Biden Campaign releases plan to empower black community

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
Also the Reparations or bust people need to shut the fukk up. My hatred for people like Biden and Democratic Party is well documented, but our people are dying from this thing at a much higher rate than anyone else.

Not voting in this election is essentially condemning our own people to death. We almost had 70,000 people die. We don’t have a choice here and trust me no one is angrier about that than me.

I was going to sit out this election until COVID happened and I started hearing about the suffering to my people. You can’t sit there and tell me u care about us and then not vote to remove those actively trying to sacrifice us for the white mans economy

Naw breh, fukk outta here w/ that :camby:
One of the reasons we're so vocal about reparations, because we need that to survive. The reality is that the average ADOS family doesn't have the wealth to survive unemployment (we're worth as low as $8 and $11 liquid in Boston and LA); don't have the wealth to pay for college, wealth to get housing.

In this America, if you don't have wealth or parents/grandparents to pass you wealth you're fukked, we don't have that and we'll starve out unless we get reparations.

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX


May 27, 2012
so you're not gonna vote for biden and you're not gonna vote for Trump. Not voting ALWAYS enables GOP candidates to stay in power, it's why they work so hard to suppress votes and make it harder for folks to vote.

y'all think you're making some kind of great statement when all you're doing is playing right into Trump's hands.

you forgot to add 68,000 dead to this post

Baka's Weird Case

Jul 25, 2015
Goon Squad - Catset
trump won the presidency because white women, latinoes and the alphabet people voted for him en masse.

trump being elected has little to nothing to do with black people.
both those groups voted for clinton.

white people are the only group that voted for trump "en masse"

Tom Foolery

You're using way too many napkins.
May 1, 2012
Boardwalk and Park Place
black people overwhelmingly voted for the democratic nominee in 2016. Other groups like white women and latinos has the votes for Trump creeping up. This is not our mess to clean up.


Reality Check: Who voted for Donald Trump?
Black people can never do enough, can we?

I understand the vote Democrat position, but don't some of you feel like some hoes looking at this graph?


Nov 2, 2017
New York
People... no MY PEOPLE are dying everyday. And something needs to be addressed specifically to help them.

I don't understand what's so wrong with asking/demanding that he be specific to those who will and are going to support him. It's dire.

If we do not do this - especially for the candidate we will single-handily vote in - then we are shyt out of luck.

Like my idol Ms. Hurston says - and one of my fave quotes:

“If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” ― Zora Neale Hurston.

By us being silent and content with just some general wording and unspecific plan - when we continue to die and things get even worse they will say it's our fault for not speaking up and using our vote to demand help.


Sep 15, 2014
:heh: Place is a bloodbath between cac agents, c00ns and liberal black posters


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Biden releases plan to empower black community

Biden releases plan to empower black community
Julia Manchester05/04/20 03:26 PM EDT
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign on Monday rolled out its plan to empower black Americans, focusing on six major policy areas.

Biden plans to advance the “economic mobility” of the African American community, as well as put an end to the racial wealth and income gaps in the U.S. The plan calls for expanding African Americans’ access to credit and capital, as well as improving and expanding a number of Small Business Administration programs.

The plan will also aim to increase access to high-quality education by ending the funding gap between majority white and majority nonwhite school districts by tripling Title I funding.

Under the plan, the Obama administration’s policies to diversify schools would also be reinstated.

Additionally, the former vice president’s campaign announced that the presumptive 2020 nominee would invest over $70 billion in historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions.

Biden’s plan will also aim to eliminate disparities in health due to race. The campaign pointed specifically to the coronavirus pandemic, saying it has exposed serious racial inequalities in the U.S. health care system. The plan would establish a public health insurance option, increase subsidies for the Affordable Care Act and expand federal investments in Medicaid.

Under the same plan, no American will have to pay for coronavirus-related testing or treatment or any eventual vaccine.

Criminal justice reform is also addressed in the plan, which includes calling for sentence reform, a reduction in prison populations and expanding the Justice Department’s power to address misconduct by police and in prosecutors’ offices. The plan also touts the establishment of a $20 billion grant program to support criminal justice reform at the state and local levels.

The plan also addressed climate issues through reinstating Obama-era policies aimed at coming up with solutions for environmental injustices, as well as aiming to decrease pollution, ensure safe drinking water and work to aid communities that have been negatively impacted by climate change.

Biden pledged to appoint diverse Cabinet members, as well as Supreme Court and federal judges, and vowed as president to combat escalating violence against transgender women of color.

African American voters are a reliable bloc for Democrats, and Biden has polled well with black voters throughout the 2020 Democratic primary. The voting group’s support bolstered him to victory in a number of key states, including South Carolina, his first win in the nominating contest.

Seventy-three percent of black voters said they had a favorable view of Biden, according to a poll released last month by the left-leaning progressive group Black PAC.


:mjlol: I just want to point out that even motherfuccing Trump has a plan for Black America on his website too & Trump's plan reads way better than Biden's plan:

'Nobody needs to tell African-Americans in this country that the old new deal from the Democratic Party isn’t working for them. In election after election, Democratic party leaders take African-American voters for granted and year after year the condition of Black America gets worse. The conditions in our inner cities today are unacceptable. Too many African-Americans have been left behind.

African-Americans need a new deal from their next president. Donald Trump is proposing just that. The following are ten promises announced by Donald Trump on October 26, 2016 in Charlotte, NC that will define a new deal for Black America:

1. Great Education Through School Choice.
We will allow every disadvantaged child in America to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. School choice is the great civil rights issue of our time, and Donald Trump will be the nation’s biggest cheerleader for school choice in all 50 states. We will also ensure funding for Historic Black Colleges and Universities, more affordable 2 and 4-year college, and support for trade and vocational education.

2. Safe Communities.
We will make our communities safe again. Every poor African-American child must be able to walk down the street in peace. Safety is a civil right. We will invest in training and funding both local and federal law enforcement operations to remove the gang members, drug dealers, and criminal cartels from our neighborhoods. The reduction of crime is not merely a goal – but a necessity.

3. Equal Justice Under the Law.
We will apply the law fairly, equally and without prejudice. There will be only one set of rules – not a two-tiered system of justice. Equal justice also means the same rules for Wall Street.

4. Tax Reforms to Create Jobs and Lift up People and Communities.
We will lower the business tax from 35 percent to 15 percent and bring thousands of new companies to our shores. We will also have a massive middle class tax cut, tax-free childcare savings accounts, and childcare tax deductions and credits. We will also have tax holidays for inner-city investment, and new tax incentives to get foreign companies to relocate in blighted American neighborhoods.
We will empower cities and states to seek a federal disaster designation for blighted communities in order to initiate the rebuilding of vital infrastructure, the demolition of abandoned properties, and the increased presence of law enforcement.

5. Financial Reforms to Expand Credit to Support New Job Creation
We will have financial reforms to make it easier for young African-Americans to get credit to pursue their dreams in business and create jobs in their communities. Dodd-Frank has been a disaster, making it harder for small businesses to get the credit they need. The policies of the Clintons brought us the financial recession – through lifting Glass-Steagall, pushing subprime lending, and blocking reforms to Fannie and Freddie. It’s time for a 21stcentury Glass Steagall and, as part of that, a priority on helping African-American businesses get the credit they need. We will also encourage small-business creation by allowing social welfare workers to convert poverty assistance into repayable but forgive-able micro-loans.

6. Trade That Works for American Workers
We will stop the massive, chronic trade deficits that have emptied out our jobs. We won’t let our jobs be stolen from us anymore. We will stop the offshoring of companies to low-wage countries and raise wages at home – meaning rent and bills become instantly more affordable. We will tell executives that if they move their factories to Mexico or other countries, we will put a 35% tax on their product before they ship it back into the United States.

7. Protection from Illegal Immigration.
We will restore the civil rights of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and all Americans, by ending illegal immigration. No group has been more economically harmed by decades of illegal immigration than low-income African-American workers. Hillary’s pledge to enact “open borders,” – made in secret to a foreign bank – would destroy the African-American middle class.
We will reform visa rules to give American workers preference for jobs, and we will suspend reckless refugee admissions from terror-prone regions that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. We will use a portion of the money saved by enforcing our laws, and suspending refugees, to re-invested in our inner cities.

8. New Infrastructure Investment
We will leverage public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years, of which the inner cities will be a major beneficiary. We will cancel all wasteful climate change spending from Obama-Clinton, including all global warming payments to the United Nations. This will save $100 billion over 8 years. We will use these to help rebuild the vital infrastructure, including water systems, in America’s inner cities.

9. Protect the African-American Church
We will protect religious liberty, promote strong families, and support the African-American church.

10. America First Foreign Policy
We will stop trying to build Democracies overseas, wasting trillions, but focus on defeating terrorists and putting America First.


Sep 15, 2014
Black people can never do enough, can we?

I understand the vote Democrat position, but don't some of you feel like some hoes looking at this graph?

Crackas getting outta line

Easy to do behind a computer screen
Feb 7, 2015
Naw breh, fukk outta here w/ that :camby:
One of the reasons we're so vocal about reparations, because we need that to survive. The reality is that the average ADOS family doesn't have the wealth to survive unemployment (we're worth as low as $8 and $11 liquid in Boston and LA); don't have the wealth to pay for college, wealth to get housing.

In this America, if you don't have wealth or parents/grandparents to pass you wealth you're fukked, we don't have that and we'll starve out unless we get reparations.

Just admit ur being selfish. Don't use the word "WE" say "I" when ur talking about this "Reparations or bust" nonsense. When our people are out here fukking dying and you can't do even the minimal of effort to help them by voting. I DON'T WANT TO fukkING HEAR IT.

I was quite literally not going to vote until I saw my people are being hurt by a substantial margin compared to the other groups. I will not stand by and not even attempt to do anything to help. I've donated to charities that help COVID victims and their families and will be voting because it's what we have to do. I don't give a fukk about you being selfish. Acting like we can't continue to apply pressure to a group once their in power is foolish. We've done before and can do it again. The tools are there you have to be willing to use them. AND IT IS ALL WE HAVE RIGHT NOW.

Sacrificing our people cause you want a check is bullshyt. These people won't even to vote to help white people and you think not showing up to the polls is gonna get you reparations??? You're out of your mind.

You want to make the argument that YOU want money, I'll accept it. But I will not listen to any black person on this site that see's the way COVID is being allowed to ravage our communities and kill our brothers and sisters sit here and tell me you care about black people but won't even vote to remove a group literally them sacrificing to this virus for money.

A Check can't do shyt for you if you dead or bankrupt from your hospital visit due to the virus bruh.
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May 15, 2014
These sound like tangibles to me...

Are we gonna accept the rollback of elements of white supremacist policy....

Or can we just be bought off with cash.

I want my cash. Trump already bought my vote with that Wuhan check...

Biden need to at least double that if he getting my vote.

And if trump cut another check I might vote Republican for life.
