Black Midwesterners Appreciation


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Oakland and Detroit sound/act bizarrely similar. Oakland nikkas talk a little slower but the accent is really close. I have no idea why that is.

They do both enunciate the same, I think maybe some brehs are just from areas where the public education system just stressed proper speech in grade school more. Also being in a diverse area and an old area would cause that too, different cultures and accents mixing in over time blending in and cancelling each other out. Everybody know the Bay ain’t that old but it is very diverse, and Detroit is pretty diverse too, and more specifically the Black Community in Detroit historically is diverse also and very old too, you had brehs moving up from the American south, and you also had brehs moving south from Canada far back as the early 1800’s. When that shyt was a British colony, free Black folks from the West Indies would end up in Canada and some would move down to Detroit to work in the fur industry. I think anytime you have a really old Black community like that, that used to be an French or English colony, the accents gets kinda neutral over time. Look at Savannah and Charleston, some cats from there actually sound less country than brehs from Atlanta, but you’d think it would be opposite cuz ATL the bigger city. FL geechie cats got a West Indian influence in their accent but SC and GA geechie brehs got almost an up north accent. That’s cuz them brehs are from places that’s so old and at times so isolated that the accent just picked up off what brehs was hearing white people say and never changed from way back then. And what they was picking off of was old English talking aristocratic white peoples. Same way that NY and New Orleans cats have a heavy Italian influence on their accents. Cuz both cities had Black folks that lived next to Italians going back 100 plus years. You just kinda throw in whatever is around you and it becomes apart of your own.


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
@Black Magisterialness you’re from Syria Detroit.

You don’t get to speak on corny especially when the most contributing person from your city is a lame trailer park trash Cac.

Go do some community service and bulldoze an empty house cornball.

Yep. Motown never happened. :mjlol:

Y’all need to stop bringing up NYC in threads that has nothing to do with it. Cause one person brings it up and then you got all these inferiority complex’s nikkas from other cities storming in with all the :angry:

Every region has their good and bad, there’s no reason to compare and contrast NYC with other cities all the time.

Nah. Some, not all, of y’all nikkas just like to throw rocks and hide your hands, when a rock you threw out first comes back over the wall. You talk shyt about somebody else you think they not gonna talk back? Like for real, where they do that at?

That shyt is bullshyt anyway, y’all supposed to take pride in being aggressive but the minute somebody get aggressive back y’all wanna take the high road on some “oh y’all some insecure ass nikkas, I was just joking”. Again, that’s what we call throwing rocks and hiding your hands down my way. That’s what hoes do. Can’t have it both ways, can’t act like you open for drama 24/7 then when the drama pull up you wanna throw deflections out and take the high road.


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Jay Z more influential than these Midwestern folks...?

-Michael Jackson: Gary, IN (Detroit by proxy)
-Eminem: Detroit
-Numerous Motown artists that I can list: Detroit
-Prince: Minneapolis
-Kanye West: Chicago
-Henry Ford: Detroit
-I can go on.

All of those people mentioned above are known and loved around the planet. People who don’t even know an ounce of English can tell you who those people are. Can’t say the same for Jay Z.

Y’all NY nikkas be killing me. Ole Mims “This is Why I’m Hot” corny ass nikkas. I’ve been to NY a few times and it’s not even a top five city I’ve visited. Mexico City is just as big (bigger/larger I believe) and it’s shytting on NY. The only reason why NY has any type of influence in society, is because of Wallstreet. If Wallstreet was transported to buttfukk Wyoming, I’m pretty sure that Wyoming would have a little influence, too.

Breh if you gonna say MJ Detroit by proxy then ima take Stevie Wonder off Detroit by proxy, cuz he really was from East Chicago which is basically Gary. I get what you mean tho, he never woulda blown if not for Barry Gordy.

Random side fact- Stevie Wonder mamma and Katherine Jackson grew up on the same street in EC.


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
Yep. Motown never happened. :mjlol:

Nah. Some, not all, of y’all nikkas just like to throw rocks and hide your hands, when a rock you threw out first comes back over the wall. You talk shyt about somebody else you think they not gonna talk back? Like for real, where they do that at?

That shyt is bullshyt anyway, y’all supposed to take pride in being aggressive but the minute somebody get aggressive back y’all wanna take the high road on some “oh y’all some insecure ass nikkas, I was just joking”. Again, that’s what we call throwing rocks and hiding your hands down my way. That’s what hoes do. Can’t have it both ways, can’t act like you open for drama 24/7 then when the drama pull up you wanna throw deflections out and take the high road.

Throw rocks?

Your first post in this thread was questioning a dude who was from Boston, and then you came at me for defending my city that was brought up here by a Detroit nikka.

Lol not sure why dudes lie on public threads like people can’t easily go to page 1 and read the thread.

My initial post in this thread were positive until the dikk eaters came out.

Also Mo town doesn’t exist anymore but Apollo is still on 125th St


Talk shyt about NYC and expect rude remarks to follow. The same way you getting sensitive to the remarks being thrown back at you.



Sep 27, 2014
Yep. Motown never happened. :mjlol:

Nah. Some, not all, of y’all nikkas just like to throw rocks and hide your hands, when a rock you threw out first comes back over the wall. You talk shyt about somebody else you think they not gonna talk back? Like for real, where they do that at?

That shyt is bullshyt anyway, y’all supposed to take pride in being aggressive but the minute somebody get aggressive back y’all wanna take the high road on some “oh y’all some insecure ass nikkas, I was just joking”. Again, that’s what we call throwing rocks and hiding your hands down my way. That’s what hoes do. Can’t have it both ways, can’t act like you open for drama 24/7 then when the drama pull up you wanna throw deflections out and take the high road.
The folks talking shyt about the Midwest in this thread aren’t even from NY. So your point is invalid. Only trolls from NY have the need to shyt on other regions but if they weren’t, they’d know that there’s no need to demean other cities. You can tag any thorough poster from NY and they’ll agree with me. And I’m not even from NY..


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
It’s a form of inferiority imo :hubie:

They make it hard for New Yorkers to show love.

I remember SD from Chicago saying people told him that New Yorkers don’t show love until he came to NYC and was shown hella love.

Matter of fact I think out of town dudes are shown more love in NYC than any place.


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Throw rocks?

Your first post in this thread was questioning a dude who was from Boston, and then you came at me for defending my city that was brought up here by a Detroit nikka.

Lol not sure why dudes lie on public threads like people can’t easily go to page 1 and read the thread.

My initial post in this thread were positive until the dikk eaters came out.

Also Mo town doesn’t exist anymore but Apollo is still on 125th St


Talk shyt about NYC and expect rude remarks to follow. The same way you getting sensitive to the remarks being thrown back at you.


Patna stop acting like I didn’t question a dude from Boston saying NYC and Boston set the swag for the Black community, in a Midwest thread. This wasn’t a NYC thread, it ain’t no where near the midwest. That shyt didn’t manifest outta thin air, if he never popped off this never happens. He was out of line and said some off the wall shyt and I in turn responded. I only came at you cuz I always go at you. If you notice I never said NY is lame. I just said YOU are lame. It’s more than a few NY dudes on here I show respect to, you just not one of them. Told you along time ago I see thru you like Windex patna. You quick to pop up in a street thread with your sideline watching ass or call somebody slow but you the same slow ass clown claiming hustler but at the same time making threads asking for game on dropshipping in fukking 2019:mjlol: I salute the effort to start the grind but you better not call nobody slow if you asking for tips on that in 2019:mjlol:

I’m not the type to knock somebody grind. I’m a get it how you live all day type of dude. But you just a lame. nikka you not a hustler, you not a G, you not fast, you ain’t slick, and you not hard so stop fukking acting like it.


Apr 19, 2013
Nah...I think that Texas relationship is to strong. They'll consider themselves Southwestern before Midwestern.

These the black folks in this thread

Everybody from Somalis and Prince's family in Minneapolis, to formerly 1 million blacks in Chicago proper, to Nelly in St. Louis, to BBQ in Kansas City, to Sheriff Clarke in Milwaukee, to black folks in Fort Wayne and Indianapolis, to Ohio Players, to Detroit 8 Mile Motown cats......1 black person in North Dakota.

The majority of us in OK consider us a Southwestern state.


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
Patna stop acting like I didn’t question a dude from Boston saying NYC and Boston set the swag for the Black community, in a Midwest thread. This wasn’t a NYC thread, it ain’t no where near the midwest. That shyt didn’t manifest outta thin air, if he never popped off this never happens. He was out of line and said some off the wall shyt and I in turn responded. I only came at you cuz I always go at you. If you notice I never said NY is lame. I just said YOU are lame. It’s more than a few NY dudes on here I show respect to, you just not one of them. Told you along time ago I see thru you like Windex patna. You quick to pop up in a street thread with your sideline watching ass or call somebody slow but you the same slow ass clown claiming hustler but at the same time making threads asking for game on dropshipping in fukking 2019:mjlol: I salute the effort to start the grind but you better not call nobody slow if you asking for tips on that in 2019:mjlol:

I’m not the type to knock somebody grind. I’m a get it how you live all day type of dude. But you just a lame. nikka you not a hustler, you not a G, you not fast, you ain’t slick, and you not hard so stop fukking acting like it.

You came at me because you always come at me? Lol.

You don’t know me to be calling me a lame. I’m positive you don’t pull more bytches than me and know more important people than me. You probably can’t dress either lol.

Wasn’t there a thread on here of you bragging about fukking a Haitian dudes bytch a bytch who was ugly and looked like she was desperate? Yea those chicks fukk lame dudes like yourself - if True.

We don’t even know how you look calling someone lame behind a computer screen.

Meanwhile half the nikkas you hang with are either broke, asking you for money and breaking laws to hustle lol.

It’s starting to add up why you and your mother probably fell off. RIP!


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
You came at me because you always come at me? Lol.

You don’t know me to be calling me a lame. I’m positive you don’t pull more bytches than me and know more important people than me. You probably can’t dress either lol.

Wasn’t there a thread on here of you bragging about fukking a Haitian dudes bytch a bytch who was ugly and looked like she was desperate? Yea those chicks fukk lame dudes like yourself - if True.

We don’t even know how you look calling someone lame behind a computer screen.

Meanwhile half the nikkas you hang with are either broke, asking you for money and breaking laws to hustle lol.

It’s starting to add up why you and your mother probably fell off. RIP!

:mjlol: On one hand I’d say Neg off GP for dragging my departed loved one into this. But then I’m like nah, if you coming out the bag with that, it shows what I said hit home. My dead mother? Wow. Like that was pretty low.

You may be about that paper chase but you not good at it. Think outside the box and get your grind up for real patna. You calling folks slow but you out here just now starting up old ass hustles 5-7 years late, and you working harder not smarter with your other shyt. Log off and take some of that Coli energy and brainstorm up a better grind nikka. I see you want to flip cars, dumb ass nikka go cop from the auction and rent them out. You’ll earn 3x what you would’ve made off that car in a year. Or if so sell go to auctions down south and come back your way and market it as a “southern car”. Pre Sandy just off the rust free aspect that term would make your listing move fast, but post Sandy that shyt is moving light speed. See I’m giving you game cuz I know the lameness in you supersedes the grind in your soul. You can’t take it that a country nikka from Atlanta running circles around you when it comes to this enterprising shyt. And I can tell you the game too cuz you no competition to me on any level. By the time you get into that and get your nose wet I’ll have been transitioned into something else.

And my people fell off? I’m not following you on that one. Gonna have to clarify that for me breh

And bragging? Nah, not even close. Check my posts, I’ve never even bought that shyt up since that thread. And that shyt is in the rafters, it’s years later and I still get a few daps a week off of it. That chick was dead by my standards, even for a one night stand. And to keep it a buck the reason I haven’t mentioned it since then is cuz I felt stupid as fukk about it after the fact. I’m embarrassed that shyt went down, cuz you right, that chick was nasty. Im man enough to hold that L. I’m way better than that. But because I went radio silent on that issue after that thread, what you didn’t hear was how she knew where I lived cuz my dumbass took her to my place to smash, fast forward a few years and a week after that shyt blew up on the Coli, a brown Camry was outside my house with a breh in the passenger seat and big ass redneck white boy driving. I saw the reflection of the car pull up, I hopped up, grabbed the stick from the closet, opened the door and stood in the doorway while I put the drum on and I just stared at them, then they drove off after about 5-7 seconds. Now I ain’t know what dude looked like, but the white boy for sure didn’t stay on my street, and he didn’t look lost either, he was sitting there with a purpose. Now I could’ve drawn down on some random folks, but I doubt it. That’s why you ain’t seen either one of them clowns since that. Cuz that shyt was about to go left real quick. They both knew what time it was, that crazy shyt I was talking wasn’t a bluff, I am who the fukk I say I am.

And about looks and dressing? I’ve pulled up on people off here at meetups, posted my pic when I got into it with that OG clown and I got folks I’ve met off of here on my LinkedIn. I ain’t hiding from shyt patna.