Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God

Drake's point of that song was the biggest waste of a message in years.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
That is one of the biggest lies ever told, black women may run their single households but look at black leadership, black politics, black churches etc

My grandmother was the bishop of her own church, this was way back when...60's? 70s? Her sons, most of my uncles save my father got their own churches where they preside over. Black female ministers is not that uncommon, I wouldn't say the black church is like catholicism or anything. Whose fault is it that women don't want to preside over black churches whose constituents are largely black women themselves? Black men pastors know where their bread and butter is, they won't say certain things to their base if they want donations. I would say they're more like elected politicians doing their dance and say what they have to motivate their base. Are their perks? Of course. I just don't think women are comfortable being led by other women, ya'll seem to have your own sort of willie lynch thing. I've seen it countless times.

Black men aren't keeping black women from anything, it's not black mens fault that black women choose not to enter politics or take an active leadership role in many of your own institutions. Everyone knows black women are the backbone of the church, and many of the other black political movements. I feel like there's not enough black women who even want to assume leadership on that level.

Again, women need to make up their mind what it is they actually want to be, because you're not going to become a boss by being a nurse or the president's aid ala olivia pope. Women say they want one thing, but do another when offered the choice.
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I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Wait...Black men support the "erasure" of Black women? :huh:

Is @ebonykiss trolling?

LOL! :heh: :wtf:

This is one of the main reasons why I don't take part in these debates anymore, because people on both sides always go to the absolute extreme and say the most outrageous shyt while convincing themselves that what they state is fact - and no resolution is ever made and no one is willing to extend the olive branch.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
All you have to see is how Shirley Chisolm was shytted on by white feminist like Gloria Steinem when she ran for President back in 72. They loved her from afar and all the beautiful things Shirley was proposing for women's rights, but at the end of the day, they backed the white candidate and copped nothing but excuses

white women supported the white male candidate because they unlike many black women realize they benefit from white male dominated patriarchy.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
FYI, that woman in her avi is definitely black by anyone's standards, but it is funny that she picked one of the lightest pictures that woman has of the many across the internet.

What's also funny: Pretty sure a female in this thread mentioned being a Beyonce fan earlier. This is the same Beyonce who has been getting light and lighter over the years, who keeps her hair dyed blonde in weave, and who pretty much has her skin photoshopped to a lighter complexion in every photo she takes.

But it's only black men though. :mjpls:

to add on, the same Beyonce that once said she wish she was born a Latina

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
white women supported the white male candidate because they unlike many black women realize they benefit from white male dominated patriarchy.
True indeed....they just need not ride Shirley Chisolm before going that route.

They used her.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
I feel you but like, what's the new wave of feminism all about then?

@PartyHeart what are you arguing about? It seems to me this discussion is going in circles... black women and black men have similar issues facing them ,and some issues that are unique to their demographic. End of discussion.

Black women do not openly degrade and oppress Black men only to turn around and pretend our privilege to operate in a community where it goes unchecked is nonexistent. Nor do we tell Black men that they should shut up for a solidarity we never mention or fight for (or actively fight against) until Black men start to speak up. We are not complicit in the oppression of Black men. When there is any Black male harmed in society, even down to those of them that assault and defame the character of Black women daily (think rappers and entertainers), you find some Black women defending them against racism.

However just look at the response Black women have gotten from Black men when we brought up our issues. Our experience is a laughing matter to you, but you claim the divisiveness is coming from Black women? Lol. And not just on here either, because I suppose I'd expect nothing less from shameless hypocrites who support people like TS (or are uncharacteristically nochalant in defending Black women from attacks like his) out of one side of their mouth and fight for their right to openly put non-Black women on a pedestal, but its evident on twitter too.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
The one thing we learned in this thread is c00ns are both male and female on this board.

@Anothergirl @MurderSheWrote @PartyHeart are embarrassing like @Chris.B @MikeBrowns....

When Black women are mad at Black men, they are misguide their hate like @PartyHeart

Party created one of the most clownish list I've seen on the coli from a woman's perspective yet. Most of the bullshyt she wrote were issues of race. Some was misplaced hate. A couple were legit issues we do need to address.

Party has to realize we don't control the media, Jews do. Party doesn't realize if it was up to us, we would still have a shytload of Marvin's, En Vouge's, SWV's, Lauryn Hill's, Michael Jackson's, etc and no Lil whatevers, Nicki Minaj, Biggie, Young whatevers, etc. If I control the media, I would have Blacks of all hairstyle and looks and I wouldn't place women like Precious on TV.

Party, your list was some bullshyt. Complete bullshyt. I don't see most stuff that even relates to Black men. What your main issue as well as most Black men is white power structure and the trials that came from it like:

Divide in the household. It started in the 1960's with the end of the civil rights. Black men couldn't get jobs to provide and the gov't offered assistance only if MAN was out of the household leading to the first generation since slavery without a father. Add that those men started to get on drugs and heavy boos to cope sped up the process.
The social mistrust. White women pushing sexual freedom but looking the other way when the repercussions mainly effect Black women because of economics.
The media. While you can say what you want as Black men and women, it's clear one is seen in more dominate than the other. Black men are seen as dominate in their rap videos, they have faces in high places and even if they are c00ns, they are there.

As for her attacking Black men for not having any Black women as faces is clear. nikkas were getting killed. This was a war on Blacks and women were mostly married. Most men went to war and kept the women from the war. It is that simple. What kind of bullshyt is your stupid ass smoking @PartyHeart? Do you want to be killed? That is what was happening. When that Black women named Dorthy Counts of Charlotte, NC integrated her school and was getting tormented, do you think we were like, see I bet she deserved it? What the fukk is wrong with your stupid ass?

I want to get into my real point. I too had issues I projected on my Black women when I was younger sadly missing the real issue. They were hurt. No protection, no support, no love, no one to caress her at night. They are hurt. When I realize that, all the things I misconstrue as Black women behavior was just signs of pain and crying out. When I realize that, I approached a majority of Black women differently and I listened. I realized that a lot of what's done to us hurts them and a lot of what we do in response to them validates their pain.

What you have to do is this as men.

Love their mind and logic and constantly say it in praise and check their bullshyt at all times. Let them know that bullshyt isn't welcome around me. It can be just a friend or a lover but they need to know that.

Give them a reasonable response. Black women love and hate reasonable responses. For one, they will argue no manner what because they are women but if they see that every one of your responses is reasonable, they will think twice about their bullshyt before opening their mouth.

Walk and talk it. If you are a man of respect. Act like one. No calling women bytches and hoes. No disrespecting her and treat her like queen, not like you are a simp but like she is a queen. Someone of value basically.

Will this improve our issues as Black people? Hell no but it will improve most of our hatred within each other.

As for women, you have to make a decision. Do you want to continue to have sex with men and face the likelihood that it can go sour and your investment bust or do you want to wait till marriage and not give a man that option? Now their is no guarantee that either is the best option for you but I am just letting you know that the choice is yours.

You can't blame men for that either. Now you can get mad at that man. You have EVERY right for that but you can't blame men overall. You knew you had a choice and you decided to fukk because fukking feels amazing.

I hope we can come to a resolution in here. Too many lost souls with displaced hate is what is corrupting our souls.

I could care less what you feel or what you think, you are another one of those misogynists that can be on record saying the most sexist, misogynistic things about women and then come in here and act like you are about togetherness for Black men and women. No, you are pro-Black male, and openly so. You are for the subjugation of Black women for the benefit of Black men.

Offenses against Black women don't even cross your mind or affect your heart the way offenses against Black men do, and please don't try to deny it because its evident. Case in point: look at the posters you called out. You put women who stand for injustices against Black in the same bucket as a Black male who finds a way to blame every ill of the world on Black women and stereotypes us every chance he gets. But its no surprise, because its clear that's how you really view the world. A Black women need only call to hold Black men accountable for his treatment of Black women in his community to be put in the same category of a KKK-like Black male racist. You are obviously entirely about the Black male experience and what effects you and only you, but you call for me to put my race before my gender. Please. You don't and never have and I and other Black women have learned from the mistakes of Black female leaders of the past (whom you also are privileged to never learn about) and won't be used and have our issues ignored while fighting for your issues again.

Your entire post is simply a means to silence Black women's suffering because you feel it "makes Black men look bad", not caring that these injustices are putting Black women in the ground by the hour. You rather deny issues exist so Black men don't have to address their privilege, even if it means being complicit in the misery of Black women and girls.

All that needs to be said is the men who dapped your post, most of which have a posting history full of vitriol against Black women.
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custom user title
May 9, 2012
Black women are not a separate group. They are at one with us, without them, we can't function and vice versa.

true. This can't be emphasized enough...that Black women are an integral part to the man + woman = child equation. But I def see where ebonykiss and co. are coming from in regards to feeling like some men want to erase them. There are some Black men who do believe that black women are replaceable with other races of women. Those bros need to be checked because not only are they making our women feel a kind a way but it's also a stupid move strategically and it won't work.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
As a black woman, I don't feel comfortable with other black women placing the blame on black men based on a system that was created to keep all of us down as a whole. Yeah, black men might have privilege because they are men but it is to a minute degree. What can they really do with that privilege when they are incarcerated at a much higher rate than the men who created the system?


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
What happened to the Black males all for solidarity and choosing race before gender in this thread?: why are you noticeably absent in calling out divisiveness when comments like that are made all around you all day every day, but you jumped at the opportunity to comment on the one day Black women voice their issues?

And how do you expect black women to put their race before their gender when you honestly believe we are inherently inferior because of our gender the same way whites believe we are because of our color?


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
As a black woman, I don't feel comfortable with other black women placing the blame on black men based on a system that was created to keep all of us down as a whole. Yeah, black men might have privilege because they are men but it is to a minute degree. What can they really do with that privilege when they are incarcerated at a much higher rate than the men who created the system?

A bad argument truly, because one does not need to have created the system to benefit from it when it places the group they are apart of on top. This argument is the same as the white feminsts were using, and not any less silly or disingenuous.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
What happened to the Black males all for solidarity and choosing race before gender in this thread?: why are you noticeably absent in calling out divisiveness when comments like that are made all around you all day every day, but you jumped at the opportunity to comment on the one day Black women voice their issues?

And how do you expect black women to put their race before their gender when you honestly believe we are inherently inferior because of our gender the same way whites believe we are because of our color?

I feel like this post is directed torward me. And I've spent countless posts defending black women in all these stupid threads. But like I said before you undermine my efforts by placing me and others like me in the same category as those dudes. When I go into a thread and defend y'all the comeback is always "black women do it to us" and here you are doing it to us, so how do you expect me to defend that?

For one most of them are trolling and don't even spend enough time with the opposite sex to form a valid opinion. And for two quit putting so much stock in what you read on this site and twitter. People are purposefully inflammatory just for attention, especially comedians like the one in that video.