Wait do you think jean stefancic created critical race theoryanti subordination feminist theory is a key component of jean stefancic's critical race theory curriculum. do you understand now? it's a ruse
it's 1964 all over again when evil elizabeth taylor stood up and said, "i am oppressed just like james brown is!" so the white democrats under lyndon b johnson, with the support of the right wing, declared that minorities not just black people deserved civil rights and now white women are minorities too! LOL but the thing is white women are not the racial minority nor the numerical minority. majority white country, always more women than men in america. right? of course but check it...
by 1968 evil elizabeth taylor got REALLY bold & said to aretha franklin, "yes my sister, i too get absolutely no R-E-S-P-E-C-T as a woman because men are oppressing us, let's me and you team up against james brown!" and them crackas sat back and laughed their white asses off. which ones you ask? #bothsides
Wait do you think jean stefancic created critical race theory
Some brehs get off on being the token in the room / group.
Post the evidence of the point you’re trying to make, instead of throwing out buzzwords that you don’t understand.created in conjunction with several others including the infamous kimberle crenshaw of the cornell quill & dagger who invented intersectionality in '89
but now now let's deal with the condiment ketchup & not the condiment collection. what does feminist theory have to do with black people or our history?
Post the evidence of the point your trying to make, instead of throwing out buzzwords that you don’t understand.
You’re babbling like a nikka or cac yelling at the sky.post #43 did just that skylove4. c'mon b we're men & our XY chromosomes won't allow us to move like this
again, what does white feminist theory have to do with black people & our history?
or do you believe that elizabeth taylor was oppressed like james brown my nikka lol. at some point you have to stop running in circles duke. i know this is hard for you
You’re babbling like a nikka or cac yelling at the sky.
Critical race theory, or CRT, is a framework developed in the 1970s by legal scholars that argues white supremacy maintains power through the law and other legal systems. CRT dismisses the idea that racism stems from acts of individuals but rather rooted in a system of oppression based on socially constructed racial hierarchy where white people reap material benefits over people of color resulting from misuse of power.
This is critical race theory. You haven’t provided anything but weird ramblings that sounds eerily similar to a white boy that hates CRT just because it deals with black people. You’re not slick or witty, you’re pathetic
this is a certified kewn. a collaborator with our enemy. but here's the problem...
critical race theory is not about black history, acknowledging then ending black suffering via anti black racism, or keeping the history of slavery alive because fragile whites want to erase it to continue their racism guilt free. NO. critical race theory is about white people, LGBT, and non black immigrants all being victims of white supremacy just like black people! do you understand? it's a clever ruse by the white liberal think tanks who are just as bad faith as any white fakkit on fox news, walk with me...
jean stefancic (white woman) and richard delgado (non- afro latinx male) are the architects of this white liberal think tank weapon against black people called critical race theory. what you are witnessing in the hard to watch kewnish OP video is political theater. the white right wing KNOWS the white left wing is in no way interested in empowering black people. i don't mean to offend yall, like i'm so damn smart and yall dumb. but we need to wake up, ok? read up on critical race theory & stop letting white folks give you your heroes, saviors, and purported allies. this is the civil rights act of 1964 all over again #bothsides
see! Now that makes a lot of sense. Just like how BLM turned out in 2020. Bunch of other groups sabotaging it leading to nowhere.
You’re just saying what ever pops into your head, thinking it sounds like but it really soundsand let's look at this theme:
Intersectional theory: The examination of race, sex, class, national origin, and sexual orientation, and how their combination (i.e., their intersections) plays out in various settings, e.g., how the needs of a Latina female are different from those of a black male and whose needs are the ones promoted.
the above has nothing to do with black people or history skylove4. now THAT right there is the key component to critical race theory. white folks using comparative oppression to trojan horse non black issues like LGBT, gender, and immigrants. just like white controlled black lives matter for the empowerment of white people does (i have the proof for you as well lol). i know it's hard my nikka. you either believe that taylor swift & anderson cooper are oppressed like pooh shiesty or you are afraid of not having white approval & validation