I was taught to dress for the job that you want, not the job that you have.

They moved my office to the corner end of the building away from the rest of my department. I'm the only one in my department on a separate floor than everyone else with an office to myself. They're on the 12th floor, I'm on the 14th. Like an adult corporate version of the time-out corner except with an office and a salary. Moved my black ass out to the wasteland.

Don't know - I probably do have a problem with authority and conformity. I need no meaningless interruptions and need to fully concentrate. So I think they figure, just let her be and do her thing, give her own space to be antisocial in. They know that I have a reputation for doing good work, efficiency and managing my own time but I've been here long enough that they know the personality clashes. I don't do all that officey poly-ing shyt either. Just got a promotion this month that I wasn't expecting, i'm the only black female in this position though but where I work is diverse so it's not like there's this heavy overlying racial element here - I can say that. Definitely not the only "face" in the room. There are black males at my job in good positions - mostly in finance and accounting, IT Support. I know for a fact one is a c00n but the rest are regular every day type of dudes who worked their way up. They just do their job and go home. No funny shyt.
Not so much conformity, but I was always told that appearance means a lot and is impactful. Regardless of how you feel on the inside, never let your outside reflect that. Do the best with the resources that you have and I don't play when it comes to having work standards for myself and have a strong work ethic. I'm cordial with them, but I think they know I don't play all those corporate games and networking b.s., Reached the point where I don't have the energy for it. Let me do my training, take whatever courses to keep updated, attend the meetings and let me do my work - no small talk or banter. My job is mostly researching and analyzing data anyway- I don't need to be a people person or be in a positon to interact with people on the daily.