Black/Brown coalition chronicles: After Outcry Over Racist Remarks, Nury Martinez Resigns As LA City Council President, Takes Leave Of Absence

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
kinda weird to ignore she attacked other Mexican ethnic groups as well

whats really happening is that mexicans in LA were and are trying to recreate the social structures and racial hierarchies of mexico, it just so happened that it ran up against a free press and civil rights of american society
the point to get out of that is that people from latin america have a crystal clear understanding of racial and social hierarchies, they dont magically forget that when they cross the border, and left to their own devices (as was happening in LA)they will recreate those hierarchies in the US

It's like the right-wing idiot wants us to think Nury Martinez is some border-crossing Mexican and not a born-and-raised American girl from the San Fernando Valley whose family has been in the country for 80 years.

Dumbass talking about crossing the border and "running into the American free press" as if she wasn't born here. He with all his Tijuana prostitute adventures probably spends more time in Mexico than she ever has.

White-claiming people shytting on Indigenous people has been part of America since the beginning. It's been part of California since the beginning. No one needed to bring racism and colorism from Mexico lol, it has ALWAYS been here. Light-skinned Spanish descendants in California have ALWAYS shytted on dark-skinned indigenous people in California since long before California was even part of the USA, that didn't need to be "brought" here.

There are people who support racism and people who oppose racism. OP wants to use racist Latinos as a scare tactic to get Black people for vote for racist White people, which is one of the dumbest ploys I can think of but pushing Trump-loving Republicans to the Black community in 2022 is a pretty hard sell so I can see why he'd be desperate. Oppose White racists. Oppose Latino racists. Get shyt done by creating electoral majorities with other people who oppose racism too. It seems pretty obvious and a whole lot more intelligent than begging for Desantis and company to be the saviors that protect the Black community from the big scary Mexicans.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012

Damage control. These people are antiblack/Latino first. Not worth watching. What people say when they think no one is watching is what they really believe and everything else is window dressing.

The only solution and the only thing Tavis Smiley should be doing is telling him to resign. Anything else is just entertainment.

But of course, this will be an interview trying to get him to understand the "hurt and pain" he caused and then make some milquetoast feel good statement that shows he is now a changed man. Who cares.

One thing I agree with that was said by these folks on that tape is that the black community "is more bark than bite " and this constant bleeding heart trying to come to an "understanding" sit down talks only proves that belief right. Instead of demanding accountability, black media a lot of times tries to help these people build redemption narratives. These people know this, and as a result really feels no threat from the black community. They will bark for a while, he will do the black leader/media tour, and then back to business as usual which is disempowering the black community.

If Tavis isn't telling this dude to resign throughout this interview and instead focusing on getting him to "understand", then the interview and Tavis is trash.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Damage control. These people are antiblack/Latino first. Not worth watching. What people say when they think no one is watching is what they really believe and everything else is window dressing.

The only solution and the only thing Tavis Smiley should be doing is telling him to resign. Anything else is just entertainment.

But of course, this will be an interview trying to get him to understand the "hurt and pain" he caused and then make some milquetoast feel good statement that shows he is now a changed man. Who cares.

One thing I agree with that was said by these folks on that tape is that the black community "is more bark than bite " and this constant bleeding heart trying to come to an "understanding" sit down talks only proves that belief right. Instead of demanding accountability, black media a lot of times tries to help these people build redemption narratives. These people know this, and as a result really feels no threat from the black community. They will bark for a while, he will do the black leader/media tour, and then back to business as usual which is disempowering the black community.

If Tavis isn't telling this dude to resign throughout this interview and instead focusing on getting him to "understand", then the interview and Tavis is trash.
I've posted 2-4 podcasts of Tavis' show in this thread since the story broke.
He's been adamantly calling for all four of the officials to resign since the first show that aired after the story broke.
Check the posts.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It's like the right-wing idiot wants us to think Nury Martinez is some border-crossing Mexican and not a born-and-raised American girl from the San Fernando Valley whose family has been in the country for 80 years.
i literally said in my post that she is 100 percent americanized

people should have deep thoughts as to why a 100% americanized mexican is talking like that

the fact that she, a born and bred american mentioned people from Oaxaca means that her racism is not american racism its mexican racism, it did not originate from the US because 99 percent of americans have no idea who or what Oaxaca is

you are so emotional and deranged lol you are literally saying im trying to play down her being fully american when my very point is that she is fully american

Dumbass talking about crossing the border and "running into the American free press" as if she wasn't born here.

and i also mentioned the civil rights culture of the us. my point wasnt to play down her americanness, its to point how racism allegations play out differently in the US compared to mexico

He with all his Tijuana prostitute adventures probably spends more time in Mexico than she ever has.

mos def, i break bread with my Oaxacan hoes in TJ, I share my carne asada and horchata with them

White-claiming people shytting on Indigenous people has been part of America since the beginning. It's been part of California since the beginning. No one needed to bring racism and colorism from Mexico lol, it has ALWAYS been here. Light-skinned Spanish descendants in California have ALWAYS shytted on dark-skinned indigenous people in California since long before California was even part of the USA, that didn't need to be "brought" here.

"light skinned spanish descendants in california" have never had any significant power in california after it became part of the US, and they still dont actually except in pockets like LA and in small cities here and there, which is actually one of the reasons you here the desperation in their voices, they know LA is their best chance for mexicans to wield real power in california for the first time since the mexican american war, but i digress, thats too deep for yall

if you define racism as power + prejudice then "light skinned spanish descendants in california" have never been racist because they have never had any power. the racism in california has always come from white anglos, so whats happening in LA is new

and also indigenous people from oaxaca are completely different people than the indigenous people of california, indigenous oaxacans have never lived in California in the past 10000 years until the recent mass migration from mexico, so "light skinned spanish descendants in california" talking ish about oaxacans is new

somebody like Nuri Martinez getting into power in LA can only happen through massive immigration from mexico, which again is something new, so you do need a massive migration of mexicans for mexican racism to manifest itself and thats something that black people should consider before they go around suggesting 16 million illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship

There are people who support racism and people who oppose racism. OP wants to use racist Latinos as a scare tactic to get Black people for vote for racist White people, which is one of the dumbest ploys I can think of but pushing Trump-loving Republicans to the Black community in 2022 is a pretty hard sell so I can see why he'd be desperate. Oppose White racists. Oppose Latino racists. Get shyt done by creating electoral majorities with other people who oppose racism too. It seems pretty obvious and a whole lot more intelligent than begging for Desantis and company to be the saviors that protect the Black community from the big scary Mexicans.

yawn, i never said anything about voting, you keep trying to insert that argument to distract from the fact that you support an ideology of open borders and mass migration into the US from latin america and to give all illegal immigrants, (numbering at least 16 million) citizenship, things which nobody with a brain would support

you avoid the discussion that these people come from cultures that have a history of racism that predates the existence of the united states, even charles blow noticed it, is charles blow trying to get people to vote republican? Opinion | A Revealing Racist Rant in L.A.

what interests is there for black people in mass migration and open borders and giving 16 million people citizenship?
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
i literally said in my post that she is 100 percent americanized

How the fukk would someone become "americanized" if they were already American from birth? You used "Americanized" to describe an immigrant, not a regular natural-born citizen, dumbass. You said she was bringing her racism across the border with her and had that whole thing about "got tripped up by American free speech" as if she didn't know about that or something.

No one here thinks your reaches and deflections are anything more than embarassing at this point. You talk just like the right-wing racists you stan.

yawn, i never said anything about voting

Of course you didn't, I had to bring that in because you're a weasel who isn't upfront with his agenda. But you've been open about being a right-winger with a "split the vote" agenda for Black people, and every time I pointed out that would do nothing but put racist right-wing white people into power forever with nothing for Black people, you deflect.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
How the fukk would someone become "americanized" if they were already American from birth? You used "Americanized" to describe an immigrant, not a regular natural-born citizen, dumbass. You said she was bringing her racism across the border with her and had that whole thing about "got tripped up by American free speech" as if she didn't know about that or something.

Of course you didn't, I had to bring that in because you're a weasel who isn't upfront with his agenda. But you've been open about being a right-winger with a "split the vote" agenda for Black people, and every time I pointed out that would do nothing but put racist right-wing white people into power forever with nothing for Black people, you deflect.

i dont deflect anything, in fact the opposite im confronting reality, the reality is that black people are in a horrible political and economic position and we have no friends, our choice is between racist left wingers and racist right wingers, so im suggesting a way to maximize the little power we do have by splitting the vote

if you disagree, thats fine, but im not deflecting and your position that we should give 16 million illegal aliens citizenship is way more bizarre and deranged, you probably support the law to allow illegal aliens to vote in DC

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
I've posted 2-4 podcasts of Tavis' show in this thread since the story broke.
He's been adamantly calling for all four of the officials to resign since the first show that aired after the story broke.
Check the posts.
Not sure what he has to talk to him about then. Because I believe the only way he got this guy on his show is if he is going to give him a platform to spin a redemption narrative and at least be heard out. But really there is nothing worth listening to from the dude unless it's him saying the words "I resign".

Tavis better have the same energy to this dude's face.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
i dont deflect anything, in fact the opposite im confronting reality, the reality is that black people are in a horrible political and economic position and we have no friends, our choice is between racist left wingers and racist right wingers, so im suggesting a way to maximize the little power we do have by splitting the vote

I already pointed out to you why this is the dumbest suggestion ever. How do you maximize power by diluting it? No group on Earth decides to maximize their power by propping up their biggest enemy.

Splitting the vote would mean that EVERY Black person who represents Black consituents would immediately lose their positions of power, and would be replaced by right-wing white people who represent white consituents. Right now Black people who represent Black districts control 5 Congressional Committees as well as over 20 subcomittees, in addition to similar power in state governments. White right-wing governments don't include a single Black person representing Black districts in their entire contingent.

Here's a question for you - when Nury Martinez complained about the White and Latino politicians who were siding with Black people, why was every Black ally she named a Democrat? And why have you completely ignored all those Democrats in terms of what you claim the Black response would be, and instead are telling Black people to vote for Republicans who think Nury's little plans were child's play compared to the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and systematic elimination of Black rights that they've perfected?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I already pointed out to you why this is the dumbest suggestion ever.

thank you for sharing your deep thoughts and OPINION with me

How do you maximize power by diluting it?

how do you hedge by putting your eggs in one basket?

No group on Earth decides to maximize their power by propping up their biggest enemy.

who exactly in your mind is black people's biggest enemy?

Splitting the vote would mean that EVERY Black person who represents Black consituents would immediately lose their positions of power, and would be replaced by right-wing white people who represent white consituents.

thats a lie

Right now Black people who represent Black districts control 5 Congressional Committees as well as over 20 subcomittees, in addition to similar power in state governments.

what is the CBC doing or done for black people?

White right-wing governments don't include a single Black person representing Black districts in their entire contingent.

what are you babbling about?

Here's a question for you - when Nury Martinez complained about the White and Latino politicians who were siding with Black people, why was every Black ally she named a Democrat?

because everybody involved in LA politics is democrat

black people do not have any allies

And why have you completely ignored all those Democrats in terms of what you claim the Black response would be, and instead are telling Black people to vote for Republicans who think Nury's little plans were child's play compared to the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and systematic elimination of Black rights that they've perfected?

i said black people should split the vote, what nury was doing was not childs play compared to what republicans are doing, its the same exact thing, which goes to show that black people should not trust a poltician just becuase they are democrats and its not wise to put all your eggs in that basket

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Kevin de Leon sits for interview with Tavis Smiley while L.A. City Council holds in-person meeting


Oct 25 2022
L.A. City Council held its first in-person meeting Tuesday since going virtual due to cases of COVID-19 and disruptions by protestors, and Councilman Kevin de Leon sat for a one-on-one meeting with talk show host Tavis Smiley.
Details: Chris Wolfe reports for KTLA 5 News at 4

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
how do you hedge by putting your eggs in one basket?

Why would anyone "hedge" their fukking votes? It's just a stupid idea. A better word than "hedge" would be "dilute". You lose half the power of your vote and gain nothing in return, it's solely a way to lose.

who exactly in your mind is black people's biggest enemy?

White Supremacy and anyone who wishes to uphold it.

thats a lie

Prove it. Name ONE Black person representing a Black district who would retain any of their federal power if Republicans took over.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Low Quality Posting
Why would anyone "hedge" their fukking votes? It's just a stupid idea. A better word than "hedge" would be "dilute". You lose half the power of your vote and gain nothing in return, it's solely a way to lose.
as a collective black people should hedge, its basic game theory

White Supremacy and anyone who wishes to uphold it.
like mexicans who have a 500 year history of white supremacy?

Prove it. Name ONE Black person representing a Black district who would retain any of their federal power if Republicans took over.
herschel walker

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
as a collective black people should hedge, its basic game theory

The longer you go the more you look like an idiot.

There is NOTHING in game theory that suggests, "Split your effort in the election to ensure you'll lose." There is NO game theory calculation that would tell you to tank the vote in the party where you have influence in order to elevate the party where you have no influence.

Splitting the vote doesn't "hedge" anything. You just lose power in one party while gaining nothing in the other.

like mexicans who have a 500 year history of white supremacy?

At literally every step of the way, from the more enthusiastic genocide of the native population to the more enthusiastic adoption of slavery to the more demeaning conditions of slavery to the much later abolition of slavery to the more vigorous oppression during the Jim Crow era to the more extreme oppression of non-white nations worldwide, White Supremacy by White people in the USA has had a worst effect.

If you are living in America, and think that Mexico's colorism has had a greater impact on the American Black community or ANY Black community than White people's anti-Black racism in the USA, you are either a full-blown idiot or an agent.

Every single major threat to Black power nationwide (voter suppression, gerrymandering, elimination of affirmative action, elimination of college access, judicial blocks of any sort of race-focused assistance, judicial blocks of even non-race based assistance, opposition to reparations, and efforts to make the racial wealth gap even larger) is being driven by right-wing White people, not by latino people, and there is no believable future where left-wing Latinos become a greater block to Black rights than the right-wing White people you wish to put into power.

herschel walker

Herschel Walker, if elected, will represent the White voters of a 75% White state. That was your example of Black power?

You couldn't name a single Black person representing a majority Black district who would have any power if Republicans won. That's embarassing.
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