Black Men with Asian Women: My Interview with Stefhen Bryan (Coli Exclusive!)


May 20, 2013
This the LAST Interview I did for my blog. I still happened to have the manuscript and I'm sharing exclusively with the Coli. For who don't know Stefhen Bryan is a Jamaican born author who wrote the book "Black Passenger, Yellow Cabs" which is a Memoir of life in Asia more specifically Japan. He goes in detail about his sexual exploits, his fetish for Asian women and the status of black men the world over. I would love you hear your honest feedback on this interview. I will break this interview into 2 parts; one big and one really small. My questions are in italics and Bryan's answers are in bold. I hope you won't be too turned off by some of the spelling errors. :o:Enjoy!


Poverty. Racial suicide. Sex addiction. An untypical escape from a dangerous seething slum of Kingston Jamaica to a far east and a pressure cooker cauldron like society of Japan where success is the only imperative. A Desire of mixed race children. Issues of fetishism and self rejection. All this and much, much more is covered in the 372 page memoir by "Black Passenger, Yellow Cabs: Of Exile And Excess In Japan" by Stefhen F. Bryan. In his first 8 years in Japan he bedded dozens of highly attractive Japanese women. Of course is way more complicated that it sounds. To get a clear picture of what I mean take a look at this interview I did with Stefhen.

So after four years what has been the response to "Black passengers, Yellow Cabs"?

The response has been extremely positive mostly. 120 five and four star reviews on amazon worldwide. Though sales have died down somewhat, I'm confident there will be a revival once the solo performance based on the book is debuted.

Did you speaking Japanese before moving to Japan?

Not one single word. I ZERO interest in japan before moving there.

You describe Japan as a "pressure cook society". Do you think that intense pressure is one of the reasons Japan has been so successful as economic power when it has no real natural resources?

Absolutely! the people in Japanese society are obsessive and unified about everything they do: from imitating rap and reggae to building a world class economy, failure is just not an option. actually, suicide is a better option than failure, to the japanese.

You say both Black and White men have a high sexual capital in Japan. Why do you think that' the case?

I answer this question in my book.

How big is Black culture in Japan?

Huge. African-American and Jamaican culture are very popular in japan, especially African-American culture, from hip hop to R&B to gospel, to braids, dreads, popping and locking, very very popular.

In your book you said that back in your parish in Jamaica, east Asian ran most of the businesses. I notice growing up that Koreans own many of the businesses predominantly Black areas. Globally speaking why do you think so many Asian have an economic foot hold in Black areas?

Because they're economic opportunists. Look at the Chinese presence in africa today. They are willing to go where they can make money.

In the book you talk about the "hybrid vigor theory" that eludes to mixed race people being more attractive on average that monoracial people. Where do you thin the validity lies in that theory? Do you think is factual or more peception than anything else?

Not sure if you meant to use the word "elude," but in answering this question, this had been my perception from childhood, only to be validated by studies in genetics. professor Alon Ziv wrote an amazing book on the hybrid vigor phenomenon. its called breeding between the lines.


Do you have any attraction to Black women at all?

There are attractive women in every race. It's just that my preference is yellow. I want half black half yellow children.

What was you experience with Black women in states when you live in LA?

I have only been intimate with 3 African-American women. When i lived in the UK I dated many many African women and women of African descent, but in America, cultural incompatibility has kept me away from African-American women.

Do you think the strong attraction that so many Black men have of non is just hangover from colonialism and slavery?

It may well be that, given a negative perception of our own race and give our negative experiences, many black men date outside our race, thinking it would improve the life chances of our children. That is most definitely the case with me. Im not preaching to anyone to date interracially thats just what I want for MY children.

A lot Black men have a rep for dating down considerably when they women of other races, especially White women. How did you dodge that trap?

Yeah, I was caught in that trap for a minute. It comes from self-hate and seeing anything thats not black as attractive. At the time I had ZERO TO THE INFINITE POWER confidence, non existing self esteem and terrible self image, thinking I was just black and ugly. But I started college at 22 and became very popular on campus. I ran for student senate, and found that people liked me. then everyone suggested that I run for vp and i did and won. then I became president of student govnt. the involvement in these activities worked wonders for my self-esteem and my confidence.

Of course I started psychotherapy when i started college. having no self confidence and a negative self esteem, I was chronically shy and socially inept, like those people who are japanophiles and love manga and anime, and in fact, like most people in Japan. my personality was exactly like the typical Japanese: diffident, shy and socially retarded. so all those positive experiences at the beginning of my college career, changed my personality and I became extroverted.

I learn how to communicate and hold a conversation and to make people, especially women laugh. then i started getting attention from hyper beautiful white women and I never went fat and ugly again. Of course, I also wore braces when i was 22, and that changed my face and changed my perception of myself. braces did improve my looks.

Why you think so many brother tend to date down when they date out?

Low self esteem, low self confidence, high self hate and the perception that even a fat ugly white woman in a wheelchair is better than a black woman. I was once there.

Many would have loved to be in the position you were in but you were driven buy sex addiction not a need to feed your ego or wild oats? How did you come to conclusion you were a sex addict?

I knew I was an addict since the first time I was introduced to sex at 7. i suffered from depression and suicidal idealizations since I was 4, and sex was the only thing that made me happy. and yes, I had no desire to sire children. I would've had 15 by now if I had such desires.

Most sex addicts will have sex with anyone yet you chose mostly women of East Asia decent. Are there various psychological configurations to the preferences of sex addicts?

In the past, I have had lots of sex with non East Asian women, mostly white women. In fact, as I wrote in my book, there was one blonde whom I impregnated 3 times in six months.

What did it take for you to gain control over your condition?

I simply got older and my libido reduced. Most men would freak out, I welcome my reduced sex drive with open arms.
In the book you articulate some tense moments in your teens with African Americans while living in Denver. Why do you think sometimes there are the tense relations between Black Americans and Caribbean people?

The tense relations are not just between african americans and caribbean people, but in general between african americans and africans from other parts of the african diaspora and from the continent. thats because, among all the diasporic africans, african americans are the furthest removed.

I read his book-its not only about pu$$y but extremely interesting observation on Japan. It seems first world but lacks social safety nets so grinding 3rd world type poverty exists everywhere. Single mothers often go hungry and even starve! Also sexual abuse is distressingly common while a huge number of females,maybe the majority are neglected. His book should be made into a a movie,at the least an adult anime.
Jul 9, 2014
This man is crazy so all of it is weird, how do you impregnate someone 3 times in 6 months? That's not possible. This is what caught my attention. I knew this wasn't isolated to Black American communities, it even happens in Jamaica. This is what happens when Black men don't run their communities, other men come in and take it over:

n your book you said that back in your parish in Jamaica, east Asian ran most of the businesses. I notice growing up that Koreans own many of the businesses predominantly Black areas. Globally speaking why do you think so many Asian have an economic foot hold in Black areas?

Because they're economic opportunists. Look at the Chinese presence in africa today. They are willing to go where they can make money.


May 29, 2014
First, I just want to say I give this guy credit for being self reflective with the decisions that his made regarding his sex addiction.
What I found to be especially interesting is his perception that having mixed kids would automatically make their lives better. He adds his lack of attraction for black women of course but it all boils down to the fact that these women seem unattainable to him growing up.

He has a negative perception of being black and thinks that having mixed children will fix that but it won't. At the end of the day his children will stilll be half of him and how can you teach these kids to love themselves when you exalt the other half more than your own.

If he thinks lowly of his own race what makes him think that people won't feel the same way about his children. At the end of the day Japan is a homogenous society that prides itseld on purity, he really thinks a society likw that is a good one to raise multiracial children in?

Black men who thinks like him think they will get respect by sexing themselves into other communities. When in actual fact these societies value their communities, protect and exalt their women. If Japan was as dysfunctional, little economic drive and coveted the beauty of others the way some black communities do, would he have such an interest in asian women as he does.

It seems to me that guys like him envy the ranking of men of other races and the unity of other communities and settle to sexing their women as a source of power. That isn't power.

Asian men, white men, etc exalt their own and value their women, this dude like some other black guys think degrading things about his own, verbally and physically demean and wonders why women of other races seem better to him. That is, if they care for self-reflection.

Black men will never gain respect that their due with this attitude. You can't put other races on a pedestal and wonder why they look down on you.
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May 29, 2014
The value that he gives to other races of women is in direct correlation with how men of their respective communities value their own women.
If coli is an indication of how a dysfunctional black community behaves than it is no surprise that black communities are lagging behind other communities.
In addition, it is funny the complaints that coli posters have made in respect of black women mentionning how mix they are. Yet exalt the beauty of other races over your own, you don't think that these girls don't internalize this? Also the bleaching, but yet talk aboyt light skinned girls being more attractive than dark skinned girls. All these things are very destructive.
I hope that this guy does not procreate but unfortunately they always do.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Very interesting and honest introspection of his c00n ways in his interview. It will spark some debates and hopefully further encourage introspection by the readers. Which is what a good interview should do

He claims to have preferences, all while agreeing that he has been brainwashed, so how is that preference. I never understood the claims of preference having, if your preferences are instilled in you by others/society/brainwashing

I disagree with him and the notion that there is drama between African Americans and Africans due to African Americans being the furthest removed. Speak to Caribbeans and African folks about some of their plights in their homeland, and you'll see similarities to African Americans

Any immigrant that comes to the states have more than likely been filled with stereotype gibberish about African Americans prior to coming here. Many immigrants have decided to embrace OR they are unaware of the warp perception they have of African Americans due to the stereotype gibberish. So a thief in their homeland is not looked upon the same as a thief that happens to be an African American. The African American thief is the "correct" representation of the average African American, while the thief back home is a local loser, that does not reflect the community members

EDIT: The other half of you interview, I wished you would've followed up his claims of why he felt AA culture was not open to embracing outside cultures [which is total BS and more stereotyping] by asking him to compare his experience of Japaniese and other Asian cultures willingness to embrace him and cultures when he lived there
Regarding bold well I guess you don't understand anything you do either then because damn near all preferences people have are instilled by others/society/brainwashing if we keeping it funky. When we were young things were different but as you get older we all have been influenced in some way so :yeshrug:. I know its a late response just seeing it today though.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
The value that he gives to other races of women is in direct correlation with how men of their respective communities value their own women.
If coli is an indication of how a dysfunctional black community behaves than it is no surprise that black communities are lagging behind other communities.
In addition, it is funny the complaints that coli posters have made in respect of black women mentionning how mix they are. Yet exalt the beauty of other races over your own, you don't think that these girls don't internalize this? Also the bleaching, but yet talk aboyt light skinned girls being more attractive than dark skinned girls. All these things are very destructive.
I hope that this guy does not procreate but unfortunately they always do.
Why does it seem online darkskin women and their capes seem to always want dudes to say they look good? If you look good you look good complexion aside. These chicks must not be attractive and using the new standard American way aka copouts/excuses to make it valid. I honestly wish all these low self esteem people would not procreate and off themselves to save us future generations of this garbage whining about nobody like me.


May 29, 2014
Why does it seem online darkskin women and their capes seem to always want dudes to say they look good? If you look good you look good complexion aside. These chicks must not be attractive and using the new standard American way aka copouts/excuses to make it valid. I honestly wish all these low self esteem people would not procreate and off themselves to save us future generations of this garbage whining about nobody like me.
Is that what you got for my response or you settled from what you can pick at or sid you settle for what will get you cosigns for your fellow coli brehs?
Apr 30, 2012
Regarding bold well I guess you don't understand anything you do either then because damn near all preferences people have are instilled by others/society/brainwashing if we keeping it funky. When we were young things were different but as you get older we all have been influenced in some way so :yeshrug:. I know its a late response just seeing it today though.

I agree that my preferences was instilled by others/society/brainwashing growing up. The main difference is once I've recognized the process of influencing others and I accepted the reality that humans are vulnerable to being influenced, then I could consciously begin to carve out my preferences

It's a everyday process of reinforcing certain rules and reminders to minimize brainwashing


May 29, 2014
Why does it seem online darkskin women and their capes seem to always want dudes to say they look good? If you look good you look good complexion aside. These chicks must not be attractive and using the new standard American way aka copouts/excuses to make it valid. I honestly wish all these low self esteem people would not procreate and off themselves to save us future generations of this garbage whining about nobody like me.
Please leave my replies for someone that has an interest in discussion rather than deflection. Thank you!
Apr 30, 2012
Why does it seem online darkskin women and their capes seem to always want dudes to say they look good? If you look good you look good complexion aside. These chicks must not be attractive and using the new standard American way aka copouts/excuses to make it valid. I honestly wish all these low self esteem people would not procreate and off themselves to save us future generations of this garbage whining about nobody like me.
that is the whole point of the video. There is no complexion aside when you are brainwashed to view complexion differently or a certain accent to be more pleasing


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Is that what you got for my response or you settled from what you can pick at or sid you settle for what will get you cosigns for your fellow coli brehs?
Of course thats what i got from your response nikka thats what I posted? imo that's what you meant and look at my rep yeah I'm really posting for daps and reps :usure:. You just did the same thing you accuse me of quite funny. I'm telling the truth to me and disagree with you in this darkskin chick shyt period. You don't agree fukk it but that's what it is.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
that is the whole point of the video. There is no complexion aside when you are brainwashed to view complexion differently or a certain accent to be more pleasing
Like I said everybody is "brainwashed" so there is no need to ever mention brainwashing unless people doing their usual trying to shame/make themselves look better routine.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Please leave my replies for someone that has an interest in discussion rather than deflection. Thank you!
fukk out here clown your shut ain't deep and no agreeing with your stupidity ain't no fukking deflection. Ole overinflated ego online cats I tell ya. Thank that :pacspit: