Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
What happened to the Black males all for solidarity and choosing race before gender in this thread?: why are you noticeably absent in calling out divisiveness when comments like that are made all around you all day every day, but you jumped at the opportunity to comment on the one day Black women voice their issues?

And how do you expect black women to put their race before their gender when you honestly believe we are inherently inferior because of our gender the same way whites believe we are because of our color?

In all fairness, that thread was dumb as fukk and barely went two pages cause it wunt about shyt. People say a lot of fukked up and stupid shyt online because it gives them false confidence. I can say that in my own college experience, black brothas stood up for me under the guise of blackness more than white women did under the guise of feminism. The woman's suffrage is bullshyt, and their stupid "women make .75 cents to the man's dollar" bullshyt they spew disregards men of color, and women of color. It's stupid. When you talk about feminism you need to be inclusive, so yeah I'm black and proud and always will be especially before I am a woman cause my brothas are suffering too. Let's not forget that white women were complicit in the mistreatment of all of us.

Patrice O'Neal is dead, the shyt he said was some misogynistic stupid ass mumbo jumbo that doesn't even need to be addressed. Girl don't let the internet ruin your expectations of black men, trust me, they're down for the cause and they are with us. Black women hold down the fort, and they know it and respect it. And we're all black before we're any gender, especially consider that there are tonnes of Queer people of color that aren't even acknowledge (and that's a whole nother can of worms).


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
A bad argument truly, because one does not need to have created the system to benefit from it when it places the group they are apart of on top. This argument is the same as the white feminsts were using, and not any less silly or disingenuous.

One also has to have the power to stop it in order to be blamed for it.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
A bad argument truly, because one does not need to have created the system to benefit from it when it places the group they are apart of on top. This argument is the same as the white feminsts were using, and not any less silly or disingenuous.

How are black men on top, because I'd love to see the statistics for this. Besides being able to spew misogynistic shyt, I honestly am baffled by how black men could really and truly benefit from it.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
What happened to the Black males all for solidarity and choosing race before gender in this thread?: why are you noticeably absent in calling out divisiveness when comments like that are made all around you all day every day, but you jumped at the opportunity to comment on the one day Black women voice their issues?

And how do you expect black women to put their race before their gender when you honestly believe we are inherently inferior because of our gender the same way whites believe we are because of our color?
Yeah, because the first step to solving black women's issues is to argue with anonymous, obviously gay internet trolls in various threads across the internet.


A bad argument truly, because one does not need to have created the system to benefit from it when it places the group they are apart of on top. This argument is the same as the white feminsts were using, and not any less silly or disingenuous.

What do you want black men to do?

Do you want us to broadcast different shows from our various multimillion dollar cable networks? :troll:

Do you want us to to cast dark skinned women with afros in the plethora of successfully Hollywood blockbusters we have yearly? :troll:

Do you want us to stop supporting the images and music of women telling other women/bytches to bow down? :troll:

Do you want us to stop casting white/mixed women in the music videos financed by our conglomerate distribution labels? :troll:

Do you want us to stop watching shows where the central character is a black woman playing the typical hypersexualized side chick? :troll:

Or those shows where black women scream and yell at each other all show? Yep. Gotta stop black men from watching/supporting those ASAP. :troll:

What can we do for you here friend? :troll:

BRB, Gonna go delete all of the recorded episodes of Scandal, Love and Hip-Hop, and Basketball Wives while appropriating the budget for my next +$125 million afrocentric blockbuster brehs. :troll:

Black Patriarchy :blessed:


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
Yes, because in a system that was created by white men women, regardless of color, did not have the same standing in regards to men, regardless of color.

I get that black male privilege exist. I do not get why you and other black women are pretty much scapegoating white men here though by trying to bear down on black men when we are not the problem..

Black men can agree with you all all you want, however that will not change who makes the tv programming you claim to hate, but watch unanimously, it will not change the faces in advertising that you hate, but promote unanimously, it will not change what's done in music videos that you all beg to be in (I can't see why you all wanna images of filth and overt sexuality, but okay), won't change your political figures, etc.

Black men did not create this system, nor do we control it. Stop being so weak and attack what's really your problem.

Nobody is scapegoating White men here, but right now we are talking about black male privilege and white women privilege, which we both agree exists


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
I feel like this post is directed torward me. And I've spent countless posts defending black women in all these stupid threads. But like I said before you undermine my efforts by placing me and others like me in the same category as those dudes. When I go into a thread and defend y'all the comeback is always "black women do it to us" and here you are doing it to us, so how do you expect me to defend that?

Do you think the number of Black men who do is enough? Do you think it is even near the amount of Black women that do the opposite for Black men? Serious question.

Because the way I view what you're saying is is that if you truly saw what Black women were going thru, in issues like that you'd be going at other Black men telling more of them to stop abusing Black women and/or step up to defend Black women than complaining about someone grouping you with actions which honestly represent the vast majority of other people in my group anyway.

For one most of them are trolling and don't even spend enough time with the opposite sex to form a valid opinion. And for two quit putting so much stock in what you read on this site and twitter. People are purposefully inflammatory just for attention, especially comedians like the one in that video.

I realize that, however these opinions are not relegated to just the internet. Neither are Black women's gripes about Black male privilege within the community


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
In all fairness, that thread was dumb as fukk and barely went two pages cause it wunt about shyt. People say a lot of fukked up and stupid shyt online because it gives them false confidence. I can say that in my own college experience, black brothas stood up for me under the guise of blackness more than white women did under the guise of feminism. The woman's suffrage is bullshyt, and their stupid "women make .75 cents to the man's dollar" bullshyt they spew disregards men of color, and women of color. It's stupid. When you talk about feminism you need to be inclusive, so yeah I'm black and proud and always will be especially before I am a woman cause my brothas are suffering too. Let's not forget that white women were complicit in the mistreatment of all of us.

Patrice O'Neal is dead, the shyt he said was some misogynistic stupid ass mumbo jumbo that doesn't even need to be addressed. Girl don't let the internet ruin your expectations of black men, trust me, they're down for the cause and they are with us. Black women hold down the fort, and they know it and respect it. And we're all black before we're any gender, especially consider that there are tonnes of Queer people of color that aren't even acknowledge (and that's a whole nother can of worms).

Internet didn't ruin anything, Black men's privilege is not relegated to the internet in the Black community, and neither are the hateful reactions Black women have gotten from speaking out about it this past day. And nobody cares about white women btw, if anyone in the black community was ever fooled by the idea that white women weren't racist it certainly was not Black women :ufdup:

How are black men on top, because I'd love to see the statistics for this. Besides being able to spew misogynistic shyt, I honestly am baffled by how black men could really and truly benefit from it.

If you can honestly sit with a straight face and say that Black men are not in a privileged position in comparison to Black women in society and especially in the Black community I really don't know what to tell you.

Because you'd be saying that in the midst of Black men using the term bytch and ho as interchangeable for woman/girl, while Black women are expected to not bat an eyelash about it. In the midst of Black female specific issues such as rape, sexual assault, domestic violence not addressed as community issues, but a stop to violence and imprisonment against Black men being at the forefront. In the midst of Black female single motherhood being 'choices' and Black male gang banging and drug dealing being the result of racism and poverty/oppression.

I can go on and on but I won't. At the end of the day, when people don't want to see it they won't. When people refuse to acknowledge it, there's no point in me talking about it with them. We'll never get anywhere, and the 'divisiveness' will continue, the same way it started decades ago when Black women were regulated to second class status in what was supposed to be a movement for both Black women and men.
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All Star
Mar 27, 2013
Black women do not openly degrade and oppress Black men only to turn around and pretend our privilege to operate in a community where it goes unchecked is nonexistent. Nor do we tell Black men that they should shut up for a solidarity we never mention or fight for (or actively fight against) until Black men start to speak up. We are not complicit in the oppression of Black men. When there is any Black male harmed in society, even down to those of them that assault and defame the character of Black women daily (think rappers and entertainers), you find some Black women defending them against racism.

However just look at the response Black women have gotten from Black men when we brought up our issues. Our experience is a laughing matter to you, but you claim the divisiveness is coming from Black women? Lol. And not just on here either, because I suppose I'd expect nothing less from shameless hypocrites who support people like TS (or are uncharacteristically nochalant in defending Black women from attacks like his) out of one side of their mouth and fight for their right to openly put non-Black women on a pedestal, but its evident on twitter too.

A bad argument truly, because one does not need to have created the system to benefit from it when it places the group they are apart of on top. This argument is the same as the white feminsts were using, and not any less silly or disingenuous.


#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I could care less what you feel or what you think, you are another one of those misogynists that can be on record saying the most sexist, misogynistic things about women and then come in here and act like you are about togetherness for Black men and women. No, you are pro-Black male, and openly so. You are for the subjugation of Black women for the benefit of Black men.

Offenses against Black women don't even cross your mind or affect your heart the way offenses against Black men do, and please don't try to deny it because its evident. Case in point: look at the posters you called out. You put women who stand for injustices against Black in the same bucket as a Black male who finds a way to blame every ill of the world on Black women and stereotypes us every chance he gets. But its no surprise, because its clear that's how you really view the world. A Black women need only call to hold Black men accountable for his treatment of Black women in his community to be put in the same category of a KKK-like Black male racist. You are obviously entirely about the Black male experience and what effects you and only you, but you call for me to put my race before my gender. Please. You don't and never have and I and other Black women have learned from the mistakes of Black female leaders of the past (whom you also are privileged to never learn about) and won't be used and have our issues ignored while fighting for your issues again.

Your entire post is simply a means to silence Black women's suffering because you feel it "makes Black men look bad", not caring that these injustices are putting Black women in the ground by the hour. You rather deny issues exist so Black men don't have to address their privilege, even if it means being complicit in the misery of Black women and girls.

All that needs to be said is the men who dapped your post, most of which have a posting history full of vitriol against Black women.
No need to lie at all. You can insult and catch feelings without lying. Nothing I've stated in this thread or others that has been misogynist and I don't have a reputation for that as well. If you want to respond full of emotions, at least get your thoughts together first. Right now you are waving banter of false assumptions and misjugding that you couldn't even prove if you wanted to. Please be honest, nothing I stated warranted that type of response. I am FAR from pro-black for just men. My posting history is pro-people with Black being the center focus especially on a site like this one which is mainly us.

Offenses against Black women don't even cross your mind or affect your heart the way offenses against Black men do, and please don't try to deny it because its evident.
You know I will ask you to prove this, to say don't deny it is delusional at best.

look at the posters you called out. You put women who stand for injustices against Black in the same bucket as a Black male who finds a way to blame every ill of the world on Black women and stereotypes us every chance he gets.
You are c00ning in this thread. There are a ton of c00ns on here. Chris is just one that stood out over time. You stood out in this thread. I call out c00ns on the regular basis. Ask @mastermind, @charmander @Broke Wave
You are blaming injustices on Black men and calling it opression is what i am calling out. I am not saying, well Party, I don't care about any of your issues because I do, but you are picking the wrong battle to fight those issues. That's like me going into a Los Angeles Lakers thread to complain about Roger Goddell. While what i am saying could have some credence, I am off topic and it has little to nothing to do with the issue which is the LA Lakers. So when you do what you do, I call you out for it. You were shuckin and jiving, complaining with no basis to the main point of thread and really wasn't on point with your main topic of your complaint either. Then you have the nerves to build anger when others really think your points lack basis.

But its no surprise, because its clear that's how you really view the world. A Black women need only call to hold Black men accountable for his treatment of Black women in his community to be put in the same category of a KKK-like Black male racist. You are obviously entirely about the Black male experience and what effects you and only you, but you call for me to put my race before my gender.
That doesn't even make sense to my post at all. You are just talking shyt at this point. Where did you read or get that from any of my posts especially the one in reference to you? You are trying to deflick the attention to me and making stuff up to make you look better when nothing you said was even close to what my point was. You are being quite rubbish in this thread right now. You are doing the okie doe that is reknown on white messages boards when they are losing an argument and they are too headstrong to be honest and just answer the question. I been through this a thousand times with those lame white boys. You aren't doing nothing new at all. You are saying nothing but attacking me while saying nothing. You really think you are smart, don't cha? You are digging your ass a hole you won't be able to cash.

You don't and never have and I and other Black women have learned from the mistakes of Black female leaders of the past (whom you also are privileged to never learn about) and won't be used and have our issues ignored while fighting for your issues again.
Your entire post is simply a means to silence Black women's suffering because you feel it "makes Black men look bad", not caring that these injustices are putting Black women in the ground by the hour. You rather deny issues exist so Black men don't have to address their privilege, even if it means being complicit in the misery of Black women and girls.
So much fail in this post where do I even start. I have been one of the biggest advacates for WOMEN in politics and that's on record on or off. I have been on the record for saying women were some of the best leaders in our history dating back to Africa since America hasn't seen too many Black of power to begin with. You can probably gather a list of women from my friend's list and asked them, if I am favorable to women, especially Black women if you would like. It's your choice. So I am the last person you want to run off the mill to prove you BS theory that hold zero water in reality and you know it.

Black women leaders? I learn about a ton of them, read numerous books by sistas and support a lot of sistas. Now I don't support c00ns male or female but I support my brothas and sistas. To say otherwise is you talking out of your ass making up illogical bullshyt. I have a daughter on the way and I am in love with a Black woman. How are my issues of Black women non-important? That's the biggest crock of crap I've seen yet. I posted for years on LSA and I have a good rep there with the smart supportive non male hater part of the forum. I don't see how you can tangibly attack me but as I said, your attacks are out of anger of making up bullshyt and others looking at you like how is this issue relating to us?

All that needs to be said is the men who dapped your post, most of which have a posting history full of vitriol against Black women.
:duck: You know that's some bullshyt. You are really trying to play sides. Instead of a real response, you rather be like, girls.... come and get this nikka :pacspit: He doesn't understand or care. I tried but now I can't do it no more. How can we solve issues when this is your response? You might as well be an adolescent kid.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Do you think the number of Black men who do is enough? Do you think it is even near the amount of Black women that do the opposite for Black men? Serious question.
No anything less than ALL isn't "enough" and I think it's about equal as far as women who do it for black men.

Because the way I view what you're saying is is that if you truly saw what Black women were going thru, in issues like that you'd be going at other Black men telling more of them to stop abusing Black women and/or step up to defend Black women than complaining about someone grouping you with actions which honestly represent the vast majority of other people in my group anyway.
I do it all the time. You must have missed this thread

I didn't say anything in the thread you posted because it was about jokes from a comedian who is known for saying off the wall stuff. You gotta learn to pick your battles:manny:

I realize that, however these opinions are not relegated to just the internet. Neither are Black women's gripes about Black male privilege within the community

If you spent time talking to some real black men instead of searching for ways that they are "oppressing" you, then you'd understand how bogus the claims are from both sides.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
In all fairness, that thread was dumb as fukk and barely went two pages cause it wunt about shyt. People say a lot of fukked up and stupid shyt online because it gives them false confidence. I can say that in my own college experience, black brothas stood up for me under the guise of blackness more than white women did under the guise of feminism. The woman's suffrage is bullshyt, and their stupid "women make .75 cents to the man's dollar" bullshyt they spew disregards men of color, and women of color. It's stupid. When you talk about feminism you need to be inclusive, so yeah I'm black and proud and always will be especially before I am a woman cause my brothas are suffering too. Let's not forget that white women were complicit in the mistreatment of all of us.

Patrice O'Neal is dead, the shyt he said was some misogynistic stupid ass mumbo jumbo that doesn't even need to be addressed. Girl don't let the internet ruin your expectations of black men, trust me, they're down for the cause and they are with us. Black women hold down the fort, and they know it and respect it. And we're all black before we're any gender, especially consider that there are tonnes of Queer people of color that aren't even acknowledge (and that's a whole nother can of worms).
:blessed: I love Elle brehs

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Internet didn't ruin anything, Black men's privilege is not relegated to the internet in the Black community, and neither are the hateful reactions Black women have gotten from speaking out about it this past day. And nobody cares about white women btw, if anyone in the black community was ever fooled by the idea that white women weren't racist it certainly was not Black women :ufdup:

I just wanna know examples of this privilege please.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Nobody is scapegoating White men here, but right now we are talking about black male privilege and white women privilege, which we both agree exists
So white men are next right? :troll:

Black Patriarchy... check!
White Feminism... check!

Next is White Male Patriarchy right? :blessed: What TT ideas do you have in mind? :lupe:

White men make ads/news stories/videos/etc. that shyt on you all daily and you all are too busy being a fukking cowards to speak on it.