I personally wouldn't have said it aloud, but I see his point. Instead of getting offended at us for stating the obvious every time this happens (like Jamaican dude hunting in the woods with his cracker 'friends' and getting lynched), maybe listen to the ppl who survived with these psychos for 400 yrs.
Its like, ppl come here and we be like, its bears in the forest. They like, no, you paranoid, those are just big puppies, and youre culturally deficient for not snuggling up. Ok.
his shyt had me tight initially, now I'm still tight, but I'm feeling like, did the family even prepare him for this possibility? 
I'm flabbergasted. I knew he was non fba, that was fine, but a zaddy-loving aunt who makes swirling her online identity is a huge hint that the family wasn't plugged into our social networks enough to be warned. Its like, ppl are purposefully
delivering victims to these crackers. I don't understand. Even if you don't fw us like that,
nobody noticed there were no other bp? Was that cause for alarm or nah?

I have real questions, child rearing questions, and you should too.

Its just sad. They owed that child better, at least a chance. Dont bring him (or birth him) in this racist ass country if you not gon prepare him properly. Thats fukked up. Like my mother used to say when ppl questioned why I was so well versed in sex ed matters, "you don't send a soldier to war without a gun."