Black feminism ideologically is one of the worst things that happened to Black people in this country.


May 19, 2013
I'm just sayin...

If I was a woman, I'd hate being viewed as a second class citizen who just makes babies and cooks. Ya'll gotta put yourselves in their shoes. Feminism is like civil rights. They're human beings who want FAIRNESS.

No black community/nation operates like this(nor have they ever) so this is a non arguement, and a strawman arguement at best. But there's no critical thinking these days just regurgitation.


Dec 2, 2016
It created another line of division and gets folk worked up. You also can't debunk a lot of the inaccurate shyt that run that movement without being a member of the He-man woman hater's club so yeah it is absolutely terrible, top 10 most definitely.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Liberia, Nigeria, Uganda, I could go on...

It's not general. You can't rationalize such a damaging "religion" that is being pushed on people.

Nope. You were absolutely generalizing in your original post that i quoted.

And you're not even providing statistics to back up your claims

Nevertheless you can't compare third world countries to the US especially when the countries you listed allow polygamy and have various forms of sharia law. Yay you're so liberated.

Secondly, op was referencing feminism from the 70s which was a reaction to capitalism in the US. It's kind of hard to have an honest conversation without mentioning the issues of that time that were happening in the U.S.


All Star
Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
I'm not complaining though? I asked a simple question.

And didn't white women turn to feminism because they was getting beat up?
I don’t see how ppl are entirely against feminism…there were some good aspects like owning property… have them work instead of them only being prostitutes
Ability to attend universities…
Yup, god forbid these pesky BW, like, gave a shyt about anything but being a baby factory and a in house servant to a male who sees her as sub-human free labor. I hate when they think and shyt.

speaking facts

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
That's the result of the glorification of pimping in the 70s and the cracke era after that.

Yet you choose to highlight feminism as one of the worst things,while ignoring the pimping and the oppression that bought on the feminism:respect:

The problem is your not man whos in touch with his feminine energy enough to have empathy for women. You dont think about womens needs or wants until you become annoyed by them. And this is where the masculine energy is dropping the ball. Men are supposed to think ahead and to the future. There are areas where women need to be oppressed,and others where they do not. Our job is to figure out which areas are which. Then oppress the women accordingly,even if granting them their request doesnt seem like it would cause an immediate problem. Will it cause a problem 10 years from now? And to be clear,yes men need to be oppressed in certain areas as well.


Mar 11, 2022
:russ: I dont know, but I do know that black countries over seas, even black women heads of state have rejected feminism claiming it destroys the harmony between men and women in their culture.

Your American culture is EXHIBIT A.
they have intact family units and little crime and the children mostly become self sufficient entrepreneurs at WORST.

No place on earth has no issues, but feminism has not solved ANY issue, it's mostly exacerbated them. If you want to reduce a population to 0 then feminism + the alphabet people works well.

You can not go any non white non english speaking country and push that as a way of life or something positive. Men and women both will push back.

These same places have women who make money and women in govt. The brand of feminism you all push is like racism with a gender focus. It's digusting and makes you look like you have penis envy as opposed to promoting anything constructive.
Lol is this a joke?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I can't believe the levels of c00onery in this thread :mjpls:

I'm very sorry that was the dynamic you witnessed in your house and that is how your grandfathers, father and uncles treated your mother, grandmothers and aunties.

That shyt definitely was far from the norm in the black community tho.

Straight from the horse's mouth.

They hate the traditional nuclear family.

Anyone who doesn't believe in the nuclear family is an enemy to Black people. You are for the desecration of our people and more than likely a eugenicist.
I don't believe in equality, there's no such thing. How can it be measured in society? Show me one successful society that works off of that model.
The idea is absurd which is why Black Americans have been spinning our wheels for so long. We've been fighting to be equalist. Justice and fairness, ehh I get those but "equality?" nah that's not how this world works.

A nuclear core family is the basis of a stable civilization..

Your thought processes is the kind that allows a civilization to whither away.

Op is wrong, but this take is just as wrong

Yeah cause the man is the head. The man leads. You came from my rib cage ergo you're bound to me as a man for direction. The Bible was clear about this :mjgrin:

In return you'll and our children be provided resources and protection by the man. But see thats the problem unfortunately. Under a white supremacist society such as America our women and children were never afforded such protection and resources. In a environment like that is easy to see why so many of our women were suspectible to feminist ideology Ie. "nikkas ain't shyt" ie. "What I need a man for I can do bad all by myself" etc. etc.

The shyt is real intricate and involves alot of layers and moving parts its sad unfortunately :francis:

I mean feminism was about denying women access to certain things and nikkas where in no position to do such a thing

Date each other since BW so perfect

That should solve everything

But you beat on each other to soooooo…

Ah, The Color Purpleification of Black History strikes again. Black women were NEVER servants to black men sis. They always worked and as far back as the 30s, you had black women putting their men out of the house for being jobless---in an openly white supremacist society. Some patriarchy. And most black men couldn't even afford to be Mister. Your story ain't Miss Ann's and never has been. Not even close. I'm no patriarch and would be considered far left but even I can see the problems with black feminism.

This has NEVER been the case in ANY avg black family or community, ever. This is the weak strawman that people like you keep pushing with no historical data or facts.

What’s an alternative to the nuclear family?

I said 'NO!' Satan. No matter how many delusional demons you set upon me who romantize the past and promote the same lifestyle of oppression that they themselves claim to be under I will not be tempted.

I will not argue with the demons who do not see the humanity in women and only see them as objects to fukk on, cater to their needs, raise their children and pay half their bills.

The same demons, who dismiss and trvialize the concerns of women and then play stupid when a global of women runs from them; I will not engage with.

The demons, who refuse to acknowledge that nuclear families only exist "successful" under the oppression of women and refused to acknowledge there was no magical time in our history where happiness in marriage was a "thing" for women in general but especially BW. Plenty of documentaries and real life testimonials confirm this had they bothered to do anything but live inside their fantasy that they regurgitate from other delusional people and liars, won't have me sitting on his forum arguing with them when they have no real ear to listen and only want to confirm their own sexist ideals.

I'm good on that. Not like ya'll have the power or desire to do something about it either way huh?



Sep 15, 2014
I said 'NO!' Satan. No matter how many delusional demons you set upon me who romantize the past and promote the same lifestyle of oppression that they themselves claim to be under I will not be tempted.

I will not argue with the demons who do not see the humanity in women and only see them as objects to fukk on, cater to their needs, raise their children and pay half their bills.

The same demons, who dismiss and trvialize the concerns of women and then play stupid when a global of women runs from them; I will not engage with.

The demons, who refuse to acknowledge that nuclear families only exist "successful" under the oppression of women and refused to acknowledge there was no magical time in our history where happiness in marriage was a "thing" for women in general but especially BW. Plenty of documentaries and real life testimonials confirm this had they bothered to do anything but live inside their fantasy that they regurgitate from other delusional people and liars, won't have me sitting on his forum arguing with them when they have no real ear to listen and only want to confirm their own sexist ideals.

I'm good on that. Not like ya'll have the power or desire to do something about it either way huh?


Please do not have kids.

That's the most important thing

Don't need my daughters surrounded by that poison

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Please do not have kids.

That's the most important thing
Don't worry. I have no desire to have any part of me share a world with you or anyone related to you or anyone who thinks like you. I would not wish that on any living being.

Imagine putting my body and mind through such stress and pain to create someone similar to you in anyway. I'd rather die.


May 26, 2012
There is no equality in patriarchy. It you believe in the nuclear family you do not believe in "equality."
What’s eq
Don't worry. I have no desire to have any part of me share a world with you or anyone related to you or anyone who thinks like you. I would not wish that on any living being.

Imagine putting my body and mind through such stress and pain to create someone similar to you in anyway. I'd rather die.


Mar 11, 2022
I said 'NO!' Satan. No matter how many delusional demons you set upon me who romantize the past and promote the same lifestyle of oppression that they themselves claim to be under I will not be tempted.

I will not argue with the demons who do not see the humanity in women and only see them as objects to fukk on, cater to their needs, raise their children and pay half their bills.

The same demons, who dismiss and trvialize the concerns of women and then play stupid when a global of women runs from them; I will not engage with.

The demons, who refuse to acknowledge that nuclear families only exist "successful" under the oppression of women and refused to acknowledge there was no magical time in our history where happiness in marriage was a "thing" for women in general but especially BW. Plenty of documentaries and real life testimonials confirm this had they bothered to do anything but live inside their fantasy that they regurgitate from other delusional people and liars, won't have me sitting on his forum arguing with them when they have no real ear to listen and only want to confirm their own sexist ideals.

I'm good on that. Not like ya'll have the power or desire to do something about it either way huh?

You're to far gone. Unfortunate :francis:


Sep 15, 2014
I said 'NO!' Satan. No matter how many delusional demons you set upon me who romantize the past and promote the same lifestyle of oppression that they themselves claim to be under I will not be tempted.

I will not argue with the demons who do not see the humanity in women and only see them as objects to fukk on, cater to their needs, raise their children and pay half their bills.

The same demons, who dismiss and trvialize the concerns of women and then play stupid when a global of women runs from them; I will not engage with.

The demons, who refuse to acknowledge that nuclear families only exist "successful" under the oppression of women and refused to acknowledge there was no magical time in our history where happiness in marriage was a "thing" for women in general but especially BW. Plenty of documentaries and real life testimonials confirm this had they bothered to do anything but live inside their fantasy that they regurgitate from other delusional people and liars, won't have me sitting on his forum arguing with them when they have no real ear to listen and only want to confirm their own sexist ideals.

I'm good on that. Not like ya'll have the power or desire to do something about it either way huh?


Please do not have kids.

That's the most important thing
Don't worry. I have no desire to have any part of me share a world with you or anyone related to you or anyone who thinks like you. I would not wish that on any living being.

Imagine putting my body and mind through such stress and pain to create someone similar to you in anyway. I'd rather die.

So this is breed out or die creed .

Good, even better

I want you to see nothingness in your bloodline

God willing, you don't even recognize the generations eons past you

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Please do not have kids.

That's the most important thing

So this is breed out or die creed .

Good, even better

I want you to see nothingness in your bloodline

God willing, you don't even recognize the generations eons past you
Sir my soul is eternal. Why would I care about or desire to stay on a slave planet? It's all yours. That need to constantly fukk and procreate is you biology not mine.
