Black Man who knows his rights still gets tased and harrased by the Hoe-lice(Police)


Jun 14, 2012
abou the first vid. i'm rarely on the cops side but if he was jay-walking, then the cop can request ID to give him a ticket.

also, one thing they ALWAYS teach you as far as interactions with police is to refuse verbally if you're within your rights but NEVER resist physically. dude should have verbally refused to give him ID but give him the ID and state that he's only giving the ID because he's being coerced. then get the ticket and go contest it (plus they got video)

cop is an a$$hole but at the same time, dude was kinda stupid.

Basically. Cops vary from city to city. Also, they treat you based on your credibility. If you look like a bum who has to cash his checks at a 7-11, they are not gonna be as cordial. People act like cops don't profile and size you up. I'm black and act very informal towards cops and 90% of the time don't even get a ticket. But they arrested my cousin on the same driving with a suspended license violation they let me go on two different occasions.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
the two in video look weird
homie has a bag pack, cig and on the phone, and they are grabbing him...

@ office

cant play audio...not giving kkkakkks an inch

play by play


May 1, 2012
Get out of the car and lock the doors....thats some game for yall right there.


May 6, 2012
Basically. Cops vary from city to city. Also, they treat you based on your credibility. If you look like a bum who has to cash his checks at a 7-11, they are not gonna be as cordial. People act like cops don't profile and size you up. I'm black and act very informal towards cops and 90% of the time don't even get a ticket. But they arrested my cousin on the same driving with a suspended license violation they let me go on two different occasions.
yeah that's the thing people don't realize. police do profile but they also go a lot with their "gut feeling" and stereotype. just based on your body language/what type of person the cop is, his day, etc etc.

one thing i HATE about cops though is that eventhough in the first video i believe the cop was right at least on the principle of it, i also feel like the cop could have defused the whole situation without using force. when the dude asked him for the law that requires him to provide ID, the cop could have tried a little harder to explain that when you commit an infraction you get a ticket. in order to give the ticket the cop needs to identify the guy. and in order to identify, the cop needs ID (i actually re-watched the video and the cop actually tried but he could have tried a little harder.). i still feel like a lot of cops are on some "go ahead, make my day" type steez. like they wish someone would give them a reason to tase them instead of trying to defuse situations. so yeah, cop was right but i wouldn't qualify his intervention as exemplary or professional. professional would have been using psychology and body language to calm down dude and explain the situation to him once his adrenaline is down.

the second video is a very different situation because unlike the black dude, white dude with the gun actually knows his rights. he didn't commit any infractions and was asked for ID eventhough he did nothing illegal. had he just spit on the floor or been smoking a cigarette and disposed of the ash on the floor (anything minor that could warrant a ticket) the cops would have been right and it would have been the same situation as the black dude. the cops backed down cause they knew if that shyt went to court, it's a clear cut case plus video. and the funny thing is, i actually understand the cop's concern in this one (ironically he was probably also stereotyping, he saw a white dude with a gun, he probably fit the other type of profile, lol). but at the end of the day, dude was in his right and knew his stuff.

let this be a lesson to all of us. i'm all for flexing your rights. i've actually been in a couple of situations with cops where cops asked me to do something and i said no. but if you want to do it that way, you better make sure you KNOW your stuff and that they can't make anything stick on you legally. and also, even when i said no, i was always somewhat polite and cordial with them. and in turn they were polite with me as well. there's a difference between being firm and agitated. one can be firm and still polite/cordial and even friendly in some cases. Malcolm X always seemed like the type of dude who knew the law in and out, was firm about making others respect his rights, but also followed the law and was never trying to be too cocky with it.

Robert California

Jun 14, 2012
yeah that's the thing people don't realize. police do profile but they also go a lot with their "gut feeling" and stereotype. just based on your body language/what type of person the cop is, his day, etc etc.

one thing i HATE about cops though is that eventhough in the first video i believe the cop was right at least on the principle of it, i also feel like the cop could have defused the whole situation without using force. when the dude asked him for the law that requires him to provide ID, the cop could have tried a little harder to explain that when you commit an infraction you get a ticket. in order to give the ticket the cop needs to identify the guy. and in order to identify, the cop needs ID (i actually re-watched the video and the cop actually tried but he could have tried a little harder.). i still feel like a lot of cops are on some "go ahead, make my day" type steez. like they wish someone would give them a reason to tase them instead of trying to defuse situations. so yeah, cop was right but i wouldn't qualify his intervention as exemplary or professional. professional would have been using psychology and body language to calm down dude and explain the situation to him once his adrenaline is down.

the second video is a very different situation because unlike the black dude, white dude with the gun actually knows his rights. he didn't commit any infractions and was asked for ID eventhough he did nothing illegal. had he just spit on the floor or been smoking a cigarette and disposed of the ash on the floor (anything minor that could warrant a ticket) the cops would have been right and it would have been the same situation as the black dude. the cops backed down cause they knew if that shyt went to court, it's a clear cut case plus video. and the funny thing is, i actually understand the cop's concern in this one (ironically he was probably also stereotyping, he saw a white dude with a gun, he probably fit the other type of profile, lol). but at the end of the day, dude was in his right and knew his stuff.

let this be a lesson to all of us. i'm all for flexing your rights. i've actually been in a couple of situations with cops where cops asked me to do something and i said no. but if you want to do it that way, you better make sure you KNOW your stuff and that they can't make anything stick on you legally. and also, even when i said no, i was always somewhat polite and cordial with them. and in turn they were polite with me as well. there's a difference between being firm and agitated. one can be firm and still polite/cordial and even friendly in some cases. Malcolm X always seemed like the type of dude who knew the law in and out, was firm about making others respect his rights, but also followed the law and was never trying to be too cocky with it.

May 11, 2012


Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
black dude in the video has got to know to play it cool. and that loudmouth broad screamin didnt make the situation better. im not advocating police brutality nor am i apprroving police misconduct. but what nyggaz gotta understand is that the police can do whatever the fucc they want to your azz. they can plant dope on u, file false charges etc. sometimes u gotta be cool in order to get out of the situation. this is comin from a nygga that has been pulled over and has had a few illegal things in the car. you gotta play it cool and sweetalk the cops, show your i.d insurance, registration and act play the "good guy" and hopefully the cop will send u on your way. of course there are azzhole cops that be on some power trip shyt. ive been beat down by the cops for nothin and not even taken to jail. so i know 1st hand how some of them punk ass cops behave. i tried to play that "i know my rights sshyt' with the cops one time when they pulled me over. i told em they were not allowed to search my car, i refused a body search, i told the cops to give me my speeding violation and send me on my way. i had valid License, insurance, reg etc. i wasnt on paole, probation or nothin. i told the cops that he needed a warrant to search my sshhyt. that cop detained me for an hr on the side of the road until he was able to contact the courts to get a warrant. my point is that sometimes u just gotta be cool. :manny:

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
black dude in the video has got to know to play it cool. and that loudmouth broad screamin didnt make the situation better. im not advocating police brutality nor am i apprroving police misconduct. but what nyggaz gotta understand is that the police can do whatever the fucc they want to your azz. they can plant dope on u, file false charges etc. sometimes u gotta be cool in order to get out of the situation. this is comin from a nygga that has been pulled over and has had a few illegal things in the car. you gotta play it cool and sweetalk the cops, show your i.d insurance, registration and act play the "good guy" and hopefully the cop will send u on your way. of course there are azzhole cops that be on some power trip shyt. ive been beat down by the cops for nothin and not even taken to jail. so i know 1st hand how some of them punk ass cops behave. i tried to play that "i know my rights sshyt' with the cops one time when they pulled me over. i told em they were not allowed to search my car, i refused a body search, i told the cops to give me my speeding violation and send me on my way. i had valid License, insurance, reg etc. i wasnt on paole, probation or nothin. i told the cops that he needed a warrant to search my sshhyt. that cop detained me for an hr on the side of the road until he was able to contact the courts to get a warrant. my point is that sometimes u just gotta be cool. :manny:

Exactly. People need to learn to play chess and not checkers. It's not about kissing ass or being submissive, it's about using your fukking head. You'll find a lot of cops LOOKING for a confrontation and a reason to assault/arrest you because they're power trip pussies who use the badge to bully, don't even give them an inch. If you get loud and belligerent, you're playing their game, cuz shyt will only escalate to the point where they can end up arresting you. If you're as cordial as possible and give them no justification whatsoever for blatantly violating your rights, you can fukk them right up the ass in court with a decent lawyer.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
there are major difference in the video of the guy in portland and the original video. you can't really compare. the guy in portland committed no crime by carrying his gun around. the guy in the original video was jaywalking and they asked him to produce his i.d. another thing, the guy in portland (the law student) knew the law in regards to the situation, it's almost as if he did what he did to provoke an encounter so he could test it out (which is kind of bad in my opinion, i'd rather people know the law instead of test the boundaries of it) while the other guy knew certain things but didn't accept the fact that he did commit a crime (which is bad, when you do something wrong you should understand what you've done). the original couple was so bent on the fact that it's a bogus law or the fact that they could have possibly been profiled (it seems as if that the real cause, or maybe i'm just seeing what all you posters are expressing as the cause for the issue) that they didn't realize he committed a crime from jump prompting the response of the cops.

i'm all for people knowing the laws and finding ways around them, but when you do something and break them, you should realize when you actually have done something wrong and not try to "infer" other wrong doing to escape punishment.

and you guys are fukked up, saying "CAC" this and "CAC" that. you have no idea what you're talking about and you're being ignorant turning this into a race debate when that issue remains to be seen. you're more broken up over the fact that a white guy legally carried his guy around while a black man was tased for jaywalking, not the fact that one person broke the law and the other person didn't. and i won't debate which law makes more sense because i don't make them. the best way to deal with the laws is by knowing them...