Just at how you've been approaching me, you ain't really nobody for me to be sharing my business with... so don't worry about what I'm doing. Worry about what you're doing.
Kev your first paragraph is perfect 10/10. The other ones are just rambles that peter off and if anything show confusion. I don't mean any disrespect to you. That's real nikka talk. Your a man and I'm coming at you bluntly, directly and unfiltered because you've got a good head, you tend to process shyt before just spitting out.
Love is in no way shape or format like the NFL. The colts have to draft every year regardless. A husband doesn't put a ring on a woman's finger and think we'll if it doesn't work out.....and keep his options open. This what people who are afraid to commit do. You either put your cards on the table or fold, you cant do both.
You can't be a sideline nikka or and ol dr. Dre ass "the best to emerge in the game is the watcher" ass nikka
This ain't a game, no repeats, no do overs. Live everyday like your last, not as in oh well I didn't do my best today I'll do better tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes..tomorrow will always be a day away. Looking at sports MJ,Manning, the best athletes put 100% into what they are doing. If you want to think of how many times they have said they gave 100-110% or when MJ played with the flu go ahead. You ever heard cross that bridge when you get to it? For something like love that's what you do.
You don't marry, have kids with a love a woman with an exception clause...well I only love you so much because if you leave me it will hurt....You can't be a sideline nikka, by that I mean waitin in the wings, formulating a plan trying to 'think' better than Michael Jordan when he's out on the floor dropping 50 points being/becoming the best player in the game.
You gotta give life 100% not 95% because your afraid to fail. This is what separates men from boys, winners from losers, successful people from failures.