NO one said that.
Stop trying to gaslight me.
People in those same areas often suffer from generational poverty and mediocre government support.
So a mentality of "Get it however you can" starts to fester and grow.
This also ignores that many in those same areas are literally the grandchildren and children of people who not even three
generations ago were effectively SHUT OUT of the metro areas they live in.
The same story happened in NY.
The same story happened in Louisiana.
The same story happened in Dallas, Houston, Louisville, Detroit, LA etc.
They legally enacted segregation, cut off whole neighborhoods, severed job opportunities, policed them to hell and back
AND allowed drugs to flourish (and gangs right alongside them....).
This shyt didn't just spawn out of nowhere, like a bunch of black people just said "fukk it, I'm going to go out and fukking
kill people for literally no reason whatsoever".
People want to have this conversation about WHAT'S going on and HOW to change it but can't even acknowledge basic
fukking history and just get stroked off by other equally ignorant idiots who think "Mass incarceration
that'll fix em !
or respond with other similarly vapid shyt.
You got "Black" people in here saying "Black people's culture is just degeneracy" and they really fukking think they aren't c***s.