Just curious, who do you think should replace the black church as the figureheads of the black community?
Because for a while it looked like the conscious community was set to take over that role, but the problem with them is that they couldn't get past petty arguments and beefs.
Many of them also lacked the infrastructure/resources to do anything meaningful outside of "educating" and waking people up.
Plus a lot of folks in the conscious community, though street wise and relatable, aren't practical enough or knowledgeable enough on topics like politics and economics outside reiterating something they might've read from dr claude anderson or dr frances cress welsing or dorothy a brown etc etc.
nowadays the youth (24 and under) look at them as a joke...
The NOI would be great , except the vast majority of Blacks in the US aren't noi or muslim, and We all know Farrakhan is painted as the boogeyman to mainstream America even to this day.
the political class...........they're just in it for themselves tbh. They're a lost cause. They have no integrity
The business class, they mean well, they have the capital and the knowledge, but How many blacks in the business sector have the profile to be the voice of the community? Hell, most people didn't even know who robert smith was until two years ago. Plus you aren't making any real money in this country independent of white people, which might cause them to either shuck & jive OR beat around the bush.....
The entertainment sect seems to have a much larger voice even compared to the 90's and 2000's, but to put lets be real, most of them are morons and c00ns
Whatever the case is, something gotta happen because I'm tired of these BLM activists that hijack black cause just to spread ghey ideology while simultaneously throwing the black man under the bus
and I'm tired of these politicians pandering to these entertainers and rappers.
I don't disagree.
A lot of guns on the street are coming from these white boys from Indiana and mississippi too. But you know, they're not going to shed light on that though