It seems to me that cacs achieved their full potential as a race without full gender equality so the assertion blacks can't is absurd at face. After all sexism was common, pervasive and ingrained in society for the hundreds of years cacs' conquered different continent. But cacs warmongering succeeded nevertheless inasmuch as cac women did as they were told. Feminism might even have been detrimental to cac fortunes if given free reign.
Everything black women should expect from black men they are already given, including the right to an education, academic, business, politics, etc. Black feminsm and anti-black maleness, however, is anti-black and should not be tolerated.
Black men are not giving black women education, etc....
even the umbrella of race there is a hierarchy. Everything that black women have achieved they fought alongside black men to get it.
My biggest issue with this site is the belief that black women are not equal victims of this society and that black men are incapable of being perpetrators they can only be victims.
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