black feminism/womanism thread


Feb 2, 2015
You need only to look at their countries to see that it's worth emulating. Men are expendable in the grand scheme of things.. so it's a price worth paying.:manny:

People should be free to construct their own ideas of masculinity and femininity. If you're comfortable with being expandable, that's fine. But men who defy this narrow construction of masculinity are equally worthy of respect.

Don't generalize black men.

Also you can be pro black that is better because it includes the empowerment and support of black women.

Black feminists do not do that.... they confront black men , act divisive, and some even support white supremacy. All of it is based in white supremacy. ...

You need to read my post on the previous pages. Plus think about it

Nearly every pro black person who has actually helped black women.... wasn't a feminist.

I guess this all depends on how you define feminist. I don't consider every angry black woman to be a feminist. Like I said, many black women resent black men not because of gender inequality, but because they feel black men have failed to be good providers and patriarchs. Those women are not feminists.

A lot of black feminists are involved in activism that not only benefits black women, but black men as well. Ex:

She's a feminist, and she's done a ton of work to help poor black people. You can find some of her speeches and interviews on youtube. Michelle Alexander is another example.

It seems to me that cacs achieved their full potential as a race without full gender equality so the assertion blacks can't is absurd at face. After all sexism was common, pervasive and ingrained in society for the hundreds of years cacs' conquered different continent. But cacs warmongering succeeded nevertheless inasmuch as cac women did as they were told. Feminism might even have been detrimental to cac fortunes if given free reign.

Everything black women should expect from black men they are already given, including the right to an education, academic, business, politics, etc. Black feminsm and anti-black maleness, however, is anti-black and should not be tolerated.

Cacs have built wealthy societies, to be sure, but that doesn't mean that they've reached their full potential. We'll probably never know their full potential because sexism prevents white women from assuming positions of leadership in white male dominated fields like science and engineering.

Why the hell would I want the same thing for my people? Why should we be content with emulating whites or Asians when we can push the boundaries of human possibility?

hyper masculinity isnt a result of a patriarchal structure though, its quite the opposite. you have men that have shunned patriarchal values that have been used to traditionally measure ones success and masculinity--like great careers, businesses, how well they provide for their family, etc. now it's about how many nikkas i can beat up, how many nikkas i killed, how many bytches i fukk, how good my pipe laying game is, how many baby mommas i got, etc

i'm all for "gender equality" in the right context. but right now, we should be striving for racial equality.

If patriarchal structure isn't in place, then the fault necessarily lies with the men. You can't just wag your finger at women and blame them for the behavior of boys and young men. Ultimately men decide for themselves what it means to masculine. The Aka Pygmies of Central Africa measure masculinity in terms of nurturing their children. Why can't poor African American men do the same?


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
If you knew what I was talking about and in the context in which I was talking, you would have no problem agreeing with me on this point. Seems like you recently found out about Sankara to be honest and haven't fully delved into his story yet.

And when did African people on the continent and in the diaspora become white liberals and white supremacists?:francis:

You too busy chasing boogeymen instead of actually reading books and researching. :francis: I've been to Africa and I have lived there before. There is no excuse for you to feign your ignorance in this thread. If you went there and did what you say you did, then you should have a working knowledge of African feminism/womanism (Especially after working with victims of Genital mutilation).




Get to reading these so you can have a better understanding. That's all I'm asking breh. Arguing with you isn't gonna get us anywhere.

I have this book in PDF as well as "Ain't I feminist: African American men speak out on fatherhood, forgiveness, and freedom" if you would like to read them.

Enough of your prattle. I have African friends and all whom I have asked tell me feminism does not exist in Africa. In Sankara's writings he speaks of the same types of sexism all women face but this neither excuses nor justifies black feminism as anti black nonsense.

Oh and aren't you CAC or a half breed, j nice?


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
I support Black women being respected, loved and protected, but the orchestrated matriarchy here in Black Amerikkkan communities has been destructive and genocidal to a point.......


Jun 4, 2012
@hatechall quote me separate, not with posters who hate me.

I've seen michelle alexander speak , along with any pro black person.... they do not praise feminism. As a matter of fact alexander sheds like on racist feminist like hillary Clinton.

Have you actually read her book, assata Shakurs book. ... or the books on any pro black liberation woman? Or attended lectures?

If someone actually paid attention to what I do and what I talk about, they'd probably call me a feminist after I'm dead..... because
The goal is to lump pro black liberation ideology people in with white supremacy tool feminist, ,, to give the piosionous concept of feminism some legitimacy.



Sep 26, 2013
People should be free to construct their own ideas of masculinity and femininity. If you're comfortable with being expandable, that's fine. But men who defy this narrow construction of masculinity are equally worthy of respect.

I can agree with this, although it's probably easier to define masculine and feminine as energetic principles - which is what I do. But I'm in absolute agreement, in that it really only allows certain types of men to prosper while others, maybe those of us who don't fit the right paradigm and women who aren't traditionally minded will not prosper.

If we're constructing a system (or a patriarchy, which seems to be the desired construct) whereby black people of all kinds prosper, then we do have to take in the needs of those who don't fit the traditional paradigm, and that includes black feminists, and even black LBTG. Ostracization leaves us in the same position, and in some ways makes us no better than the "cacs" we chastise as being evil on a daily basis. It's easy to say that white women defer to their men, but it's likely that the ones who do aren't even feminists anyway :russ:.


Nov 25, 2014
@bcrusaderw Feminism Sets Black Women against Black Men
You must use the [Black] female vs. the [Black] male. And the [Black] male vs. the [Black] female. – Willie Lynch Letter

“I’d rather be a white mans whore than the gum on a black mans shoe. fukk black men.” – Kola boof, Black Feminist.

Black Feminist Kola Boof, whose tweet is shown above, has more than 17,000 twitter followers. 17,000 oftentimes young and impressionable girls and women who carry these words with them into interactions with every Black man that crosses their path. Kola Boof suggests that if she had her choice of being in one position of inferiority to the white man versus the Black man, she would choose the white man. Why? Is this not white supremacist thinking in action? And yet, this woman with this mindset serves to influence Black Feminist thought.

Even worse, this woman automatically assumes that she would be placed in a position of inferiority by Black men, thus categorizing ALL Black men of being unworthy of her companionship. With so many great Black men working hard to build themselves and their community, this type of thinking is both inaccurate and worse than any insult that could come from racist whites.

Sometimes, the misguided thinking of Black Feminists lead them to abandon all thoughts of racial solidarity out of fear of “abuse” by some mythical Black patriarchy. For instance, this feminist has said”I Won’t Accept Abuse In The Name Of Racial “Unity”. This statement assumes that abuse must always accompany their participation in the movement for Black unity.

Let me be clear: NO ONE should accept abuse from anyone. The Black Conscious movement is no patriarchy that demands our women fall back and bow down to the men. In fact, if we are to achieve our goals of unification and redemption, we will need 100% of the front-line effort from both our men and our women of equal capacity.

Black Feminists Dictate Rather Than Discuss
One of the favorite bylines of Black Feminism is “anti-oppression”, the assumption that “Men are in no position to tell women they “must” do so. That’s patriarchal control and is the antithesis of feminism. So is trying to silence Black women.”

This is true, for under no circumstances except slavery and tutelage is any one human permitted to tell anyone what they must or must not do.

The problem is that Black feminism constantly attempts to dictate to men what behaviors are acceptable and which behaviors “must not” be tolerated. By doing so, they attempt to do the same things they accuse males of doing with statements like “No Black man can tell Black women what is acceptable.”

Black Feminists choose to completely disregard the opinions of their male counterparts, even if his information is right and exact. In this video, a Black Feminist responds to Dr. Umar Johnson’s statements on Black Feminism versus Womanism. Watch it and leave comments below….

The Black community needs more dialogue, not small groups attempting to dictate to other groups how things are going to be. If unity is what we truly seek, men must learn to compromise with women and vice-verse.

, there are many Black Feminists who refuse to engage in civil dialogue with Black men and cut the conversation off before it even begins.

Black Feminism Perpetrates White Supremacy
Feminism, which was touted as an avenue available to all women, has not been kind to Black women. As a matter of fact, White feminists have appropriated most of the benefits of feminists without acknowledging their own race and class privileges. – R.M.

Media has long been used as a weapon of white supremacy. From the days of feature length films like Birth of a Nation (where African-American men (played by white actors in black face) were portrayed as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan as a heroic force) to….The Black male image is degraded, destroyed, and distorted by record labels (controlled by whites) who seek out the most derogatory elements within the black community and promote them to superstar status.

Just as the movie Birth of A Nation portrayed Black men as unintelligent and sexually aggressive, so to does Black Feminism promote the negative images of Black men as being rapists, aggressive, “bytch” or “ho” cat-callers, or inferior to them in their intellectual capacity.

Just as the architects of this nation wove their racist beliefs into the fabric of society, founders of the feminist movement wove their beliefs on the racial inferiority of Blacks into their feminist beliefs. Here are some of the founding Feminists, in their own words:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815-1902 (Social activist, abolitionist, author)
“What will we and our daughters suffer if these degraded black men are allowed to have the rights that would make them even worse than our Saxon fathers?”

Laura Clay, 1849-1940 (Founder of Kentucky’s first suffrage group)
“The white men, reinforced by the educated white women, could ‘snow under’ the Negro vote in every State, and the white race would maintain its supremacy without corrupting or intimidating the Negroes.”

Carrie Chapman Catt, 1859-1947 (Founder of the League of Women Voters)
“White supremacy will be strengthened, not weakened, by women’s suffrage.”

The same beliefs that influenced the thinking of early Feminism finds itself preserved in the thinking of today’s Black Feminists. We know that the image of the “degraded Black man” was engineered to dehumanize the Black man and justify his mistreatment by white supremacists.

We also know that Black Feminists like all of the ones mentioned above that spew their divisive ideologies operate as agents of white supremacy. That is not conjecture – through records released through the Freedom of Information Act, we know that agents were planted within Black Feminist student organizations to engage in campaigns of misinformation, while also keeping tabs on other Black organizations.

How many COINTELPRO agents posing as Black feminists were able to draft the policies and thoughts that form the foundation of contemporary Black Feminist thought?

Black Feminism Destroys Black Families
Black Feminism has become the newest front in the war on Black unity by fundamentally destroying the male-female dynamic that produces healthy Black families. Black Feminists talk at length about the importance of understanding gender, and yet give Black children no context for what a strong, healthy, mature Black man looks like by excluding them from the home and replacing them with other women or white men.

Black Feminists are the first to suggest an alternative to the Black man. Take these screenshots from popular feminist sites…



Some also suggest that a “loving lesbian household” is better for a child than an imperfect Black male and female couple. For a child to understand what a “good Black man” looks like, and how he conducts himself in the administration of family affairs, the child must be able to see him in action.

Even the most heroic single woman or lesbian team in the world can’t father. So to intentionally deprive any Black child of its Black mother or Black father, except in cases like divorce for grave reasons or the death of a parent, is itself a form of abuse… Every child has a mother and father, and when that figure is missing, there is a narrative that is experienced as pain, loss, and at times shame…Whereas single parenting and divorce have always been understood as a breakdown of the married mom and dad ideal, same-sex parenting is now being elevated as normal. This is not only wrong, but dangerous.

There is Power in the p*ssy
Ladies; you have the power to positively influence the behavior of men. There is power in the p*ssy. Use your power to make better decisions when selecting men. You cannot give up the p*ssy to “cute convicts” and then lament the myth of the absence of good Black men. You cannot jump to divorce and child support as your first resort, rather than choosing the more difficult and productive path of counseling and reconciliation.You cannot choose an alternative sexual orientation, and then blame it on some deficiency on the part of men you bring into your life.

This isn’t a cop out for men – street harassment is real, as is sexual and emotional abuse, violence, and other sociopathic behavior on the part of men who have been victims themselves. Most Black men want to see an end to this behavior as much as Black women do. But perpetrating our divisions by retreating into Black feminist thinking is not the way forward. Using dialog and your power for the benefit of our community is.
Terrible article.


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
I made a thread on sankura ten years ago on sohh.

I spoke out against feminism before feminism was even trendy.

And I participate and support real woman liberation initiatives. Not one thing that has has ever helped black women was started or supported by feminist.

You don't understand feminism , you're a trend following new black and in the above post @ODOT META describes you perfectly.

I was never on SOHH and hardly know anything about SOHH save for the cats on this site that bring it up, so that point is irrelevant. I don't know you or what the fukk you do away from this message board, but it's obvious you don't know what the fukk you're talking about when it comes to this subject save for googling articles and quotes. I even gave you books to read and even offered you literature from these authors to read for yourself to form your own conclusions and your ego won't let you be wrong. On the other hand, you've offered nothing at all but an assumption on my character that you know nothing about. But the most ironic thing about your posts, is that I told you what kind of work I've done in the past and you were actually cool with it. Just goes to show how two face you can be. But that's life.

Enough of your prattle. I have African friends and all whom I have asked tell me feminism does not exist in Africa. In Sankara's writings he speaks of the same types of sexism all women face but this neither excuses nor justifies black feminism as anti black nonsense.

Oh and aren't you CAC or a half breed, j nice?

No one gives a fukk about friends no one knows about and no one gives a fukk about your garbage opinion. I have Sankaras books and speeches. There is nothing that you can't tell me that I don't already know. But it's quite fukking evident that you don't mind talking out of your fukking ass when it suits you. Take your bullshyt back to TLR.
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