Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


All Star
Mar 27, 2013

There's a "White Girl Wednesday"?

SHEEEEIIIIIT........I'm about to go HAM tomorrow


Whole day dedicated to Black men and their WW worship for the whole world to see, not a single f is given about BW or girls:bryan:


Aug 3, 2013
There's a lot of hurt and pain in this thread. Black men and black women can't even get together in unity to shyt on CACs without turning on each other. :laff:

black women thinking black men arent equally oppressed, black men thinking black women aren't oppressed

a lot of bitter people in this thread, those are usually the ones that end up lonely and single :ohhh:

Family Man

May 5, 2012
Whole day dedicated to Black men and their WW worship for the whole world to see, not a single f is given about BW or girls:bryan:
Listen. You can't let these bytch ass internet nikkas sway your opinion on black men. I don't fukk with these new age attention whoring nikkas either. You gotta realize that a lot of these black nikkas are self loathing and ain't worth your consideration. For every c00n that you encounter online there are 5 real nikkas offline that are about black woman and their shyt.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
It's always interesting to see BLACK MEN try to define which minority status BLACK WOMEN should claim. You ninjas need to sit the fukk down. :what:

Anyone paying attention to the world and the black community knows that black women aligning ourselves with black men hasn't done jack shyt for black women in the last FOUR-FIVE DECADES. So, while black women may typically get rolled over by white feminist the SAME is true when black women are dealing with BLACK MEN. I would equate it to a prisoner being tied to a heavy steel ball and chain....or a BURDEN...for lack of a better word. When you ninjas aren't blaming black women for your lack of ambition you can be heard blaming black women because YOU can't get over penis envy and compete for the women you desire.

This idea that black women should define themselves based on the shyt that black men are, say and do is NONSENSE. Why? Let me count the ways in which BLACK MEN put their GENDER before their RACE....

  1. They don't give two shyts about black women's feelings when they are sleeping with the same white feminists they claim to hate. In this instance they say shyt like, "At the end of the day I'm a man..." Just watch how these SAME ninjas clapping about non-white women dissing white feminism turn around on Wednesday and put these same white women (many of them feminist) on a pedestal during Twitter's "white girl Wednesday"....a "holiday" started by BLACK MEN.
  2. As much as black men bytch and complain about white men's patriarchy, they aren't really fighting against it, which is something that would benefit ALL people of color (man, woman and child). Instead they are fighting for their place in it. They have no problem regarding black women as sub-par (or the weaker sex)...just as they are regarded under white patriarchy (the weaker race of men). Their ONE and ONLY issue is the white man won't cut them a slice of his pie. It is clear that if black men ever truly gain a piece of the "White patriarchy" pie, they would have no issue continuing to regard black women as sub-par. This is a prime example of how they tend to place their GENDER before their RACE.
  3. When it comes to making money, black men don't give a damn about black women or the black community or anything else with the word "BLACK" before it. They have proven they will sell their souls for a dollar. This shytty ass noise known as modern day hip hop ain't shyt but the rantings of women hating, MALE first, ninjas.
  4. When a black woman is the victim of a crime and the criminal is a BLACK MALE you don't hear shyt from black men. In fact, if you hear anything from them at all it's usually along the lines of, "She shouldn't have put herself in that position" or "She's a snitch" for reporting fukkery that happened to her or someone like her based on gender (i.e., rape). However, these same "no snitch" minded ninjas expect black women to rally for them when they are getting their heads tossed by white men, the law etc.
fukk that!

You ninjas on this site in general ain't shyt. There are some exceptions (ex.@Born2BKing) but they are not the rule.

The day I align myself with you is the day hell freezes over. I'm not going to align myself with white women either, but I'm sure as hell not going to jump on this "Black first, women second, " bandwagon like grandma and 'em did back in the day. In my opinion that's where they :ufdup:

Every time black women start spouting that "Black first, women second" bullshyt they find themselves being rolled the hell over by the very people who claim to be equally as "black" first.

As far as I'm concerned, black women need to look our for themselves and each other FIRST and FOREMOST.

fukk all this bullshyt about black men. If the ninjas aren't part of my family their issues are NOT my issues. I'm just keeping it 100.

Just as black men have made it clear that black women's issues (i.e., rampant sexism, disregard for black women's right to equal protection under the law, etc) aren't their issues...I suggest black women adopt a similar attitude.

*Drops the mic*

Jesus Christ that's long ass post. Save that type of shyt for the PM breh :sitdown:


May 10, 2012
Listen. You can't let these bytch ass internet nikkas sway your opinion on black men. I don't fukk with these new age attention whoring nikkas either. You gotta realize that a lot of black people are self loathing and ain't worth your consideration. For every c00n that you encounter online there are 5 real nikkas offline that are about black woman and their shyt.
nah nikkas will still use internet trolls/overly ignant nikkas to justify their prejudice against Black men or Black women


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
That's a very clinical view. I can only speak for myself. But I as a black man stand with my sisters 110%

Don't believe what you read on the Internet there are a lot of black men such as myself out here. Just like there are a lot of great black women, contrary to the prevailing narrative about y'all.

I know there are but a lot of them are silent , you have other dudes that don't say anything because their like oh well at the end of the day more black women for me which really doesn't solve anything


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I know there are but a lot of them are silent , you have other dudes that don't say anything because their like oh well at the end of the day more black women for me which really doesn't solve anything
On the Internet negativity is always the loudest. Trolls and c00ns scream loud enough that everything else gets drowned out.

But in real life when you see black men fighting for OUR rights, black women are always included.

I do think we all can do more more to not only fight for our rights, but to support each other. It just bothers me when I see black women say stuff like "we are all alone" cause you really are not. There are plenty of black men who will stand beside you and support your cause.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
It's pointless debating a black man on this topic. They think they are the most oppressed group and therefore cannot be the oppressors of another.

In what ways have black men oppressed black women, and more importantly, what system is in place to enforce this oppression?

The reason I speak about the importance of race first is because there is an entire system in place to oppress black people. The American social order (via economic policies, politics, educational system, medical industry, etc) has created an environment to subjugate black people en masse. And that system of subjigation is being enforced by the judicial system and is backed by the government on a federal, state, and local level.

Now I'm not saying there aren't black men who do foul things to black women, I'd be lying to say something like that. Neither am I saying that there aren't issues in the black community that needs to be addressed.

But those actions are done by the individual. Collectively, there is no system in place that I, as a black man, can oppress anyone.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I know there are but a lot of them are silent , you have other dudes that don't say anything because their like oh well at the end of the day more black women for me which really doesn't solve anything

Shorty, seriously. Stop :whoa:

If I was take the shyt I read on the internet seriously, I'd go around believing, every dude on here is a super swagged out pimp with a flourishing career and a corner office of a fortune 500 company....all under the age of 25 who can bench 300 after hooping all day with Lebron James.

Don't believe the shyt you read on the internet, ESPECIALLY not the shyt you read on the coli.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
Yo, why is MurderSheWrote butthurt over some black men getting with white women, when she got herself a white man? She shouldn't even be allowed to speak on that one. That's an immediate disqualifier. I like how she's talking all this overthrow the system talk, but at the end of the day she's married to the white patriarchal system. I don't see how anyone can talk that radical revolutionary sh*t and choose to marry a white person. Though it makes sense, because her enemy apparently isn't the white man, it's the black man. By having biracial babies you are contributing to the white patriarchal structure, no doubt about it. Draw it all out, it's the same conclusion. She's the type of woman to complain about black men being conditioned to only wanting biracial and light skin looking women, but will produce the very same light skin b*tch she was hating on growing up. There's plenty of sistas like that. I wonder if her daughter ever brings home a black guy, or better yet she has a half black son, that would be an interesting to see play about.
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