Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Still waiting for one of you black woman to explain how black men are oppressing you. What system do they have in place to keep you at bay, please explain this to me.

Issue has been addressed several times already, including a couple more examples that I gave on this page alone to that exact poster. The problem is that, all our issues will be dismissed. In fact the very intent of the posters asking Black women to explain how Black men have privilege are asking us to do so not to understand but just so that they can dismiss it and trivialize Black women's experience.

Ironically, then the same people dismissing them will claim its Black feminists being divisive. So the conversation has truly been fruitless and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon with the attitudes that have been on dispaly.


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
Issue has been addressed several times already, including a couple more examples that I gave on this page alone to that exact poster. The problem is that, all our issues will be dismissed. And then the same people dismissing them will claim its us being divisive. So the conversation has truly been fruitless.

I was looking at black womans tweets yesterday, trying to figure this systematic oppression that these black males have come up with to oppress black female, but all I saw was complaints about trivial nonsense that black woman and men spew at each other any other day. Its just yesterday these chicks came with this oppression thing to slap on it. A black woman complaining about black male being able to date white woman and how they cannot without criticism, black men not taking care of their kids, some black woman even tried to accuse a black male of misogyny because he type "BM" in capital and "bw" in small letters. Is that your "oppression"?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Issue has been addressed several times already, including a couple more examples that I gave on this page alone to that exact poster. The problem is that, all our issues will be dismissed. And then the same people dismissing them will claim its us being divisive. So the conversation has truly been fruitless.
Your issues have not been dismissed. Your ideas of framing your issues as "privileges" for black men have been dismissed.

If the "women's issues" that black women face equate to privelages for black men, then wouldn't the "black male" issues we face be privelages for you? And if so doesn't that just put us back at square one of needing each other to address the problems?

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Issue has been addressed several times already, including a couple more examples that I gave on this page alone to that exact poster. The problem is that, all our issues will be dismissed. In fact the very intent of the posters asking Black women to explain how Black men have privilege are asking us to do so not to understand but just so that they can dismiss it and trivialize Black women's experience.

Ironically, then the same people dismissing them will claim its Black feminists being divisive. So the conversation has truly been fruitless and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon with the attitudes that have been on dispaly.

Them points that was brought up didn't prove anything, sorry. It's black men in this thread owning up to the misogyny but y'all choose to ignore it and it's practically impossible for them to systemically oppress black women and simply put that's why you're running away from answering and backing up ya claims. :yeshrug:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Them points that was brought up didn't prove anything, sorry. It's black men in this thread owning up to the misogyny but y'all choose to ignore it and it's practically impossible for them to systemically oppress black women and simply put that's why you're running away from answering and backing up ya claims. :yeshrug:

Right, I'm running away from answering when your only answer to my points has been to basically say "no" and "that doesn't prove anything" without any real explanation of how. None of your responses address them (in fact you purposefully didn't even quote the response I took out the time to type some of the privileges in because you want to bury those facts). I won't bother responding to you again, but I hope you get the misogynist male daps and approval I guess you're looking for :yeshrug: Good luck hon

I was looking at black womans tweets yesterday, trying to figure this systematic oppression that these black males have come up with to oppress black female, but all I saw was complaints about trivial nonsense that black woman and men spew at each other any other day. Its just yesterday these chicks came with this oppression thing to slap on it. A black woman complaining about black male being able to date white woman and how they cannot without criticism, black men not taking care of their kids, some black woman even tried to accuse a black male of misogyny because he type "BM" in capital and "bw" in small letters. Is that your "oppression"?

Baseless Emotional Rants Being Pass As Fact And Repeated Over And Over Again What Is There To Take Serious?

Nothing, of course. Y'all can have this thread to continue co-signing each other. Enjoy.

Womanist movement continues :blessed:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Right, I'm running away from answering when your only answer has been to my points is to basically say "no" and "that doesn't prove anything" without any real explaination of how. None of your responses address them (in fact you purposefully didn't even quote the response I took out the time to type some of the privileges in because you want to bury those facts). But I hope you get the misogynist male daps and approval I guess you're looking for :kanyeshrug:

Nothing, of course. Y'all can have this thread to continue co-signing each other. Enjoy.

Black feminist movement continues :blessed:
What was your purpose here? You didn't listen to no one, you really don't care about what others are saying and you are making up a lot of nonsense about posters. Most of the posters left here aren't even the c00n types. Those are doing other things like c00ning in other threads.

STFU Airways

Aug 1, 2013
The friendly skies
Right, I'm running away from answering when your only answer to my points has been to basically say "no" and "that doesn't prove anything" without any real explanation of how. None of your responses address them (in fact you purposefully didn't even quote the response I took out the time to type some of the privileges in because you want to bury those facts). I won't bother responding to you again, but I hope you get the misogynist male daps and approval I guess you're looking for :kanyeshrug: Good luck hon

Nothing, of course. Y'all can have this thread to continue co-signing each other. Enjoy.

Womanist movement continues :blessed:

Jul 26, 2012
So white men are next right? :troll:

Black Patriarchy... check!
White Feminism... check!

Next is White Male Patriarchy right? :blessed: What TT ideas do you have in mind? :lupe:

White men make ads/news stories/videos/etc. that shyt on you all daily and you all are too busy being a fukking cowards to speak on it.



Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
So white men are next right? :troll:

Black Patriarchy... check!
White Feminism... check!

Next is White Male Patriarchy right? :blessed: What TT ideas do you have in mind? :lupe:

White men make ads/news stories/videos/etc. that shyt on you all daily and you all are too busy being a fukking cowards to speak on it.

white men need to be called out now, they're the main problem.
Jul 26, 2012
Issue has been addressed several times already, including a couple more examples that I gave on this page alone to that exact poster. The problem is that, all our issues will be dismissed. In fact the very intent of the posters asking Black women to explain how Black men have privilege are asking us to do so not to understand but just so that they can dismiss it and trivialize Black women's experience.

Ironically, then the same people dismissing them will claim its Black feminists being divisive. So the conversation has truly been fruitless and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon with the attitudes that have been on dispaly.


You were advocating that Black men need to be more dilligent in helping our sisters deal with their ills, but when men ask what are these ills and how can we assist, you blow us off like its some type of setup(in your mind only)

How can we improve our relationships if we can't even begin a dialogue.....??

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Internet didn't ruin anything, Black men's privilege is not relegated to the internet in the Black community, and neither are the hateful reactions Black women have gotten from speaking out about it this past day. And nobody cares about white women btw, if anyone in the black community was ever fooled by the idea that white women weren't racist it certainly was not Black women :ufdup:

If you can honestly sit with a straight face and say that Black men are not in a privileged position in comparison to Black women in society and especially in the Black community I really don't know what to tell you.

Because you'd be saying that in the midst of Black men using the term bytch and ho as interchangeable for woman/girl, while Black women are expected to not bat an eyelash about it. In the midst of Black female specific issues such as rape, sexual assault, domestic violence not addressed as community issues, but a stop to violence and imprisonment against Black men being at the forefront. In the midst of Black female single motherhood being 'choices' and Black male gang banging and drug dealing being the result of racism and poverty/oppression.

I can go on and on but I won't. At the end of the day, when people don't want to see it they won't. When people refuse to acknowledge it, there's no point in me talking about it with them. We'll never get anywhere, and the 'divisiveness' will continue, the same way it started decades ago when Black women were regulated to second class status in what was supposed to be a movement for both Black women and men.

First of all, you edited your response (the time stamp is there) so I did not purposely ignore your response, you didn't answer it until you edited it in. :comeon:

Second of all, I've said countless times that black men have privilege, obviously. If you actually took time out to read my responses thoroughly you'd realize that. What I've been arguing is, with that privilege there is no benefit because there is no power with that. Much like a person of color can be prejudiced, not racist, because there is no power behind a person of color spewing some hateful things about white people because we don't control the government, media, etc. Yeah they use misogynistic terms in hip hop, but that's the unfortunate culture that comes with it. And it is further perpetuated by white run media. They don't be showing the brothers that are against misogyny because they like to portray us as only one thing because there is a racist and misogynist agenda behind it. Yes black men are incarcerated, yes black women are left with the unfortunate burden of being single moms and raising their children on their own but who's really behind the unfair rates of incarceration for black men? It's a no brainer.

Right, I'm running away from answering when your only answer to my points has been to basically say "no" and "that doesn't prove anything" without any real explanation of how. None of your responses address them (in fact you purposefully didn't even quote the response I took out the time to type some of the privileges in because you want to bury those facts). I won't bother responding to you again, but I hope you get the misogynist male daps and approval I guess you're looking for :kanyeshrug: Good luck hon

Nothing, of course. Y'all can have this thread to continue co-signing each other. Enjoy.

Black feminist movement continues :blessed:

Classic ad hominem. Instead of actually showing and proving how black male privilege is to the same level as white male privilege systemically, you point the finger at me. Girl bye.
Jul 26, 2012
Your issues have not been dismissed. Your ideas of framing your issues as "privileges" for black men have been dismissed.

If the "women's issues" that black women face equate to privelages for black men, then wouldn't the "black male" issues we face be privelages for you? And if so doesn't that just put us back at square one of needing each other to address the problems?

This is just common sense right here.