Like OMG! Why ya'll policing her vag? Preference! No blk dudes wanted her when she was growing up! They all chased hoes and skanks! That's her preference! She can get with a snowman and STILL contribute to the blk community! Let her CAC in peace! Preference!
Btw are we standing united against pan-c00nism now? Bet!
So we calling out c00ns from all over the world?! Ya'll sure? Eject these mofos from earth!
But seriously, living in Asian was enuff for me. I could NEVER live in an all white country. I'd lose my damn mind. I'm already resentful about being inundated with white culture/history in America. Then to see nothing but a sea of whiteness in all directions...?!
Body hair, and lipless faces all around?!
Translucent skin?
Limp matted hair and flat asses?!
White insecurity?!
I'll probably make my way to every continent on the face of this planet and never visit Europe. It was forcefed to me growing up. Me not want now.
Petra vs. Random ass White Castle
Great Zimbabwe vs. boring evil ass Vatican
Forbidden City vs. Germany
Mayan temples vs. boring ass Stonehenge
Pyramids in Nubia vs. anywhere in Europe.
Nah I'm good. Ya'll got it.
Can't wait to go to an international conference in Kenya next semester!
If they accept my proposal, my department will pay!!!!