Biden Campaign releases plan to empower black community

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
This is how I know yall nikkas are just democratic lackeys. Bloomberg, bussyboy and warren had better "agendas" than this shyt by criminal bill joe Biden but yall will accept anything from who ever the dems tell you too. His crime bill was way more fukk specific than this. Why because he wanted to harm African Americans as much as he could, so it should be common sense for him to fix that. However nothing in those bumass 5talking points that's been repeated since forever is gonna do that. Yall nikkas love nothing burgers. No wonder they're comfortable not giving us shyt for our vote :mjtf:talking about rolling back policies like they haven't been fukking killing us like dogs. I hate fukking cowards.:unimpressed:
If your job came to you tomorrow and told you to fill out a general company questionnaire and said if you don't do it your pay will be reduced significantly would you fill it out or just take the loss to prove a point?

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
The Coli: "We need a black agenda :martin:"

*Candidates provide agendas*

The Coli: "Nah :unimpressed: I forgot to mention reparations :martin:"

*Candidates provide reparations agendas*

The Coli: "The fukk??? The agenda doesn't count without a number :hhh:"

Marianne Williamson: *Blindly pulls a "number" out her ass and whispers to a pile of turtle shyt for good luck*

The Coli: "She's got my vote! :blessed:"
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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
This sounds like as good as it's going to get as far as tangibles goes

this is literally the same vague plan that has been on his website from the beginning. HBCU funding and prison reform are great. But dont impact the average working black person. The most important thing mentioned, ending the racial wealth and income gap, has no specifics behind it.

No nun of those are tangibles you mental midget. Those are the same talking points dems have been pandering before Obama. If you were a rapper you'd suck dikk for free beats :unimpressed:

Exactly. Dems been talking the same exact shyt my whole life. I sat through Clinton and obama: shyt actually got worse.
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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
If you nikkas were alive during the civil Rights era them cacs could have just ended the movement with a few checks.

[King] discusses the question of what African-Americans should do with their new freedoms found in laws such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He concludes that all Americans must unite in order to fight poverty and create an equality of opportunity

King concludes that, rather than having a mere welfare state or a general class struggle, U.S. government measures should act more directly to benefit individuals by some kind of guaranteed income:

I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective — the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.

— From the chapter titled "Where We Are Going"

Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? - Wikipedia

Ie, checks. :unimpressed:

Which you would have known had you participated in the breaking brown book club. :unimpressed:


G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
Got damn them racist Republican cacs got that unity thing on lock. They don't get promised shyt by Trump yet they stand in the cold lockstep to vote and to make sure he keep his foot on minorities necks...they gotta be laughing at how easy they can cause dysfunction here.


Oct 8, 2014

Ie, checks. :unimpressed:

Which you would have known had you participated in the breaking brown book club. :unimpressed:

UBI is an economic policy
Not just a reparation check.

Y'all have gotta be kidding me
Not to mention king was speaking of multiple policies. He wouldn't have thrown out the potential for progress just for a single check


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
So that's the way you wanna play it huh? :beli:
Y'all see how it goes when I'm being amicable with these muhfukkas right? :unimpressed:
I just gave #ADOS more credit than I have in over a YEAR and his fukk ass is bytchin, talmabout "cowards" :mjlol:

Do yourself a favor: STOP WORRYING ABOUT POLITICS. You and others with this mentality have snubbed your nose at each and every offer provided. If the agenda isn't up to par then you NEGOTIATE. It's called politicking, but fools like you really convinced yourselves that all you need to do is register to vote and sit on your ass til you get what you want. Lemme guess, you can't take this plan seriously, but you were all in for Marianne Williamson's crazy, no-shot-having ass right????

Your entire response was the epitome of "smart-dumb nikka" logic. You basically said a bunch of shyt in an attempt to sound like you're informed or intelligent, but in reality, you portray yourself as a cowardly fool. None of what you said made any sense. You're also a Democratic house negro.

"Weez gots to takes what we cans get from Massa Biden. It's betta dan nothing. Look at meez, boss. I'm not complaining. Ize don't needs no reparations or my freedom. Ize a good negro."

That is what most of you complacent, "I'll accept what they give us" posters sound like. Do you nikkas not have any dignity?

You're African, right? If you're not ADOS, then I totally understand the stupid shyt that you post. If you are ADOS, you oughta be ashamed.
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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
UBI is an economic policy
Not just a reparation check.

Y'all have gotta be kidding me
Not to mention king was speaking of multiple policies. He wouldn't have thrown out the potential for progress just for a single check
:gucci: Reparations as imagined by ados is not a single check.

You're too poorly informed to have such strong opinions. :unimpressed:


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
how dare you not answer my points about 68,000 ppl dying in a month on Trump's watch and climbing?

Why don't you answer my point about his solution being for us to inject ourselves with lysol?

OH MY fukkING GOODNESS. You have got to be an agent. All of this fukking caping. If you mention that "buh-but 68,000" number in one more fukking post....

That's got to be your 107th post in two days mentioning 68,000 or your family member (my condolences, if true). I personally know of people that have been affected or died from COVID, too.

Will you stop defending Biden like he's your daddy? Please, breh. The shyt's got you looking extra desperate and pitiful. I don't know if you're just emotional right now (which is understandable), or if you are trolling. Maybe you REALLY hate Trump and want to see him out of office. You simply look pathetic with the caping, breh. Possessing absolutely no dignity or integrity at all.

As far as Biden goes...Just say that you support the old racist white man and keep it moving. You are caping way too fukking hard for an old white man with empty promises. Don't forget that you're actively defending a man that has a horrendous track record with the Black (ADOS) community and refuses to acknowledge reparations.

Someone could say "I don't like Biden and I'm not voting at all this election, because he hasn't done anything for Black people, all while being a creepy pervert weirdo". Then your responses are like "Nuh-uh! Biden is gon' gets us new microscopes and lab supplies at HBCUs. And Trump raped ways more people dan Massa Biden did. And by the way, it's my 46th time mentioning it today, but did you know that Trump directly killed 68,000 people with COVID? Trump is solely responsible, and it aint none of da Democrats fault".

I'm really trying to see your point-of-view and understand your perspective on things, but when I read your posts (hard to avoid, because it's every other fukking post on these political threads), I can't help but not take you serious.

I'm not voting, and none of you guys could make me feel even remotely guilty about it. I am not a Trump supporter, I can't stand Bernie Sanders, and I do not support Biden. That's my decision, and you all are free to make your own. Just stop caping for old white men so fukking much. This is why it's hard for me to believe that a lot of you posters are even ADOS. Oh, and fukk Obama too.
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Big Boda

My Family Are Not Immigrants.
Aug 18, 2014
400 Year Survivors Of American Slavery.
OH MY fukkING GOODNESS. You have got to be an agent. All of this fukking caping. If you mention that "buh-but 68,000" number in one more fukking post....

That's got to be your 107th post in two days mentioning 68,000 or your family member (my condolences, if true).

Will you stop defending Biden like he's your daddy? Please, breh. The shyt's got you looking extra desperate and pitiful. I don't know if you're just emotional right now (which is understandable), or if you are trolling.

Just say that you support the old racist white man and keep it moving. You are caping way too fukking hard for an old white man with empty promises. Don't forget that you're actively defending a man that has a horrendous track record with the Black (ADOS) community and refuses to acknowledge reparations.

Someone could say "I don't like Biden and I'm not voting at all this election, because he hasn't done anything for Black people, all while being a creepy pervert weirdo". Then your responses are like "Nuh-uh! Biden is gon' gets us new microscopes and lab supplies at HBCUs. And Trump raped ways more people dan Massa Biden did. And by the way, it's my 46th time mentioning it today, but did you know that Trump directly killed 68,000 people with COVID? Trump is solely responsible, and it aint none of da Democrats fault".

I'm really trying to see your point-of-view and understand your perspective on things, but when I read your posts (hard to avoid, because it's every other fukking post on these political threads), I can't help but not take you serious.

I'm not voting, and none of you guys could make me feel even remotely guilty about it. I am not a Trump supporter and I do not support Biden. That's my decision, and you all are free to make your own. Just stop caping for old white men so fukking much. Oh, and fukk Obama too.

You made a rational post and we've seen dude ignore the logic in rational posts like that to label it as trump supporter talk. These folks are on some get down with Massa or Lay down shyt.

With the shameless way he used his "cousin who died" to campaign on a forum subsection there's not a level this dude won't stoop to with the caping.

The voter suppression angle is insulting like black people not smart enough to choose for themselves. Everything showing a lack of faith in either party is classified as maga voter suppression with these clowns.

What that means is when white daddy punishes people for not wanting to vote They Snitchin

This dude got a thread up right now trying to raise money to give stacey dash. Anybody on the forum concerned about that lying azz dude because his "cousin died" gonna look at him funny