Lol, I've been to Scandinavia, during my exchange and several times with work. Denmark might be the most racist country in that region, but Norway and Sweden were a whole lot cooler than white areas in the US. It seems like it's an educated/uneducated thing unlike the us.
Their Republican Party or anti-muslim parties, get like 10-20% and that's only cause they got countries with 10 million people receiving 200k arabs, 100k Afghans and mad somalis in the past 5-6 years, before that they got 1%. And cats from these countries are apparently the people shooting up restaurants and raping cats. So you have peaceful countries receiving all the victims of US wars and yet only 1/10 vote for their Trump. From my impression among the most tolerant after African countries, never been to South America or CACuasia, but I doubt it.
Imagine the US accepting 10.5 million Syrians, 5 million Iraqis and shyt give them better lives than the bottom working class in the states too. It wouldn't be 50% Trump it would be 75%. Cats don't even want their neighbors or a single person from the middle east, cops shooting up black people, biggest TV Network calling black president socialist muslim who is actually African, president trying to ban athletes for protesting and nothing happening this shyt is unseen in other modern countries brehs.
Googling that Newspaper that used negroes they say it's small racist newspaper, like an alt-right thing. For their alt-right party. And that they have been removing the term from all their old books from early last century, which these alt-right people hate.