Bitter Black Men: redefining manhood (long read)

May 6, 2012
Black Women have always preferred the hyper masculinized male and ripped to pieces sensitive men who show emotion so what do you expect men are gonna do?

Luckily for me I've always been a hyper aggressive non emotional insensitive cat which has suited me well with women


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Naw on the real, the standards we're held to as black men are fukked up. No matter what we're going through, we have gotta be a rock and you touched on it but a lot of times we feel like we can't even speak from a vulnerable place with our sisters out of fear of them losing respect for us and not viewing us a true men. With that said... What we gonna do, cry about it? fukk outta here.:pachaha:
All of this


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
If this was about black women you wouldve come in with scorn and hate since bw criticism of any form is not allowed. But you are quick to add your two cents to a thread criticizing black men. Foh, and next time, tag me if u wanna pacspit someone

What are you talking about? You don t know me and you certainly haven't read anything I posted.
I am not anti black man. You'll never see me post any such a thing.
You can't find an anti BM post from me.
my post in THIS thread was supporting and loving Black men.

You quoted me quotING a black male poster saying what a great thread this was and how he was proud of the interaction between the brothers and sisters in here. And I agreed with him.

Then yon get mad.

I dont know you either so why would I tag you?

Sorry that post made you feel some type of way
Hit dogs will holler

Have a beautiful day brother
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Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
So you starting an "ignore red flags" movement?

You in for a lot of heartbreak.

My advice, do 2 things:

1. Know how to spot dysfunctional people, the red flags are hard to miss.

2. Avoid them after sporting them.
I'm always amazed at people who have an insane allergy to the middle ground in a discussion. Nowhere in the OP was the above stated. Nowhere. Reading comprehension is simply trash with some folks.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Also notice how quick this discussion got derailed.

All I know is this....what has been viewed as acceptable hasn't been working. You'd be a fool to think otherwise. I think this is the hardest thing for us to grasp as it's more than just us to blame for the situation so it becomes easy to just focus on white supremacy. No we shouldn't sit around crying about it(OP didn't state this anyway). But it's not gonna kill us to reach out to each other more(what OP is really about).

Or we could just keep on the same path.:mjlol: And experience the same shyt we've been experiencing.:francis: Obviously it ain't broke.:troll:

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
After dealing with a lot of bitter black men, and women complaining about bitter black men, I have had an epiphany.

The complaints and insults, the whining and fighting, were actually cries for help.

Black men have a lot on their shoulders, obviously. But one of the issues I haven't been paying attention to is their emotional and mental issues. I am a woman and I have been a child so I know those experiences, it's why I am passionate about helping women and children. The unique experiences of black men haven't been at the forefront of my mind because I have no personal experience with them. Instead, I see black men as strong, masculine, leaders, protectors and defenders. I used to be :scust: at emotional, whiny, passive, victim -claiming black men. Looking down on them and insulting them. I didn't realize that that is a very valid behavior.

I put black men on a pedestal, anyone who didn't measure up to that was looked down on. I have realized that putting them on a pedestal can be just as bad and putting them below me. Instead I had to realize that black men are my equal. That's what I always say, but I didn't believe it truly. Black men are not perfect, they are human. Being human means that you will make mistakes and you will experience life through emotions.

Men, but black men especially, are defined by their masculinity. They are taught not to cry, suck it up, stop being a baby. That isn't healthy. Of course, you shouldn't stay in your feelings, but you shouldn't suppress them and bottle them up either. Emotions have to be experienced and acknowledged. You have to go through it to get over it.

What healthy outlets do men have for their emotions? Most can't go to other men without being teased, called a "punk", "bytch", "soft" or told to toughen up. They can't go to women for fear of looking less like a "man". Usually, all they have are relationships. When the person who you bared yourself to in your most vulnerable state betrays you, it is a perfectly normal reaction to become bitter.

But you can not stay there, you need to release those negative emotions. We have to reach out to each other and connect. Recognizing there is a lack of emotional support for black men. We need to reintroduce ourselves to eachother with an open mind and a sense of equality. These are our equals, our reflections. When black men are hurting, so are black women. When black women are hurting so are black men. We need each other.
nikkas is sissies. Weak bros foldin like envelopes out here.

Proof: my hoe ass homeboy was braggin to me about how his baby moms called him up askin him to move in n help raise they 15 yr old son. She was deathly ill in the last stages of kidney disease n this nikka told her no n hung up.

A month later she died. Now this fakkit ass hoe nikka runnin round actin like Trey off Boyz in the Hood, fake chokin back tears n showin everybody the funeral program like he strugglin with it. This faggy don't even be in his son life. nikka son say he wanna spend the weeknd with his pops, pop put him off for MONTHS, then when he finally relent, the hoe nikka goes n plays spades with his wack ass uncle n his cross eyed dope fiend girlfriend n leave the kid at his grandma house by hisself. nikka get back n barely even speak to the kid.

I ain't reachin out to shyt, I ain't no goddamn social worker. These faggys need to take care of they responsibilities and stew foo with that mfn whining. shyt so raggedy out here we got single black seedless womens pattin nikkas on the back handin out participation trophies. How the fukk cats go from wearin necklaces made of nostrils in 'Nam to crying over relationships (not marriages, just fukk ass relationships) over the internet? Man the rent is too damn high for this weird shyt.


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL

Cliff notes please

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
how is one suppose to deal with it then?
And when folks snap, people sit around and wonder why the shyt happened. :sas2:

Tell everybody to suck it up, but then sit back in shock when it spills over in dangerous ways, brehs. :ufdup:

Everybody isn't built to suck it up and human beings need outlets for their frustrations and anger. Safe outlets. I know how corny it sounds but how many people do you know that have very unsafe outlets? Beating their kids out of frustration. :mjcry: Attention whoring. :wow: Drug use beyond acceptable levels. :snoop: Yeah it's corny but it's real. Take a second and think about it.:mjcry:

I guess because so many on the coli got pawgs and certs they have the attitude that they should just send these people to the gas chambers. They're undesirables. America is on L status. :wow:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
The game of life has changed, there was a need and an environment where a strong black male that you never saw break down was needed more so than now. That time has past for the most part, now we need strong black males they can communicate open up and express themselves and yet stay firm and strong.

However everything from a young age is taught to us that men don't break down, dont cry, and dont express there feelings. You MAN UP. If it isn't taught to you at home by your father and mother, its taught to you at school by friends or on tv or the movies.

Women reinforce it by there actions, I hear so many ladies say they want a leader that can open up to them, but when the time comes its just not something that is attractive to them. God forbid it happens more than once a year, you can pack the relationship up for the most part. Again that's something that is taught and pushed by the media.

I remember when I felt at my absolute lowest, and I really opened up to my girl. I feel like it was a double edge sword, after words of encouragement a brother felt like he could take on the world and would for me and her. But I also felt like that's where things changed, and she no longer saw me as a solid brick wall, but a brick wall with cracks in it. Maybe it was all in my head, but from that day on I felt like there was a shift. Sadly While I felt closer to her then ever, I think she felt more vulnerable in the if her ship at sea had design flaws and cracks.

White people are taught its ok to be emotional way more than blacks... When it comes to healthy successful families and family linage this is a big deal. We need that love and understand between us in our relationships as men and women.

We already have the pride, when just need the love and compassion back.
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The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Realize this... Black Women dont hate Black Men. Black Men dont hate Black Women. Not only is it a generalization but it is simply untrue.

I will repeat again. The only person you can control is yourself. Stop worrying about what other people are doing and worry about yourself. Blaming people doesn't do anything because most cases, they person who hurt you has already moved on while you are worrying about them.

Holding on to a grudge is just extra baggage that you carry with you. Let it go, learn your lesson and keep moving forward.
You gotta learn from the past or it comes back up
And life is all preparation, man fukk bad luck

That's what it boils down to. It ain't about a judge. If WOMEN have done me wrong. Cheated. Used me for money.

Or my friends tells me about 3 women who did it to him. Then I hear on cnn about a divorce and child support case that some guys lost. Then I come on the coli and hear more horror stories. Facebook statuses with more horror

What kind of idiot would I be to say "well forget everything I've learned and seen, let me just be the same nikka I was before I learned all this"

Usually BITTER men didn't start bitter. And they damn sure told their boys about that terrible bytch who did them wrong.

The very next step is to adapt and change so no one will ever do that again. Women are NO different. Bitter women of all colors doing the same things. Holding the same grudges. Posting how no man is shyt. Posting about going through phones and checking his messages and grilling him about his baby mom and fighting his exes

Everybody "bitter" based on history and knowledge of what the other sex is capable of. Like I said before. MORE access to other people and sharing of stories has only made it worse. Plus more access to other options and dream partners off the internets


Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jan 9, 2014
After dealing with a lot of bitter black men, and women complaining about bitter black men, I have had an epiphany.

The complaints and insults, the whining and fighting, were actually cries for help.

Black men have a lot on their shoulders, obviously. But one of the issues I haven't been paying attention to is their emotional and mental issues. I am a woman and I have been a child so I know those experiences, it's why I am passionate about helping women and children. The unique experiences of black men haven't been at the forefront of my mind because I have no personal experience with them. Instead, I see black men as strong, masculine, leaders, protectors and defenders. I used to be :scust: at emotional, whiny, passive, victim -claiming black men. Looking down on them and insulting them. I didn't realize that that is a very valid behavior.

I put black men on a pedestal, anyone who didn't measure up to that was looked down on. I have realized that putting them on a pedestal can be just as bad and putting them below me. Instead I had to realize that black men are my equal. That's what I always say, but I didn't believe it truly. Black men are not perfect, they are human. Being human means that you will make mistakes and you will experience life through emotions.

Men, but black men especially, are defined by their masculinity. They are taught not to cry, suck it up, stop being a baby. That isn't healthy. Of course, you shouldn't stay in your feelings, but you shouldn't suppress them and bottle them up either. Emotions have to be experienced and acknowledged. You have to go through it to get over it.

What healthy outlets do men have for their emotions? Most can't go to other men without being teased, called a "punk", "bytch", "soft" or told to toughen up. They can't go to women for fear of looking less like a "man". Usually, all they have are relationships. When the person who you bared yourself to in your most vulnerable state betrays you, it is a perfectly normal reaction to become bitter.

But you can not stay there, you need to release those negative emotions. We have to reach out to each other and connect. Recognizing there is a lack of emotional support for black men. We need to reintroduce ourselves to eachother with an open mind and a sense of equality. These are our equals, our reflections. When black men are hurting, so are black women. When black women are hurting so are black men. We need each other.

Many black men now a days are not secure in their manhood at all, and many black women enable this. The fact that you said you said its valid behavior would be a reason this immature behavior continues on.A lot of the outrageous and rambunctious behavior is not masculine at all ,its just the fake knock off of how REAL men carry themselves. This is why so many women find themselves with DL brothas.

This is why cats like Young Thug ,ASAP Rocky,and Lil Wayne have a gang of women buying their stuff,they look at them as the shyt.Some of these dudes wear dresses and wear make up.Lil Wayne is like the archetype for black masculinity now and the dude has 14 baby mamas or something.The truth is many black women don't care for real manhood anymore.

Also many of the braggadocious men out there you see are just running their mouth,their mouths are writing checks their ass can't cash, but many black women see it as confidence.
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All Star
May 5, 2012
Manhood is something I pretty much had/have to learn on my own.

Stepfather didn't teach me shyt (it's even sadder because he was a SOLDIER), he seemingly only went along with all the bullshyt my mother was on. My mother was THE WORST. She was very domineering and overprotective to the point where she was just downright STUPID. I don't think I should go on and on about the shyt they would say/do (because I don't think anyone would care to read all that), but let's just say they were very emotional/verbally abusive. My father was all the way across the country, so he was pretty much a non-factor. However, whenever we'd talk or I'd visit and I tell him what's going on back at home, it was like he didn't really agree with that shyt at all. I couldn't really discuss this with my friends, because they probably couldn't relate or do anything about it. Other relatives saw the shyt but pretty much took a blind eye to it. shyt only got more frustrating when I would try and ask for advice and they would just smile in my face and feed me some dismissive bullshyt, knowing damn well the shyt was WRONG. The only person I knew of who'd even address the shyt was my mom's friend, but I think even she got tired of the shyt after a while and washed her hands of it. (she didn't have to care, but she did.). It got to a point where I completely stopped looking for people for guidance or look up to.....

Everything was pretty much trial and error. I had no one to teach me about standing up for myself, women, or shyt PERIOD. I had my few friends that would tell me about what's going on with myself, but never any role models. Maybe that's why now I don't look up to anybody, have a mentor, or any shyt like that. It's always been just me. I've basically come to this conclusion: Perhaps I'm not meant for that. Maybe I'm built the way I am because I'm not suited to follow or look up to anyone. So right now, though this will cause a lonely life even further, that's what I'll run with...

I think either my brain is wired differently or some shyt made me this way, but I HATE emotion. Feels made me feel ashamed, and I mostly only had them because I "thought that's how people are supposed to act."make me feel wrong and weak, and crying used to give me TERRIBLE headaches. So I've been practicing stoicness (if that's the right term), and basically trying to break these "leftover chains" stuck in my head that keep me from reaching my full potential. I don't want to be one of those people that let life pass them by and finally "discovers themselves" at the fukked up age of 40+. I'm already 31, I feel that I've wasted enough life struggling with this bullshyt. I don't want to spend another second fighting anymore, that shyt's been a lifetime struggle. shyt gets old....