Monetary cost sure, but that isnt the only form of cost.
The breakdown of the nuclear family, teenage single mothers, and and entitlement culture, are all cost to subsidizing poor decisions. Obviously the issues begin to spiral out from there, but everyone here is well aware of them, so i'll stop there.
Ask yourself this, has welfare diminished, or uplifted the black community?
If you believe welfare is god sent and has lifted are people up, then... fair enough we're seeing things completely different, and thats fine.
I believe you're confusing my arguments with the arguments you are accustomed too. I believe welfare is broken. It's not a God send, it has it's flaws, that doesn't mean it's not required. There's a little more nuance that requires less absolute thinking and more practical thinking. NO Welfare isn't the best thing in the world; YES it does have it's purpose
I wish you could take off your liberal glasses and see the whole picture... for instance lets take min wage(since its the topic at hand), raising it leaves more young men without jobs standing on the street corner leading to what? Exactly what you see happening if you dont raise wages "
people start up and robbing and killing because they are sick and tired of watching their kids hurt"
I'd rather see young niqqas working for $3/hr learning a business/trade, or at least work ethic... instead of not working at all and turning on their own communities. <---- which is the reality of it, regardless if how great your liberal ideas sound.
And I hope you realize your argument is supportive of indentured servitude and a stones throw away from slavery, no hyperbole here but you're all for corporations paying sweatshop wages so long as people are learning skills? Can you really not see the flaw in that argument, particularly when the people writing the payroll checks are eating like fat cats? Quite literally you want the US to turn into a 3rd world country...?
Raising the min wage hurts those who are not employed(of which blacks are disproportionately represented).
Your Democac masters(who never wanted slavery abolished in the first place) couldnt be happier with how things have played out,
simply promising you a bite to eat insures them your vote.
First off i'm "Pragmatic" not liberal. Second I can't stand most democratic politicians. Raising the minimum wage is not really even the issue, it's a symptom or rather a treatment for a symptom, as is welfare. And as with welfare just because somethings broken doesn't mean it's not needed.
and just so we can be clear on my stance and views i'll tell you the same thing I told my son when he asked me the difference between democrats and republicans, and it's a truth I find more and more to be accurate.
You're walking home after working a long day, suddenly you're attacked from behind, raped and robbed. After attacking you your attack gets up, blames you and goes on his way. That's a republican.
You're walking home after working a long day, suddenly you're attacked from behind, raped and robbed. After attacking you your attack gets up, hands you back $5 from your own money and gives you a hug. That's a Democrat.
I don't like either one of them, but if forced...and we are... i'll take my $5 bucks and a hug...