We distribute so much aid, in such a way, that the overall incentive to work hard is diminished.
It creates a vicious cycle of, people under achieving, bleeding hearts demanding care for them, leading to more underachievers, and more bleeding hearts demanding more care for them, and so on and so on... it never ends.
Just curious, do you have any proof to back this up, having actually lived it, maybe I'm just the outlier but this argument is such bullshyt. 15 years ago when my family went on food stamps, it was one the lowest points of my life. Going into a supermarket to buy something and the only cashier being open was someone I went to high school with. The pathetic amount of assistance we received, the getting spoken to like we're trash while applying for food stamps, and being poor white trash in school wasn't all that great and glamorous like you like to say it is. It didn't motivate me to stay on assistance and be a leech on the system. I never wanted to relive those years and swore when I have children of my own they would never have to experience that. And before you go on about well my parents shouldn't of made mistakes and they should have picked themselves up by the bootstraps, that was exactly what my Father had done with his life. He was a high school drop out from a family of alcoholics living hand to mouth and stealing to survive. Instead of being a leech on the gov't, like all people who grow up on Aid or so conservatives say happens, he started his own sewer cleaning company. A successful one at that, he had an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down and in severe pain 24/7, funny in the aid argument these scenario's are never possible, we're all just leeches. With all that said about how going on aid makes us lazy, and look I'm not looking for any sympathy from anyone can I please see some proof of how Aid kills our ambition and drive. I can you provide proof other than your bullshyt talking point ? And I'm not trying to sway your opinion on gov't aid because I know I won't and I don't care quite frankly. I just want proof of this bullshyt talking point. And also if you reply to me can you please do it without the smileys, we're grown men here not 14 year olds with ADHD.