Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012

this is 2013.

I don't get your point.

Heres what YOU don't understand.

I might be an nihilist in some aspects, but you do have to wonder where you stand from time to time.

Islam IS some ridiculous shyt and I don't want it in any society I live in. Not influencing law at least. The people can practice if they please.

You act like USA influence abroad is a completely and inherently negative thing. And my parents aren't even from America.

Am I supposed to be against what the US did to the rest of the Americas? Yeah some of it was fukked up, but on the larger stage of geopolitics, the powerful make the rules.

What atrocities has Islam done that Chritianity hasn't? :comeon:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I fully understand how BW are manipulated by WW and BM for their causes and then thrown in the bushes when a BW tries to bring up issues unique to them. That’s why BW should be allowed to have our own movement and deal with our own issues without being dictated to by other oppressed groups and told that our feelings don’t matter. BW need to fight for the benefit of BW.

What issues do BW have that BM don't have :stopitslime: What perks do BM hav over BW :beli:


Jun 4, 2013
And I would fee for them. If they weren't taking peoples rights away. This is the same argument used for blacks in the US on stop and frisk. We can't separate black culture from the individual so everyone has to pay. The Muslims in Europe are no different then the French, British and Italians in the Arab world way back when. These people are only western Europe because of colonial cultural ties. You pay for the sins of your father in this society. If they didn't want them there they should not have gone and messed up their countries. I'm not shedding a tear for Europe, chickens coming home to roost.

What in God's name are you talking about?

Anyway, i love when the commies fight each other. All feminism is nonsense, it blames men for the choices women didn't make.


Jun 4, 2013
Fukk europe, they raped the world now they suffer the blowback. And THEY invited all those muslims, you act like they forced their way in. Stupid euros too busy to have kids and they have to import people to have a positive population growth. They need immigrants then complain about them. Stop derailing threads to rant about muslims and arab you either a right wing cac or a hasbarist troll

Have you read the History of the Ottoman Empire? why do you defend Islamic colonialism but condemn European colonialism? Bizarre.


Jul 3, 2012
Sydette ‏@Blackamazon5h
#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen means Rihanna has a responsibility but Miley is just experimenting

Aaron Powell ‏@aaronhasspoken3m
#solidarityisforwhitewomen When little to NO children's advocacy groups spoke in defense of Trayvon Martin

Day ‏@happilygolovely5m
When we are assertive you accuse us of being aggressive or confrontational. #solidarityisforwhitewomen

Lulu ‏@luluchak7m
When you can worry about the regulation of your health rights, but don't need to worry about your civil rights #solidarityisforwhitewomen

RT @GoldenNose #solidarityisforwhitewomen " You stole a whole race, how dare you clutch your purse"

[redacted] ‏@vandeand12m
The same women who fight to teach men about male privilege won't stop to think about their white privilege. #solidarityisforwhitewomen

Aaron Powell ‏@aaronhasspoken14m
#solidarityisforwhitewomen Because NO women's groups came out in defense for the black female new anchor who got fired for her hair

RT @ThatsWhatSiSaid: #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen when Whitney Huston was a crackhead and Amy Winehouse is a lost soul.”



This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
This thread makes me laugh. All of them Mens Rights Movements breh's actually think that movement gives 2 fukk about black men.

They'll get laws passed, then go right back to :mjpls: mode when your rights are violated.

The men's right movement is so anti black it is not even funny.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
People calling others out about not acknowledging their privilege when those same people don't have the guts to acknowledge that they are privileged as well...the audacity.

Also some of you need to read on and try to understand the concept of intersectionality and interlocking systems of oppression. You can't really tell someone else how they should disentangle their identity, especially when context is so important.

This thread took a nose dive. Not coming back.

This could have been a good thread, but looks like it was derailed and killed all good possible debate.

Anyway, I'll still add in my two cents. On the topic of Black women seemingly being asked to choose to fight sexism or racism first or second, I hope more and more Black women take the approach to laugh at the ridiculousness of the request. It is a tactic used to purposefully play on Black women's sensibilities employed by both white women and Black men so that we can put our unique issues on the backburner and dedicate all our efforts to issues that would address all of their issues, but neglect huge parts of ours. If today racism ends, I will still have to deal with men, even those of my own race, dictating to me my my natural inferiority, assessing my value according to standards that only benefit them, and operating under a unique threat of violence/social ostracism if I don't abide by those standards. And if sexism were to end today, I would still have to deal with white folks' prejudice keeping me from economic opportunities, using resources to paint me in a negative light so that all others view me with suspicious as well, and even putting my life in danger.

I'm a Black woman. There is no separating that into pieces. I cannot choose to only be Black or only be female for a second. I face racism because I am Black, I face sexism because I am a woman. I even face racialized sexism. To tell me to compartmentalize myself for someone else's benefit is some tripe that Black women have swallowed for too long, and really gotten us nowhere.

my thoughts EXACTLY. i can't stand the notion that as a black woman i'm told that i should feel that one form of oppression is "worse" or should bother me more than the other(racial). i feel sexism is JUST as bad as racism if not WORSE and as a woman i have the god given right to feel that way. when these guys grow a vagina and walk a day in my shoes as a double minority facing oppression from white men\women and your OWN men in this country ...then maybe i'll listen to their opinions on which cause they think my primary loyalties should lie with.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
You're/we're black before you're/we are women. When two black people procreate, the gender is uncertain, but we know it will be black.
yeah but the first thing we as humans notice about each other upon meeting new people is not race..... it's whether or not said person is MALE OR FEMALE (initial judgement here). then we notice race second(secondary judgement here)....for a black woman it's a double wammy.


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
A lot of ignorance in this thread! Its a shame you have Black men on here claiming that black women shouldn't be feminist and things like black women just found out feminism is racist would not exist lol!,

BLACK WOMEN HAVE KNOW IT WAS RACIST THAT'S WHY THEY CREATED THEIR BLACK FEMINISM AND BLACK WOMANISM which is not the same as mainstream feminist and it has different objectives, secondly IT IS BLACK FEMINISTS on Twitter taking WW and mainstream feminism to task smh.

"Black feminism argues that sexism, class oppression, and racism are inextricably bound together.The way these relate to each other is called intersectionality. Forms of feminism that strive to overcome sexism and class oppression but ignore race can discriminate against many people, including women, through racial bias. The Combahee River Collective argued in 1974 that the liberation of black women entails freedom for all people, since it would require the end of racism, sexism, and class oppression.

One of the theories that evolved out of the Black feminist movement was Alice Walker's Womanism. Alice Walker and other womanists pointed out that black women experienced a different and more intense kind of oppression from that of white women. They point to the emergence black feminism after earlier movements led by white middle-class women which they regard as having largely ignored oppression based on race and class.[3]Patricia Hill Collins defined Black feminism, inBlack Feminist Thought (1991), as including "women who theorize the experiences and ideas shared by ordinary black women that provide a unique angle of vision on self, community, and society"".

Pick up a book!