Here we go with the same old capitalist narrative and "bootstraps" nonsense.
"Make good life choices" they say, without taking in supplementary information of those workers and their environment. That's one of the problems with capitalism, everything can be explained by "do it better" without taking into account that either:
A) Most Businesses would not survive if everyone was above working at some place
B) Skilled workers would become overly-saturated and thus you would have skilled workers who made good life choices working at McDonalds (i.e., back to step one).
Thus, a system such as this neo-capitalism that we have today depends on there being a criminal class, poverty, wealth disparity, lack of education, lack of birth control, and so on. If ALL people made better lifestyle choices, the criteria for the lower classes would just re-adjust. Therefore, instead of you being a High School drop out to work at place X, now you have to have a Bachelor's degree to flip burgers. Then the capitalist would be in here saying "Well fukking bootstraps, bootstraps, better decisions, bootstraps, trickledown c*nt, bootstraps" nonsense and telling everyone to get PhDs.
fukking fairy tale nonsense.