Billions - Season 5/Part 2 (September 5th/Official Thread)

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
I tried to get into Succession - that family is horrrrrrible. From dude giving the poor Mexican family a million dollar check if he gets a home run. The kid fails to do so, then the man proceeds to rip up the check in front of him and gives him the torn scrap - talking about here’s a quarter of a million. Everyone in that family is irredeemable and not smart at all. I mean like no intelligence. I turned it off at episode 3 when the son is in his office, stands on the ledge and wips it out. Does it get better as the show goes on from all this sensationalism and the characters?

I couldn't get into Succession either. I think I'm at the end of season 1 or start of season 2. I can't stand to watch shows with overly beta white male characters. Between the non-confident son who was running the business and the estranged nephew who was non-confident, dumb, and naive, I had to give it the :camby:

Billions is more entertaining than Succession imo.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Fifteen minutes in this is trash
The way these characters talk... It’s like a Shakespeare play
Show is so damn pretentious. And Wendy is damn near professor x levels of mind reading as a psychologist :what:

I stopped watching in season 2. I can see what people like about the show, but the dialogue is awful and I didn’t connect to any characters
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Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
I like this show but I gotta say the premiere was boring as fukk. It's just the same thing over and over.
How many times we gotta see:
  • Axe and Wags doing some uber rich 1% activity that you might of heard of but aren't familiar with
  • Wendy dissatisfied with Chuck, Chuck simping around her hoping she changes her tune
  • Chuck having a hard on for Axe and prosecuting people who have a loose connection to him
  • Chuck and Axe interacting about one thing but then later we find out it was a chess move that means something bigger in their overall fued
  • Same with Axe and Taylor
It's getting boring.
The show really was exactly that since day 1, we (I guess I should say *I*) just didn't notice it. Once someone pointed out that Billions is basically just "wealth porn"/name dropping/cameos, I couldn't unsee it. Its the closest thing to "Entourage" still on TV.

Totally agree with all the above points. Its like the writers want to show how Axe, Chuck, Wendy, and Taylor are all super-geniuses, but the writers are not super-geniuses themselves, so they're thinking "hmmm.....what would a genius say in this situation? They'd probably combine a pop culture movie reference with a reference to Sun Tzu's Art of War, or something!"

The whole "intelligence" comes down to:
"I'm two steps ahead of them!"
..."HAHAH...They think they're two steps ahead of me, but I'm three steps ahead of them!"
...."LOL, while they're taking their little 'steps' I'm playing chess like Ingmar Bergman's Seventh Seal!"
"HAHA, this was actually Poker the whole time, and I can bluff like (blah blah blah *some historical figure who bluffed one time*)"

But I guess I have to admit that for me the first two episodes this season haven't been boring. I put off watching them until just now, but they held my attention enough to watch them both back to back once I started. The new "antagonist" seems like he might be more fun that Clancy Brown's or John Malkovich's characters the past couple of seasons, because of the way he come off as a nice guy. I want HIM to win.

I tried to get into Succession - that family is horrrrrrible. From dude giving the poor Mexican family a million dollar check if he gets a home run. The kid fails to do so, then the man proceeds to rip up the check in front of him and gives him the torn scrap - talking about here’s a quarter of a million. Everyone in that family is irredeemable and not smart at all. I mean like no intelligence. I turned it off at episode 3 when the son is in his office, stands on the ledge and wips it out. Does it get better as the show goes on from all this sensationalism and the characters?

Not to derail this thread, but once you "get" it, Succession really is a much better show that Billions. The trick is, its actually more of a comedy than Billions is, but if you're not paying attention you'll miss it because the direction doesn't clue you into the fact that what you are watching is supposed to be funny.

The character that SEEMS the dumbest in the first episode (their cousin Gregg) is actually the most "real world" smart character on the show. And ironically, the character that seems the most reasonable in the pilot (Connor Roy) is actually the only one of them that is actually a TOTAL idiot :facepalm:. Someone like Roman probably has a pretty high IQ, he's just a spoiled a$$hole who's messed up mentally, can't relate to any other "common" humans, and doesn't REALLY care about anything. Then you have people like Shiv. She's smart, but not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.

I liked it from the first episode, but it really gets better once Logan starts to recover from his stroke and starts to reassert his control over the family.
Plus, if you want to see wealth porn, they can do that too:
Get to Know The Yacht in The “Succession” Season 2 Finale | Yacht Management


Nov 18, 2016
I liked episode 3 it actually held a theme and stuck with it to the end

Axe’s son is going to be such an a$$hole but I was hoping for axe to tear that school down. That’s just me though bad experience with private universities so I’ve seen that type of person like the dean


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
no one fukks with the show anymore?
This season is starting off a little lackluster. Before it was more about the world of high finance, trading, and tech, now they’ve reduced it to - Axe will axe anyone that makes him mad. They need to introduce new players and get to where they’re going instead of all this obnoxious filler content- I don’t care about Chuck’s dad’s wife, or Gordy at his prep school, and that blonde robotic sidekick of Taylor’s that serves no purpose. What exactly is Wendy’s role this season bc she’s soliciting more advice than she gives out
They need to chill with the obscure comparative literature references in this show