You never lived in the hood stop speaking on our politics
Foh! This talking point only applies to gang members. If a regular black kid got shot by a regular old black man, nothing would happen but it being played out in the court of law.
You never lived in the hood stop speaking on our politics
Foh! This talking point only applies to gang members. If a regular black kid got shot by a regular old black man, nothing would happen but it being played out in the court of law.
What were you saying?Umm, they’re armed, and I’m sure the neighbors are too. And the police are probably also racist.
There's something wrong with people like that. I doubt they really believe what they're saying. I think it's a weaponized false belief that they only use to attack others with. It says a lot about the character of a person who would use this tragedy to push their weird agenda.Please stop. He went to the wrong address and rang the doorbell (The addresses were similar). Why would he expect to get shot picking up his family members when he went to what he thought was the right address? how would he have ever been prepared for this? You're basically saying anywhere there are white people you should expect to get shot? Black folks are 15% of the population. Its not like its hard to find yourself in white areas and neighborhoods. Do you walk around with a bullet proof vest at whole foods cause its white folks in there? What are you saying?
Yall sound crazy sometimes always trying to cape and lesson the blame on white supremacist and implying the kid somehow deserved it. There is no reason anyone should ever be shot for simply ringing a doorbell. You are deranged and made a whole lot of assumptions about this kid and his family.
Old racist b*stard is likely senile and thought he was back "in the old days"![]()
No shot he will be able to beat the case using "stand your ground". There was no reasonable grounds to shoot a kid just ringing a door bell. but then again it is Missouri and they be one some bullshyt.![]()
He looks evil even tho at 84 he has a better hairline than most of the coli