Black/Brown coalition chronicles: After Outcry Over Racist Remarks, Nury Martinez Resigns As LA City Council President, Takes Leave Of Absence


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The longer this conversation goes the bigger a fool you look. Black folk voting Republican before the 1960s is completely irrelevant to the claim you made, as I already pointed out, but you're trying to drive the conversation in circles in order to distract from every one of your points being proven logically false.
if i am claiming that black people should split the vote how is the historical patterns of the black vote irrelevant? what makes you think the pattern today will be the same as tommorrow?

"as I already pointed out" is just you rambling and speculating, you havent proven anything

Made up bullshyt. For most of the 1970s-1990s the biggest swing vote was uneducated low-income white people in the South, and yet both parties stayed shytting on that group and never put any of them into power. Latinos have "split their vote" more than Black people and yet have less power.

I already detailed to you the exact ways that "split the vote" would dramatically decrease Black power, and your entire response was *yawn*. And in turn your comeback is a catchphrase.

Not only are you a Trump supporter, not only do you want racist right-wing Republicans to gain power across the country, not only are you intellectually incapable of defending your arguments, but you also appear to think other people reading this forum are fukking stupid.
you detailed how splitting the vote would dramatically decrease democratic party power, you then equate black power with the democratic party and voila. black power and the democratic power are attached at the hip. you dont seem to understand that is dangerous in and of itself and doesn't represent true black power

second of all the key to black political power IMO is economics, its not voting but if you are going to vote then its better to split the vote, thats my position. the more black people in government positions the better but that doesnt in and of itself measure black political power because in the end economics drives politicians

so the position black people are in is that we have very little economic power which means we have little political power, and both parties are filled with anti black racists, thats the battlefield. under that scenario my conclusion is that its better to split the vote. if you disagree with that thats fine, but there is nothing crazy or illogical about my position

as far as trump, ive never been a trump supporter, but I would describe my political views as right leaning centrist, so i wasnt tripping when he won and i dont look at republicans winning as a nightmare scenario

the question you should ask yourself is why you get so bent out of shape by pointing out anti black racism in the latino community and why are you so desperate to downplay it

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
if i am claiming that black people should split the vote how is the historical patterns of the black vote irrelevant? what makes you think the pattern today will be the same as tommorrow?

Because how Black people voted at that time had no impact on party behavior. When Black people switched from Republican to Democrat it immediately led to LOSSES for the Democratic party in nearly all heavily Black states. Kennedy had won Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina on the back of the White vote, by 1964 when the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing the Democrats LOST all those states to an anti-civil rights candidate and after 1965 they proceeded to get slaughtered there in 1968.

The party changes that occurred in the 1960s had NOTHING to do with how Black people were voting. They were driven by what the white voters in each party supported and the long-time split between northern white Democrats and southern white Democrats. That's what's so disingenuous about you trying to use that as an example. It proves the exact opposite of your point - in reality, if Black people "split the vote" like you want them to, then they would become even less relevant in elections than they were previously, just like they were pre-1960s.

second of all the key to black political power IMO is economics, its not voting but if you are going to vote then its better to split the vote, thats my position. the more black people in government positions the better but that doesnt in and of itself measure black political power because in the end economics drives politicians

And one of the major underlying platforms of the Republican party is to reduce Black economic power at every level, dumbass. Don't be blind.

as far as trump, ive never been a trump supporter, but I would describe my political views as right leaning centrist, so i wasnt tripping when he won and i dont look at republicans winning as a nightmare scenario

You openly said that you were glad Trump won and said your differences with him were not ideological, just that he was an idiot. How is that not supportive?

the question you should ask yourself is why you get so bent out of shape by pointing out anti black racism in the latino community and why are you so desperate to downplay it

I didn't do that, liar. I repeatedly posted on this before you ever did and called them out multiple times, called for their firing multiple times, applauded every step that was taken to get them out of the paint.

You're just upset that I also called out agents like yourself who tried to increase support for openly racist white right-wingers in the process. Democrats are the ones who fukked over the racists in the OP the moment they showed their colors, while the Republicans you want Black folk to support are out there standing fully behind Tommy Tuberville who said shyt far worse. That's what proves you're disingenuous as fukk.

You're proving you don't give a shyt about who is racist and who isn't, you're just weaponizing anything you can to support right-wingers.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Because how Black people voted at that time had no impact on party behavior. When Black people switched from Republican to Democrat it immediately led to LOSSES for the Democratic party in nearly all heavily Black states. Kennedy had won Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina on the back of the White vote, by 1964 when the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing the Democrats LOST all those states to an anti-civil rights candidate and after 1965 they proceeded to get slaughtered there in 1968.

The party changes that occurred in the 1960s had NOTHING to do with how Black people were voting. They were driven by what the white voters in each party supported and the long-time split between northern white Democrats and southern white Democrats. That's what's so disingenuous about you trying to use that as an example. It proves the exact opposite of your point - in reality, if Black people "split the vote" like you want them to, then they would become even less relevant in elections than they were previously, just like they were pre-1960s.

you're literally just babbling and arguing with yourself.

the reason i pointed out that black people use to vote republican is to show that things change and how politics is fluid. that was the only point of bringing that up

i never said that the reason why parties change is specifically because of the black vote, voting patterns are complicated with many moving parts

im not even sure what your argument is, first you say that how black people vote had no impact on party behavior and then proceed to explain how the democrats switched to pro civil rights and it changed voting patterns. Which one is it, do black votes have no impact or do they impact voting, I'm confused

And one of the major underlying platforms of the Republican party is to reduce Black economic power at every level, dumbass. Don't be blind.

one of the major platforms of the democratic party is to flood the us with illegal aliens and grant them citizenship to dilute the black vote and black economic power

You openly said that you were glad Trump won and said your differences with him were not ideological, just that he was an idiot. How is that not supportive?

because i didnt vote for him nor did i defend him, except for immigration

I didn't do that, liar. I repeatedly posted on this before you ever did and called them out multiple times, called for their firing multiple times, applauded every step that was taken to get them out of the paint.

ok then whats the problem? why are you so upset?

You're just upset that I also called out agents like yourself who tried to increase support for openly racist white right-wingers in the process. Democrats are the ones who fukked over the racists in the OP the moment they showed their colors, while the Republicans you want Black folk to support are out there standing fully behind Tommy Tuberville who said shyt far worse. That's what proves you're disingenuous as fukk.

You're proving you don't give a shyt about who is racist and who isn't, you're just weaponizing anything you can to support right-wingers.
the democratic party represents a softer gentler form of anti black racism and a lot of the policies they support are problematic for black people, the republican party is just more explicitly racist than the dems

so its better for black people to be neutral when it comes to political parties, IMHO

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
im not even sure what your argument is, first you say that how black people vote had no impact on party behavior and then proceed to explain how the democrats switched to pro civil rights and it changed voting patterns. Which one is it, do black votes have no impact or do they impact voting, I'm confused

If you're actually still confused on that simple-ass point after it was explained to you three times then you aren't bright enough to participate in political conversations.

Dems didn't switch to pro Civil Rights to grab the Black vote, the switched to pro Civil Rights because they were pressured by the northern White vote. They LOST all the black stronghold states as the result of the switch because the southern white votes they lost were way bigger than the black votes they gained.
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
If you're actually still confused on that simple-ass point after it was explained to you three times then you aren't bright enough to participate in political conversations.

Dems didn't switch to pro Civil Rights to grab the Black vote, the switched to pro Civil Rights because they were pressured by the northern White vote. They LOST all the black stronghold states as the result of the switch because the southern white votes they lost were way bigger than the black votes they gained.

im confused as to why you are bringing it up, i never said anything about the reasons why the voting pattern of the black changed and i never claimed that democrats supported civil rights because of the black vote

i was simply pointing out that politics is fluid and voting patterns can change, thats the only point

apparently your panties got bunched up so tight that it started slowing down the blood flow to your brain and made you go on these rambling, emotional incoherent rants


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
kinda weird to ignore she attacked other Mexican ethnic groups as well

i didnt, i posted the reaction of a lady from Oaxaca Black/Brown coalition chronicles: After Outcry Over Racist Remarks, Nury Martinez Resigns As LA City Council President, Takes Leave Of Absence

people shouldnt miss that point because it shows whats really happening,

whats really happening is that mexicans in LA were and are trying to recreate the social structures and racial hierarchies of mexico, it just so happened that it ran up against a free press and civil rights of american society

what happened in the la city council harkens back to when when the mexican president vincente fox said that mexicans do work that not even black people do. the point to get out of that is that people from latin america have a crystal clear understanding of racial and social hierarchies, they dont magically forget that when they cross the border, and left to their own devices (as was happening in LA)they will recreate those hierarchies in the US, including the hierarchies of having indigenous people on the bottom mestizos in the middle and whites on top (take a wild guess were black people fit into that hierarchy). to really understand the context of martinez comments about oxacans you have to understand the 500 year history of mexico and spanish colonization and people should have deep thoughts as to why a 100% americanized mexican is talking like that

people from latin america arent allies of blacks anymore than immigrants from europe in the 20th century were allies of blacks, simply because they all come from societies that are anti black and long histories of racism that predate the existence of the united states

black people should be horrified at the democratic party vision of flooding the us with millions of legal and illegal immigrants from latin america and giving them citizenship
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Perfect timing

When three Latino members of the Los Angeles City Council were caught on tape deriding Indigenous Mexicans as short, dark-skinned and ugly, “it didn’t surprise me at all,” said José Antonio Aguilar, the founder of the group Racismo MX.

“Of course the racism we experience here is exported to immigrant communities in the United States,” he said.
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Word for word, bar for bar


The Spanish conquest of the New World five centuries ago established a caste system in which social standing was largely determined by a person’s racial mix. At the top of the ladder were people of European descent, followed by those of mixed colonial and Indigenous heritage. At the bottom were Indigenous people, followed by Black slaves.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Live: Town Hall response to City Council scandal (L.A. Times + Fox 11)​

2.4K views · Streamed 8 hours ago

The Los Angeles Times and Fox 11 L.A. are hosting a live town hall event on Oct. 20 to examine the City Council scandal and explore a way forward for the city. Tune in at 6 p.m. for “L.A. in Crisis: The Call for Change.” Times columnists Erika D. Smith and LZ Granderson and reporter Benjamin Oreskes will join Fox anchors Elex Michaelson and Marla Tellez for a one-hour special with city and community leaders and residents across the city.
