Best Ways To Get Over Somebody?


May 1, 2012
A man Truely only loves once.

I've loved again since but it was not that pure first love that is unattainable once you gain wisdom and understanding.

Plus once you been through anything once the following times are a piece of cake. You don't live off hope you don't mope you know what works and shrugs.

Real talk, I always say "Men love hard, women love often"

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
It is true. Take a look at an old couple. When the husband dies, the woman can live for 20 more years. When the wife dies the man dies months later.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Negro....have you ever been in a relationship? How old are you? Do you realize Belicheck would have to reformulate everything if he Tom Brady had a change of heart and decided not to come back next year? Blockbuster? What the fukk are you talking about? Real talk you sound like your 22 and think you have the game figured out in your head and these 18 year old cats who ain't never lived eat that shyt up. What your saying is to never get comfortable with your spouse because one day they may decide to leave or you maybe forced to give them away like a dvd rental? What kind of logic is that K? Are you parents still together? Is this knowledge they've passed down to you? Are you in a 5+ year relationship? Where do you conjure up this bullshyt? You do have some good posts, but now your churning out some grade A bullshyt just to be typing.

If you feel like crying over some women in your past years later, mane do you. I just figure that even though it ain't easy, you HAVE to move on. She ain't coming back, so why should I sit around miring in something that ain't going to happen when I can put that energy into getting something better.

Where in the world I say don't get comfortable with who you with? I'm saying always be prepared in case she leaves. You don't own the next person and never will. They will ultimately decide what they do with their body. I appreciate the fact if a woman chooses to share it only with me, but I'm perfectly prepared to move on if she chooses to go elsewhere.

Successful franchises fall off for a little while and figure out where things went wrong and they get right back up and make adjustments for future success. They don't sit around wishing and hoping they could relive the past. It's inevitable Tom Brady will fall off, but that's why you have CONTINGENCY plans. That's why the colts drafted andrew luck when peyton left. Ain't no use being stuck in the old days. There's a transition period, and you'll get through it a lot faster realizing the old days are gone and planning for a new day.

Just at how you've been approaching me, you ain't really nobody for me to be sharing my business with... so don't worry about what I'm doing. Worry about what you're doing.


May 6, 2012
A man Truely only loves once.

I've loved again since but it was not that pure first love that is unattainable once you gain wisdom and understanding.

You see what you did there? Thats like that first high, you can smoke or snort or whatever for the rest of your life and not get that first high. Sure you'll never go into a relationship with the same uncertain curiosity that you had the very first time you fell in love. That doesnt invalidate the possibility of future love or any other future relationships a person will have.

For you it might, you may never fall in love, love someone else or be loved. Thats your self-fulfilling prophecy you have to fill. There's a lot of hurt and jaded people here. You'll get over it.

Theres no trick, no key. You go through it at your own pace. Thats like if you and I cut our fingers, then put on a bandaid. We arent going to heal at the same pace. There are things to do to get by so your not sitting down thinking about her. Working out, reading a book, playing video games, those are all good things to divert attention, but thats exactly what they are diversions.

They dont solve the root of the issue. If you miss someone, love someone, are hurt by someone and you dont resolve that issue at some point you will forget about it. But there will be that day that you will think about 'her' and its all gonna come flooding back. That or there will be some trigger that sends you back to that unfinished business. This is why people in later life end up going to therapy and seeking counseling. Whether its the one that got away, or things they wish they said to a deceased parent, etc.

Like I said the diversions are great but in the end you have to face the issue head on so you can truly move on. Remember in the end its easier to forgive then to forget.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
You see what you did there? Thats like that first high, you can smoke or snort or whatever for the rest of your life and not get that first high. Sure you'll never go into a relationship with the same uncertain curiosity that you had the very first time you fell in love. That doesnt invalidate the possibility of future love or any other future relationships a person will have.

For you it might, you may never fall in love, love someone else or be loved. Thats your self-fulfilling prophecy you have to fill. There's a lot of hurt and jaded people here. You'll get over it.

Theres no trick, no key. You go through it at your own pace. Thats like if you and I cut our fingers, then put on a bandaid. We arent going to heal at the same pace. There are things to do to get by so your not sitting down thinking about her. Working out, reading a book, playing video games, those are all good things to divert attention, but thats exactly what they are diversions.

They dont solve the root of the issue. If you miss someone, love someone, are hurt by someone and you dont resolve that issue at some point you will forget about it. But there will be that day that you will think about 'her' and its all gonna come flooding back. That or there will be some trigger that sends you back to that unfinished business. This is why people in later life end up going to therapy and seeking counseling. Whether its the one that got away, or things they wish they said to a deceased parent, etc.

Like I said the diversions are great but in the end you have to face the issue head on so you can truly move on. Remember in the end its easier to forgive then to forget.


"Many people are afraid to forgive because they feel they must remember the wrong or they will not learn from it. The opposite is true. Through forgiveness, the wrong is released from its emotional stranglehold on us so that we can learn from it. Through the power and intelligence of the heart, the release of forgiveness brings expanded intelligence to work with the situation more effectively." ~*David McArthur & Bruce McArthur

""Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past, by old grievances that do not permit life to proceed with new business. Not to forgive is to yield oneself to another's control... to be locked into a sequence of act and response, of outrage and revenge, tit for tat, escalating always. The present is endlessly overwhelmed and devoured by the past. Forgiveness frees the forgiver. It extracts the forgiver from someone else's nightmare." ~*Lance Morrow


May 14, 2012
Just at how you've been approaching me, you ain't really nobody for me to be sharing my business with... so don't worry about what I'm doing. Worry about what you're doing.

Kev your first paragraph is perfect 10/10. The other ones are just rambles that peter off and if anything show confusion. I don't mean any disrespect to you. That's real nikka talk. Your a man and I'm coming at you bluntly, directly and unfiltered because you've got a good head, you tend to process shyt before just spitting out.

Love is in no way shape or format like the NFL. The colts have to draft every year regardless. A husband doesn't put a ring on a woman's finger and think we'll if it doesn't work out.....and keep his options open. This what people who are afraid to commit do. You either put your cards on the table or fold, you cant do both.

You can't be a sideline nikka or and ol dr. Dre ass "the best to emerge in the game is the watcher" ass nikka

This ain't a game, no repeats, no do overs. Live everyday like your last, not as in oh well I didn't do my best today I'll do better tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes..tomorrow will always be a day away. Looking at sports MJ,Manning, the best athletes put 100% into what they are doing. If you want to think of how many times they have said they gave 100-110% or when MJ played with the flu go ahead. You ever heard cross that bridge when you get to it? For something like love that's what you do.

You don't marry, have kids with a love a woman with an exception clause...well I only love you so much because if you leave me it will hurt....You can't be a sideline nikka, by that I mean waitin in the wings, formulating a plan trying to 'think' better than Michael Jordan when he's out on the floor dropping 50 points being/becoming the best player in the game.

You gotta give life 100% not 95% because your afraid to fail. This is what separates men from boys, winners from losers, successful people from failures.


May 6, 2012
You gotta give life 100% not 95% because your afraid to fail. This is what separates men from boys, winners from losers, successful people from failures.

This here pretty much sums up commitment. Whether its dating, careers, or just life in general. I hate to continue to use sports references. But if any of you ever played baseball, when your at dont half swing, or swing with the thought process of not making contact, you keep your eye on the ball and power through. In batting practice you can swing 75-90%. If your shooting a jumper your not half assing it on the chance it might not go in. Its like nikkas who bench or squat and never max out..If I can do 200lbs and I'm mad comfortable there. Its possible I could do 250 or'll never know because you dont give it your all.

I refer to life as climbing Mount Everest, you can only be pulled or carried so far and as far as making it to the top, its on you, you're responsible for standing up and making the effort. If you dont do it, nobody will do it for you. Individually we all have to learn to conquer our Everests' (life)


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It is true. Take a look at an old couple. When the husband dies, the woman can live for 20 more years. When the wife dies the man dies months later.

Hell look at joe paterno when a man loves something and it's taken away whethe sports a job a wife he's done.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
theres a good couple ways to get over it

if she left you high and dry after she claimed all type loyalty to you just know she was a seasonal smut and unless you built from terry cloth you was gonna drop her eventually anyway :manny:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
You see what you did there? Thats like that first high, you can smoke or snort or whatever for the rest of your life and not get that first high. Sure you'll never go into a relationship with the same uncertain curiosity that you had the very first time you fell in love. That doesnt invalidate the possibility of future love or any other future relationships a person will have.

For you it might, you may never fall in love, love someone else or be loved. Thats your self-fulfilling prophecy you have to fill. There's a lot of hurt and jaded people here. You'll get over it.

Theres no trick, no key. You go through it at your own pace. Thats like if you and I cut our fingers, then put on a bandaid. We arent going to heal at the same pace. There are things to do to get by so your not sitting down thinking about her. Working out, reading a book, playing video games, those are all good things to divert attention, but thats exactly what they are diversions.

They dont solve the root of the issue. If you miss someone, love someone, are hurt by someone and you dont resolve that issue at some point you will forget about it. But there will be that day that you will think about 'her' and its all gonna come flooding back. That or there will be some trigger that sends you back to that unfinished business. This is why people in later life end up going to therapy and seeking counseling. Whether its the one that got away, or things they wish they said to a deceased parent, etc.

Like I said the diversions are great but in the end you have to face the issue head on so you can truly move on. Remember in the end its easier to forgive then to forget.

except i don't miss her, or hurt anymore im indifferent

with knowledge comes power

nice post though:obama: