Being black at work described so perfectly


Nov 20, 2016
Helluva post.

This has been discussed ad nauseam on here but your post pretty much encapsulated everything.

Folks scared that being casually friendly and offering professional courtesy and cordiality isn't enough. If that's not enough then fukk it... :camby:

Thanks breh.

Yeah it's all fake. Understand the game, but still be friendly with people. Even if you choose to participate in all that extra stuff (which can be a good idea depending on the type of work that you do) do it because it serves your interests. Never forget, even for a second, that you're disposable to the company. These people ain't supposed to be your friends.

Some fools will even forego a good career opportunity elsewhere because they are "loyal" to their current place of work :snoop:


Dec 8, 2012
Indeed but we have a lock down in certain cities and departments, one of the places I'm applying to has a lot of cool people from the same area I was born in of all races.

They are all very progressive and smart the issue is that there is nothing they can do to get me past the bureaucratic layer that all city hires must go through. As you mentioned the guy at the top usually is White or a Jew especially in NYC.

The White people up in Albany they take their cut out of everything, but there's still a sizable piece of the pie leftover we can get. The main thing is job security for city employees because no matter what Trump or any other Fed does NYC is self-sustaining we do not need all that much federal funding unless you are talking bridges and tunnels and infrastructure like La Guardia airport etc. Then there is the partial pension and other benefits that make it actually possible to build something somewhere else. I am planning on retiring to another country with the combined pension and SS# we will be comfortable in many places. In this case it's more worth it to jump through hoops to work for the City vs. tech companies like Google who are racist and you're surrounded by weird quirky goofy CACs that like to sleep there and only get paid 100-200k for shortening their lifespan.
Have fun breh, but I've experience DC government which is the area with the most federal jobs and everything I experience saids otherwise because there are a lot of c00ns working in the government that will do cacs work for them in kicking real nikkas out and leaving the c00ns. Have fun tho.
Jun 6, 2015
Have fun breh, but I've experience DC government which is the area with the most federal jobs and everything I experience saids otherwise because there are a lot of c00ns working in the government that will do cacs work for them in kicking real nikkas out and leaving the c00ns. Have fun tho.

I would never work in DC my mother constantly suggested that I met a few from DC that was all it took to know it was District of c00nery.

Never hear brehs in that region who work for the Government contractors having a good time. Pay is good but culture is Uncle Tom and c00nery. Toughest city in the Eastern seaboard to find a good Black Woman, the HIV rate is high as fukk and the fukkery rate also rivals ATL.

It is the center of bureaucracy and politics, in NYC we are much more efficient and cut through the bullshyt.

Prince Mongo

Aug 11, 2015
Ashlar Hall, Memphis
so are you still going to sit around and be a failure?

You're projecting you issues with self hate onto white people. These people very much so may not like you because of your skin color but when you have accomplishments and carry yourself with respect they have no choice but to respect you. The fact that you are already defeated exemplifies how little you think of yourself.

I have recruiters knocking down my door and I never kissed an ass in my life. Even if I did I'd rather play the game and suck up to those who have power than fail at life due to not being able to work an organization just so I can relate to other failures such as yourself.
Kill yourself, I'm not projecting shyt. Most white people don't respect Barack Obama, an extremely accomplished and well educated man, who also happened to be the leader of the free world. If the former PRESIDENT couldn't even get proper respect from white people that he led, wtf do you think will happen in an corporate office? I'm not remotely defeated, you can get the fukk on with that bullshyt like somebody is supposed to be down and out for not dealing with white folks. I don't interact with white people period, at work or otherwise. What I'm doing with my life doesn't involve sitting in an office from 9 to 5, letting Cody from accounting crack racial jokes at my expense, and laughing with him. If your life involves being an office suck up to white folks who'd spit in your face after work, be my guest, but that has no bearing on my life or career. You're either not black, or you're a dikk sucking, oreo nikka that fiends to be accepted by anyone you meet


Feb 11, 2014
Look out for your best interests brehs. Understand that the nature of a company is to maximize profit and that you're just a small piece of the puzzle who can be discarded at any moment. Avoid becoming emotionally attached to your workplace, co-workers etc. Be friendly tho
Playing the game is looking out for your best interest. If you're acting like you blend with the culture you're going to be looked at as replaceable labor. You want to know why white people up and switch jobs and companies like its nothing? Because they build communication channels and network within people in their community and spaces.

No one's emotionally attached to their jobs anymore. Millenials stay at their jobs an average of like 3 years.

There is no logical backing to most of the shyt you guys say. It's just projection based off your own insecurity and shortcomings, trying to make sense of your ability to acclimate. No one should follow such stupid advice.


Feb 11, 2014
Kill yourself, I'm not projecting shyt. Most white people don't respect Barack Obama, an extremely accomplished and well educated man, who also happened to be the leader of the free world.
Obama made his career sucking up to white people. How the fukk you think he got funding to run for Senate? Did he raise millions keeping his head down minding his business? You think blacks gave him the millions needed to run for president or was he running elbows with billionaires? See you didn't even think before you posted that dumb shyt. You think Michelle got position as director at University of Chicago and her law firm by keeping to herself?

Worry less about me being a cac and more about you being a dumb nikka who's trying to keep the culture of mediocrity. Crab in a barrel ass nikka.

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
I would rather be social at work than that one person that doesn't socialize with anyone
I have friends. I don't come to work because I'm socially inept force myself on people who have no choice but to be there. The fact is, if people think that me coming to work and being about my performance rather than participating in the circle jerk of awkward "my life is missing something" people, are almost certainly the furthest from reality cause that person is probably trying to get through their work day as fast as possible because they have plans with REAL FRIENDS that theyre trying to get to. Those "social butterflies" of the office tend to be the most judgmental and inaccurate of said judgement about everyone. Go be somebody else's friend cause you arent getting an inch passed "cordial" with me at work if you are one of those people.


President, (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
How insecure are you as a person that you feel the need to socialize due to fake, external pressures?

I look at it as secure as fuk. I can disguise my actual feelings about people to get Intel about them that will help me make moves to get where I want to be and use against others as necessary.

It ain't checkers. Its no different than a feint in boxing, or political negotiations.

And it's especially easy because I'm not doing it to my own people.


Nov 20, 2016
Playing the game is looking out for your best interest. If you're acting like you blend with the culture you're going to be looked at as replaceable labor. You want to know why white people up and switch jobs and companies like its nothing? Because they build communication channels and network within people in their community and spaces.

No one's emotionally attached to their jobs anymore. Millenials stay at their jobs an average of like 3 years.

There is no logical backing to most of the shyt you guys say. It's just projection based off your own insecurity and shortcomings, trying to make sense of your ability to acclimate. No one should follow such stupid advice.

I don't agree with the premise of your argument. Most people do feel attached to their workplace, their "friends" at work, their lovely boss, the security of having a job etc.. Many ppl are indeed very loyal to their workplace. Not everybody is a cutthroat careerist. In fact, most employees are conditioned to become loyal to their company, regard their work relationships as real friendships etc..

The whole point behind most of these "extracurricular activities" in most workplaces (camping trips, parties etc) is to establish strong emotional bonds.

HR departments in most companies deliberately try to create a family-like environment by manipulating our basic psychological, social and emotional needs as humans. What do you think is the purpose of pumping lots of money into activities that are meant to create a bond between employees? If you study the theories that underpin these activities, you'll understand that the end-goal is to create loyal, emotionally invested employees. Why? Because it's been proven to increase productivity. Emotional attachment is key.

The rest of your argument is basically a regurgitation of what I said (one should look for his/her own interests).

I never said that you should isolate yourself or not create networks. My whole argument was about focusing on your own interests and these interests will naturally vary depending on your line of work. If networking with the right people serves your interests, then by all means mingle with as many people as possible. Networking for the purpose of career advancement is still work. You're basically using ppl for your own personal advancement, which is all good in a work space.

And do not make assumptions about me, my "insecurities" and whatnot. Just argue your case and KIM. :camby:
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All Star
Oct 6, 2012
Lol at how people on the coli brag about being anti social. This extends to how we interact with our own people as well. How can you be effective leaders if you don't know how to communicate and interact with a variety of people. That's why other people move up the ladder and you're stuck wondering why you're in the same position. No one likes you.

There is a lot of truth to this, but tge fact that rules differ for black people cannot be lost in the picture

They say something that offends your sensibilities, your seen as sensitive

You do the same your seen as fired...they see there perspective n sensibilities as the default and anything beyond that as an aberration...nikkas have that reality in sight and some jus avoid that tempest all i understand blowback your comment got as well

Now with that said bullshytting and joking is not a requirement of leadership or communication

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
This shyt is deeper than most of you think.

Managers and CEO's have figured out (with the help of behavioral psychologists) that having workers who are emotionally vested in the workplace creates better results for the company. So all this stuff about "team building" and "bonding with your co-workers" is all just a ploy to get you to feel like you're not "just" an employee, you're part of something greater: a family. The only problem is that a workplace is NOT a family.

However, most people buy into that crap so they end up not only befriending their co-workers, they become very loyal to their workplace, to their "team", and many even organize their lives around their workplace. They might date and eventually marry a co-worker, they might move to live closer to work, their closest circle of friends becomes their co-workers - especially if they've been working in the same place for years, maybe even decades, etc..

But it is all just an illusion. The loyalty that these employees show to their workplace and "team" is never reciprocated. The primary objective of a company is maximizing profit - that's it! If the company feels that firing you would improve profit, they will fire you. For many people, this realization comes far too late and this is why being fired from a job can be a very traumatic experience for some people. Many even commit suicide. They feel that they've invested so much of themselves in the company and they thus end up feeling betrayed.

Modern society has obfuscated the line between private life and work so much so that many people define themselves by the type of work that they do (the first thing that people will tell you after their name is the type of work that they do). This has led to an increase in productivity but on the flip side, it has left many people vulnerable in the event of termination of employment.

Brehs who have a clear separation between work and privacy see this reality for what it is and are looking for their best interests. Even some of the Cacs aren't fooled by the BS which is why many of them are opportunistic and will stab their "team" in the back if necessary. They will put up a front tho and pretend to be friends with everyone.


Look out for your best interests brehs. Understand that the nature of a company is to maximize profit and that you're just a small piece of the puzzle who can be discarded at any moment. Avoid becoming emotionally attached to your workplace, co-workers etc. Be friendly tho.
Say it again for the fukking idiots in the back. :yeschild: