What’s madness is you guys still voting emotionally instead of using logic.
Nostalgia is an emotion.
Logic is recognizing that anything one of them can do, the other can also do... but a certain person was limited by their inability to play any other character their whole career, as well as their inability to get over as a face as anything but a douchey, smarmy tweener... whereas the other person has been a face, a 'heel', a real heel where people actually booed them... and is top-3 technical wrestlers of his generation and he isn't 3.
Also... one of them didn't get a fade ran on them in a bar fight and have to take time off TV to hide their battered face because he was incapable of not being that douchey, smarmy person in real life, too.

Live the gimmick, brehs.
Bryan ain't never take an L in his whole career as big as HBK's to a Navy Seaman