged to feel for Kenny throughout his ordeal."

:heh: see that's the thing - I never had any sympathy for Kenny at any point of this episode. 'Shut Up and Dance' only works from the standpoint of having real concern for the characters and their "crimes".

I sympathize with the kids who commit suicide because someone filmed them having gay sex and they had not come out to their family and friends yet. I'm not sympathizing with any of these characters.
thats you breh :manny: seemed like dude was just having fun out there and got caught up so it all seems like a lot for dude to go thru for just jacking off but then you find out what he's actually doing and it just changes everything. you might not have felt anything for the characters but others did :yeshrug:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
So I have a different way of raning the episodes. I feel the episodes that hit me the hardest, had plot lines or used technology that I relate to the most.

My ranking of Black Mirror episodes
  1. The Entire History of You: had some crazy issues with my ex. Not to mention with that technology, I would definitely be 'that guy' fast forwarding and rewinding memories of the day. I'd die of insomnia. People with OCD would go mental. This episode is so deep.
  2. 15 million merits: Really dope episode. A lot of things to pick up here. Bing not noticing the girl who likes him and goes out of her way to show him how to get ahead. The infatuation with reality tv and entertainment shows. Lol @ all the pornographic commercials. I thought the lesson here, that once you become a threat to the system and rebel they'll concede and silence your movement, spoke volumes. It is important to note that we actually shouldn't have been surprised that Bing sold out in the end. His reasons for rebelling were never virtuous. He did it because of emotional attachment and for revenge. A true revolutionary would've looked to put the rest of his people on game and help them build 15 million credits and buck the system together.
  3. The National Anthem: I would've fukked the pig. My only qualm obviously would've been that if you give into such a ridiculous request, what is to keep a copy cat from continuing the threats. What's next, fukk a goat or perhaps a tailpipe? But it's a crazy/real plot because you have to put yourself in the position of the Prime Minister. Could you really live with yourself if you got your family member killed because you were too embarrassed to fukk a pig?
  4. Be Right Back: Really slept on episode. Not sure why everyone is taking for granted the emotional power after losing a loved one. This was probably the most disturbing episode given the ramifications of being able to raise the dead and enslave a life form. You're crazy if you don't think with this level of technology won't be used for mail order brides, dildos, domestic servants, even a no wage workforce. Think about the void left in the lives of the elderly. This technology has some crazy applications.
  5. White Christmas: I thought it touched on the same themes as White Bear, but in a much better way. In addition to using this technology like Minority Report, I can foresee all "enemies" of the state being blocked out. shyt can you imagine your house being run by your enslaved subconscious? How immoral is it to duplicate your mind and enslave it in a machine? Technically if it has it's on independent thoughts and ideas, can it not be considered a form of life? The reveal at the end was grade A. Thinking of the punishment given out in this episode, in white bear, and San Junipero, it seems like the writer has latched onto the concept of death being honorable/an escape. I look at it like this, in a reality where someone can torture your mind for an eternity, the death penalty is actually humane. Whereas in the world we live in today where the physical and mental are finite, stealing one's ability to live is as evil as it gets. However throughout the course of the show, the writer does a great job of avoiding internal character conflicts - so one can only assume that the world views mental manipulation as moral and death as a victory against justice.
  6. San Junipero: The plot and the technology applications were similar to "be right back". Being able to extend time/escape reality always seems exciting at first until you realize you're giving up your humanity and ability to process reality. I thought that was the great paradox that Kelly had to fight with. Do I live forever in a fake world like San Junipero or do I die and complete my human life cycle. Kelly at that moment realizes that death is as close to life as one gets. What does it mean to "live" in a "fake" reality? Can San Junipero be considered fake? What is forever and does it matter if you don't have the capability to express dissatisfaction with the monotony that comes with forever?
  7. Playtest: This episode was craaaaaazy to me for a couple of reasons. First, I loved how the twist ending was caused by our compulsion to use hand held devices. Second, I compared the negligence displayed to most folks on airplanes up until 2 years ago when using a hand held device was strictly prohibited. Some people went out of their way to keep their shyt on. Hell I've slept through takeoffs and landings with my ipod on. None of us understood the dangers, but all of us knew that they weren't allowed. Thirdly, I've had a bad trip out session before and what seemed like an eternity of me dying was only about 20/30 minutes. So I really related to the character. I have a legit fear of waking up out of coma and this played right into that.

I thought White Bear was overrated. Not because the plot wasn't interesting, but I had no reason to give a fukk about anyone. I couldn't place myself in anyone's position and question their thought process.

Medulla Oblongata

Aug 2, 2014
Great show. I enjoyed most of the episodes, and currently I'm on San Junipero. The ending to Playtest though:dahell:


The Coli Royal Rumble Champion 2019
Jan 4, 2015

On that note:

The suicides of four British men in the last year have been linked to so-called "sextortion", police say.

The number of people reporting webcam blackmails has more than doubled from 385 in 2015 to 864 up to November 2016.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) said it believed it was also significantly under-reported and actual numbers of victims were likely much higher.

The National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) said the rise in cases was "worrying".

"Sextortion" is a form of blackmail where criminals use fake identities to befriend victims online before persuading them to perform sexual acts in front of their webcam.

The images are recorded by the criminals who then threaten to share them with the victims' friends and family unless they give in to their demands for payment.

Image copyrightMID ULSTER MAIL
Image captionSchoolboy Ronan Hughes, 17, took his own life after being blackmailed online
About 95% of victims of sextortion were men or boys, figures released by the NCA showed.

It said victims were aged between 14 and 82, with the highest proportion being men aged between 21 and 30, and with a substantial proportion in the 11-20 age group.

In October, a 31-year-old man was charged by police investigating the suicide of schoolboy Ronan Hughes.

One of the four men who took their own lives, 17-year-old Ronan killed himself in June 2015 after being tricked into posting images on a social networking site.

Roy Sinclair from the NCA said there was still "huge under-reporting of these kinds of offences".

"This is often because victims feel ashamed or embarrassed, but of course criminals are relying on that reaction in order to succeed," he said.

'I thought about suicide'
Image copyrightTHINKSTOCK
Teenager Gary, from Hampshire, was blackmailed after he started visiting dating websites and was asked to talk over webcam.

"She invited me onto webcam, where she looked similar to her profile picture... the video call lasted for around 30 to 45 minutes, all on the phone. She said 'show me a bit more, and show me your face'.

"Then the messages came up, saying 'pay £500 or this is going all over social media. I want £500', and listing my friends' details."

Gary said he worried what would happen if the video went on social media, fearing he may lose his job.

"I thought about suicide, it would have been too embarrassing, I would not have been able to face anyone."

Instead of going to the bank, Gary said he went to the police, who "handled it well" and helped him to "talk to someone".

"Since then I've tried to put it to the back of my mind, and I've moved on with my life. There is always life afterwards, but I would not be here today if I had not spoken to anyone."

Assistant Commissioner Martin Hewitt, the NPCC's lead for kidnap, extortion and adult sexual offences, said it was a "very damaging and invidious crime".

"The really key point is that as a result of this criminality, we have had four young men in the UK who have killed themselves - taken their own lives - because they saw no way out of a situation that they had gotten into.

"This is organised crime. Whilst the individual cases themselves may involve relatively limited amounts of money, this is being organised by well-equipped, often off-shore organised crime groups that are facilitating this activity."

Last year more than 40 arrests were made in the Philippines in relation to sextortion and there is one ongoing international prosecution connected to one of the suicides reported this year.

Mr Hewitt said the NPCC was providing information to police forces to better equip them to deal with these crimes when they are reported as well as a public awareness campaign to make potential victims, and all those around them more knowledgeable about what to do.

'She sent me photos of my family'
Jimmy, in his 20s, from Northern Ireland, met a woman on an online dating app and eventually exchanged photos, including sexual images.

"Literally 10 minutes after I'd sent her my profile I got a message saying, 'What would you do if I sent these photos to your friends and family?'

Jimmy said the woman then told him to subscribe to live webcam websites and then demanded money by wire transfer, messaging him "every few minutes to check where I was".

"She started sending me photos of my family from my social media contacts, saying she would send the pictures to them.

"It was really stressful and I didn't know what to do. I caved in and sent her £150. She said she wanted £300 but I said no, deactivated my social media account and went to the police."

"I was so worried about what my friends and family would think. I've spoken to my mum about it, that was tough enough, but I still can't talk to anyone else."

What to do if you have been targeted:
  • Don't panic - the police say they will take your case seriously, and will not judge
  • Don't pay - many people who have paid continue to get more demands for money, and sometimes the offenders will still post the videos
  • Don't communicate any more with the criminals - take screen shots of all messages, temporarily suspend your social media accounts so the evidence is kept, and report the incident to any social media service you use
  • Preserve evidence - make a note of any details provided by the offenders and don't delete any correspondence
Source: NCA website

Webcam blackmail cases have doubled, police say - BBC News


All Star
Jun 16, 2014
So were the
Hackers using a trojan that did activity logs/screen recording software as well to know Kenny and that other dude in the fight to the death were pedos?