Black Columbia University professor: I do heroin regularly for ‘work-life balance’ :pachaha:


Jun 11, 2012
This tells me he aint shyt then.

Now there is drug policy reform and prison policy reform.

Look at what Oregon did this past election and ask why?

Oregon becomes 1st state to decriminalize possession of drugs

Here is a hint, what is the racial demographics of Oregon.

I understand what he is trying to do, but there is a better way than this.

He needs to cut them long ass finger nails though.

Exactly, he doesn't even realize that his own place of employment is pimping his ass for an agenda that doesn't benefit him or anybody who looks like him. Same folks using him to decriminalize and legalize hard drugs propping him up and shyt will be the same folks that will throw him under the bus. Wtf is he thinking telling a tabloid about his leisure illegal drug use? Does he not realize that theres folks out there that will literally waste all their energy trying to ruin that mans life simply because hes a black man who's a neuroscientist teaching at an ivy league school? I'm sure theres folks who do not want him there just simply because of that and they're looking for any reason to get him up out of there. His ass just basically said "come and get me". He better hope the police dont target him because his ass is done if they make it their business to intervene. Dude is dumb. I hope he isnt one of these folks that think shyt is cool again because Trump isnt in office.
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Dec 2, 2012
When I grew up, a couple of the older brehs in the neighborhood got addicted to heroin. That shyt is not cool. We looked up to these dudes when we were kids and then watched them turn into homeless zombies, coughing blood and dying in the streets. I will never understand how people can touch this shyt. Maybe in the 60's and 70's, when opioids were new, but in the 2000's? Nah :hubie:
And people never start out shooting up. They snort it at first, then they need to up the dose because they build up a tolerance. Then they get addicted. At some point, snorting doesn't satisfy their cravings anymore, so they begin smoking it. Then they build up a tolerance to that too, so one day they say fukk it and shoot up.
If you're a neuroscientist who can get heroin that isn't cut with god knows what for research purposes, you can probably remain functional, but that shyt is still highly addictive and shouldn't be fukked with.

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
Huh? Did you read the article?
He experiences withdrawal symptoms that last 12-16 hours. I don't know what the fukk mild symptoms are though.
headaches, diarrhea maybe or just ibs, slight sweats. likely just headaches though from your receptors being overloaded, neural transmitters being depleted/over used

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
No, breh. This is one of the things where it doesn't pay to be curious. The chances of the average human becoming addicted to heroin or opioids after using once is extremely high. In other words, dont do that shyt. Heroin addiction or any addiction for that matter isnt cool.

I dont know where you guys are from or grew up but fukk that heroin, coke, pcp hard drug shyt. Yall never seen anybody turned out on that stuff because if ya did, you wouldn't even bother to. It's like not that shyt is psychedelics where you can use that shyt to enhance your mental. Heroin fukking eats you from the inside out. Same with coke.

Dude has withdrawals. :picard: and he makes that seem like its nothing. I dont even want to talk that shyt because seeing someone going through that shyt is traumatizing.
research actually shows the'd have to use a decent amount for almost 14 days straight to become physiologically addicted.

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
Matter of fact, fukk this dude and I'm going to tell yall why in a second. Who is this dudes audience exactly? He ain't talking to white America. White America going through an opioid or heroin crisis. Let this dude tell this shyt to white America about heroin and whatever hes using black people for to the same white people that hired him talking about use heroin and see if his ass still works in Columbia u.

Dude is an agent. They stay taking these fukktards with some sort of validation from the elite to push their anti black agenda on us directly or indirectly. Think about it. An ivy league school that has a black man who openly admits to being a heroin addict working for them. Agent. You know how black folks that have more credentials then him that cant even get a job at a regular university. Lol. This dude really trying to normalize heroin addiction. He don't even realize hes an addict.

I do think drugs should be legal. However I dont think this society is ready for that just yet. There needs to be more research on addiction and etc first as well as other things such as treatment, detox centers, and etc first so that it's safe for those who do want to try those substances. It's most definitely a public health/safety issue. Same with alcoholism too.
breh, i know what you're thinking but you're wrong. all the research says the war on drugs is an excuse to put black people in jail. 3 out of 4 of all illicit drug users are NOT addicts.