Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
I hate answering a question with a question, but do you feel that black women don't have burdens or you're just genuinely looking for examples?

I'm with him...I genuinely want to know these burdens/struggles that the modern Black woman faces.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Can you give some examples of said burdens?

A checklist was posted pages ago, you can start there. I have a day date and probably won't be back on till much later today if at all, but if you have legitimate arguments to bring up about any of the points (and aren't just attempting to dismiss them or red herring me to death about supposed "divisiveness" for fighting for BW specific issues) then I will try to respond.

Actually, @MeachTheMonster , since you say you are so in tuned with Black female issues and take them on as your own, how about educating these other Black men? You have these dudes all around actually asking what type of burdens Black women face incredulously, and yet you are coming at me for speaking on them and calling me divisive. I guess I would do better to pretend they are nonexistent like these guys. Lol I seriously can't.

So it was a Black man that wrote that ridiculous list? lol I thought you lost your mind and typed that whole thing up.

Even if it was a man that wrote it, it does change the fact that a majority of the points were nonsense and only perpetuate self-victimization among women.

Right. Let a Black woman ever say a Black man expressing his plight is speaking nonsense and perpetuating self-victimization. Black males have no privilege and I'm divisive though. Lol.
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Jul 26, 2012
I hate answering a question with a question, but do you feel that black women don't have burdens or you're just genuinely looking for examples?

Being black in America is a burden within itself. With that being said, the poster said that black men could play the role in alleviating some of these burdens, so I wanted to know which burdens in particular.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
No, but Black women are not exempt from violent attacks based on our race either.
And black men are not exempt from lower pay, beauty standards, or any of the other stuff in your list due to our sex.

Many of you have never even heard of Latasha Harlins. A 15 year old Black girl shot dead in the back of the head trying to buy juice. She died with the money to pay for it in her hands. But more sympathy and attention was awarded to a grown Black man, Rodney King who had his own vices, than a Black girl. And its not just Latasha Harlins, there is Keyarika Diggles, Alesia Thomas, and many more. But you will never hear about them, and you especially will not hear about Black women and girls that are abused and go missing by Black men. This is a privilege of being a Black male in the Black community, one that you refuse to acknowledge and then try to push off on me as if I'm the one being divisive. In general your issues are put at the forefront. You are the face of Black oppression, our issues are secondary.
And there are countless dead black boys that go unnoticed as well. Again the only thing you accomplish by trying to compare these things, is to further divide us. And no black men's problems are not put to the forefront. There is just as much if not more talk of women's rights, than there is of prison sentancing, or profiling of black men.

And while you might claim to face those issues as your own every day, the Black community in general absolutely does not.
How could you say this? We all face it everyday. Our leaders are out fighting for YOUR rights.

You keep trying to paint me as bringing legitimate issues that Black women have as me "dividing us". It won't work. I have a right to speak on that which affects me as a Black woman just as you do, and you have no right to attempt to silence while in the same breath saying you empathize.
You are not simply "bringing them up" you are using them as a dividing issue between the sexes, that's a BIG difference. It's the same as the men who blame single mothers for all of their problems. Yes you have problems but its not BM/BW fault. And none of it equates to privelage for the opposite sex.

He does not have to face the issues directly because he is a man. He will tell you that with his own mouth. The issues I face as a woman are troublesome to him because he is a Black man who actually cares about a Black woman, me, and Black women in general. But they are not issues that challenge him personally.
They are issues that challenge us personaly. When my daughter comes home crying because someone was laughing at her "nappy" hair. Then it's up to me to comfort and console her. When my wife is payed less than she is worth at work. It is our entire family who is effected negatively.

Using your argument, there is no such thing as male privilege or sexism at all, because men and women interact and come together as a family, therefore if men have women they love they do not have privilege women don't. You cannot possibly believe that silliness.
We all have privileges/oppression. I disagree with having a dikk swinging contest about who's are better/worse. The truth is in order to fix OUR problems you NEED me, just as I NEED you. Blaming each other for our problems helps NEITHER of us.

Because it is.
No. Your problems are not my privileges. They are my problems as well.
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Jul 26, 2012
A checklist was posted pages ago, you can start there. I have a day date and probably won't be back on till much later today if at all, but if you have legitimate arguments to bring up about any of the points (and aren't just attempting to dismiss them or red herring me to death about supposed "divisiveness" for expressive BW issues) then I will try to respond.

Not the case at all.....If you are referring to that list that was authored by a black male then I guess we can end the dialogue...

There were no burdens on that list...I wanted to know what you guys were going through and run it by female relatives and friends whom most are probably older than the oldest poster here.....Trying to close the chasm, not widen it.....

Burden is defined as a heavy load; that which is borne with difficulty; obligation. Being raised by my Grandparents and being way below the poverty line, I've seen and had my fair share of burdens, and its not a load you want to carry by yourself...

Just trying to understand where you're coming from, but that list was ridiculous for the most part


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Actually, @MeachTheMonster , since you say you are so in tuned with Black female issues and take them on as your own, how about educating these other Black men? You have these dudes all around actually asking what type of burdens Black women face incredulously, and yet you are coming at me for speaking on them and calling me divisive. I guess I would do better to pretend they are nonexistent like these guys. Lol I seriously can't.
No one and I repeat NO ONE. Has said the problems don't exist. He was asking you to specifically point out which problems black men are responsible for. Your list does not do that.


Jun 21, 2012
lol...they were saying some real shyt, but let it be known that black feminist think that black men are lower then worm shyt. Even a few f the sent strays at them for even bringing up the subject.

If you ever peep their blogs and discussion groups they say things about black men that would make Hitler blush.
May 1, 2012
You haven't seen me hype any man...with the exception being my own. I knock down this bullshyt idea that ninjas like you have that black women should apologize for being attracted to men who aren't black. Get the fukk out of here. We owe you about as much loyalty as you have given us.

fukk you, bytch! Pop a baby out and you greedy bytches get free housing, food, and money to spend on your hair and other bullshyt. Companies routinely hire your asses over black men. We're stereotyped and discriminated against, while white men secretly lust after you ghetto gagging dirtbags.



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man a feminist is a feminist. This new strain of 'black feminism' just jumped off because they saw their white 'sistas' couldn't care less about them. They found out that "You gooooo girll" really meant you goooo girl and get yo black butt up outta here.


Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
:whoa: this is your first mistake.

Why in god's name would you let anything you read on this site affect you personally. This is the only place on the internet where a collection of 23 year old, 6 foot, 6 figure alpha males with a 6 pack and a 6 series congregate to bytch and moan about women dogging them out.

We gotta dude on here pretending to be a women so he can get dikk pics so he can pretend to be a dude to get naked pics from women so he can then use those to get more dikk pics :mindblown:

If you take anything away from my post, don't take any of the shyt you read on here seriously.

Name/thread/link? :ohhh:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
The one thing we learned in this thread is c00ns are both male and female on this board.

@Anothergirl @MurderSheWrote @PartyHeart are embarrassing like @Chris.B @MikeBrowns....

When Black women are mad at Black men, they are misguide their hate like @PartyHeart

Party created one of the most clownish list I've seen on the coli from a woman's perspective yet. Most of the bullshyt she wrote were issues of race. Some was misplaced hate. A couple were legit issues we do need to address.

Party has to realize we don't control the media, Jews do. Party doesn't realize if it was up to us, we would still have a shytload of Marvin's, En Vouge's, SWV's, Lauryn Hill's, Michael Jackson's, etc and no Lil whatevers, Nicki Minaj, Biggie, Young whatevers, etc. If I control the media, I would have Blacks of all hairstyle and looks and I wouldn't place women like Precious on TV.

Party, your list was some bullshyt. Complete bullshyt. I don't see most stuff that even relates to Black men. What your main issue as well as most Black men is white power structure and the trials that came from it like:

Divide in the household. It started in the 1960's with the end of the civil rights. Black men couldn't get jobs to provide and the gov't offered assistance only if MAN was out of the household leading to the first generation since slavery without a father. Add that those men started to get on drugs and heavy boos to cope sped up the process.
The social mistrust. White women pushing sexual freedom but looking the other way when the repercussions mainly effect Black women because of economics.
The media. While you can say what you want as Black men and women, it's clear one is seen in more dominate than the other. Black men are seen as dominate in their rap videos, they have faces in high places and even if they are c00ns, they are there.

As for her attacking Black men for not having any Black women as faces is clear. nikkas were getting killed. This was a war on Blacks and women were mostly married. Most men went to war and kept the women from the war. It is that simple. What kind of bullshyt is your stupid ass smoking @PartyHeart? Do you want to be killed? That is what was happening. When that Black women named Dorthy Counts of Charlotte, NC integrated her school and was getting tormented, do you think we were like, see I bet she deserved it? What the fukk is wrong with your stupid ass?

I want to get into my real point. I too had issues I projected on my Black women when I was younger sadly missing the real issue. They were hurt. No protection, no support, no love, no one to caress her at night. They are hurt. When I realize that, all the things I misconstrue as Black women behavior was just signs of pain and crying out. When I realize that, I approached a majority of Black women differently and I listened. I realized that a lot of what's done to us hurts them and a lot of what we do in response to them validates their pain.

What you have to do is this as men.

Love their mind and logic and constantly say it in praise and check their bullshyt at all times. Let them know that bullshyt isn't welcome around me. It can be just a friend or a lover but they need to know that.

Give them a reasonable response. Black women love and hate reasonable responses. For one, they will argue no manner what because they are women but if they see that every one of your responses is reasonable, they will think twice about their bullshyt before opening their mouth.

Walk and talk it. If you are a man of respect. Act like one. No calling women bytches and hoes. No disrespecting her and treat her like queen, not like you are a simp but like she is a queen. Someone of value basically.

Will this improve our issues as Black people? Hell no but it will improve most of our hatred within each other.

As for women, you have to make a decision. Do you want to continue to have sex with men and face the likelihood that it can go sour and your investment bust or do you want to wait till marriage and not give a man that option? Now their is no guarantee that either is the best option for you but I am just letting you know that the choice is yours.

You can't blame men for that either. Now you can get mad at that man. You have EVERY right for that but you can't blame men overall. You knew you had a choice and you decided to fukk because fukking feels amazing.

I hope we can come to a resolution in here. Too many lost souls with displaced hate is what is corrupting our souls.


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
Man a feminist is a feminist. This new strain of 'black feminism' just jumped off because they saw their white 'sistas' couldn't care less about them. They found out that "You gooooo girll" really meant you goooo girl and get yo black butt up outta here.

Yah because a movement that started in the 1970s or 1900s if you consider the black women that participated in the Women's Suffrage just popped off :usure: why do people have no idea about the history or mandate of Black feminism come in here and post nonsense .. especially something that can be corrected with a quick Google search... smh
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
They are privileges because these are issues that you don't have to even think about lest alone deal with. I know it will not be popular to say on this forum, but I actually have some genuine white friends. I would swear on the fact that they are not racist, however they would take the approach to get defensive and angry whenever I bring up racist issues because they are speaking from the standpoint that THEY are not like that, so how could I complain? But the fact of the matter is, the simple fact that they are white gives them privilege in society, whether they accept it or not. They simply will not be forced to look at most thngs they deal with in life through the lense of race, because their skin color gives them that privilege. The same can be said of males. And yes, Black males too. You are obviously not as privileged as a white male would be, hell not even as an Asian male would be, but from the standpoint of a Black woman, you most certainly are.

Keep in mind, the person who wrote that list is a Black man. I was recently proposed to by an amazing Black man. So I do not hate Black men. I am weary, because I am aware of so many that can give two shyts about how they hurt Black women (or any women), but I don't waste my time with hate. My fiance was once like many of you in this thread who couldn't fathom how he could ever be viewed as privileged, but all it took was some loving and some prodding from me to ask him to look into our history and what Black women uniquely go through, and he was/is right there with me. His eyes are opened, and the purpose of this dialogue could and should be to do the same for other Black men.

I am hoping that out of love Black men who actually do care about Black women like yourself, open your ears and hear what we are saying. Rather than feeling attacked, just listen. We are not attacking you, we are relaying our experience and the role you can play in lifting some burden off our shoulders. And sometimes that burden can be lifted as easily as just empathizing with us the way we do you (and doing it OPENLY and in every situation where Black women are being victimized) or, in an even greater albeit perhaps more difficult way, in checking your fellow brothers on how they treat Black women.
That dude is making you look silly as shyt. He was double talking, talking around bullshyt and using shyt that don't have shyt to do with us. That shyt make you look stupid as shyt and frankly made me lose some respect for you. You have a lot of issues to post some bullshyt like that. Like I said, the issue we have is mainly white supremacy, don't get me wrong, we have a lot of male and female issues we need to take care of as well but we can only work of those with one another.