Who gives a fukk what they have to pay. The nuggets valuation as a team have gone up over a billion dollars in the last decade.
Kroenke family is up at least a billion on one basketball team they own but they out here getting talking heads like Bill Simmons to try and convince the public that aint no way they can pay x amount in penalties to keep KCP? shyt makes 0 fukking sense.
It wasn't the second apron that made Denver not want to keep KCP. Denver just didn't want to keep KCP.
Joe Lacob bought the warriors for less than 500 million. They are worth BILLIONS now. But he trying to convince you that the tax they would have had to pay for keeping Klay Thompson was just to punitive.
The spots pysops is amazing. Cacs like Bill Simmons have somehow convinced people that familes with Billions of dollars who own companies worth billions of dollars somehow can't spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions to keep a team together.
And Parity has proven to be how almost every league makes the most money. It's how you reach the most fans. Silvers job is to do whats best for all 30 teams, not the Celtics and Lakers. When the Pacers are trash, a Pacers fan doesn't magically become a Lakers fan and watch laker games and go to laker games and buy laker players jerseys...they just don't watch basketball at all. It's just money lost. So as a business, and before an nba team is anything else it's a business, it's to the nba's benefit for the Pacers to at least be good enough that people want to watch them, want to attend their games, local broadcast stations want to pay a lot for their games, and advertisers want to pay to advertise their products during their game.
Every other thread about the nba is how they are doing something wrong. And then every financial document that comes out is how the nba made the most money ever and teams are worth the most money ever. Cac Simmons is complaining just to complain.
"The league is in such terrible shape that Amazon is trying to pay billinos of dollars for 45 games"![]()
To be fair, the Warriors are owned by an investment group. Lacob is the principal owner holding approximately 25%. The other minority owners may not be willing to forego dividends or even pay out of pocket to cover luxury taxes. To be honest, the other owners may not have the liquid assets to pay since they bought the team at a much lower valuation and the bulk of their net worth could be from their illiquid ownership stakes. You make a valid point about the Nuggets though since the family that owns them has vast wealth outside of the Nuggets.