Being black at work described so perfectly

Ricky Fontaine

Nov 18, 2016
Lol at how people on the coli brag about being anti social. This extends to how we interact with our own people as well. How can you be effective leaders if you don't know how to communicate and interact with a variety of people. That's why other people move up the ladder and you're stuck wondering why you're in the same position. No one likes you.

Fukkin cac :pacspit:

Do you know what's it's like going somewhere for 8 hours and everyone there is waiting for you to fukk up to satisfy their preconceived notions?

No you don't you translucent demi mortal.

FOH If I saw you in real life I would rape you you fukkin degenerate apologist.:hhh:
Jun 6, 2015
Damn real breh!

We must understand at the fundamental level the division in these CACs and how they rationalize themselves to sleep at night

Cuomo is an Italian
Trump is of Slavic and Germanic origin

Genetics wise in behavior they will always be fundamentally different Italians do not see eye to eye with Pure Blooded Angloid CACs

Most Italians are at least 1/10th African in their blood from Hannibal except Northern Italians....Remember that.
Jun 6, 2015
This shyt is deeper than most of you think.

Managers and CEO's have figured out (with the help of behavioral psychologists) that having workers who are emotionally vested in the workplace creates better results for the company. So all this stuff about "team building" and "bonding with your co-workers" is all just a ploy to get you to feel like you're not "just" an employee, you're part of something greater: a family. The only problem is that a workplace is NOT a family.

However, most people buy into that crap so they end up not only befriending their co-workers, they become very loyal to their workplace, to their "team", and many even organize their lives around their workplace. They might date and eventually marry a co-worker, they might move to live closer to work, their closest circle of friends becomes their co-workers - especially if they've been working in the same place for years, maybe even decades, etc..

But it is all just an illusion. The loyalty that these employees show to their workplace and "team" is never reciprocated. The primary objective of a company is maximizing profit - that's it! If the company feels that firing you would improve profit, they will fire you. For many people, this realization comes far too late and this is why being fired from a job can be a very traumatic experience for some people. Many even commit suicide. They feel that they've invested so much of themselves in the company and they thus end up feeling betrayed.

Modern society has obfuscated the line between private life and work so much so that many people define themselves by the type of work that they do (the first thing that people will tell you after their name is the type of work that they do). This has led to an increase in productivity but on the flip side, it has left many people vulnerable in the event of termination of employment.

Brehs who have a clear separation between work and privacy see this reality for what it is and are looking for their best interests. Even some of the Cacs aren't fooled by the BS which is why many of them are opportunistic and will stab their "team" in the back if necessary. They will put up a front tho and pretend to be friends with everyone.


Look out for your best interests brehs. Understand that the nature of a company is to maximize profit and that you're just a small piece of the puzzle who can be discarded at any moment. Avoid becoming emotionally attached to your workplace, co-workers etc. Be friendly tho.

This may have been true 25 years ago but most are behind the curve.

Workers already understand thanks to the internet that jobs are very temporary now and just get in make your cash and get out and setup your own shop.

This is the mentality that many American workers (CACs included) secretly have...

Also the bolded is no longer correct - Even if you are the most profitable employee they'll still get rid of you. I have been let go twice because I have been a THREAT....

So if you are TOO talented and accidentally outshine the master and REFUSE to sip the koolaid (depending on who it is) you will be terminated at will....


Nov 18, 2016
This shyt is deeper than most of you think.

Managers and CEO's have figured out (with the help of behavioral psychologists) that having workers who are emotionally vested in the workplace creates better results for the company. So all this stuff about "team building" and "bonding with your co-workers" is all just a ploy to get you to feel like you're not "just" an employee, you're part of something greater: a family. The only problem is that a workplace is NOT a family.

However, most people buy into that crap so they end up not only befriending their co-workers, they become very loyal to their workplace, to their "team", and many even organize their lives around their workplace. They might date and eventually marry a co-worker, they might move to live closer to work, their closest circle of friends becomes their co-workers - especially if they've been working in the same place for years, maybe even decades, etc..

But it is all just an illusion. The loyalty that these employees show to their workplace and "team" is never reciprocated. The primary objective of a company is maximizing profit - that's it! If the company feels that firing you would improve profit, they will fire you. For many people, this realization comes far too late and this is why being fired from a job can be a very traumatic experience for some people. Many even commit suicide. They feel that they've invested so much of themselves in the company and they thus end up feeling betrayed.

Modern society has obfuscated the line between private life and work so much so that many people define themselves by the type of work that they do (the first thing that people will tell you after their name is the type of work that they do). This has led to an increase in productivity but on the flip side, it has left many people vulnerable in the event of termination of employment.

Brehs who have a clear separation between work and privacy see this reality for what it is and are looking for their best interests. Even some of the Cacs aren't fooled by the BS which is why many of them are opportunistic and will stab their "team" in the back if necessary. They will put up a front tho and pretend to be friends with everyone.


Look out for your best interests brehs. Understand that the nature of a company is to maximize profit and that you're just a small piece of the puzzle who can be discarded at any moment. Avoid becoming emotionally attached to your workplace, co-workers etc. Be friendly tho.

This is straight up church. :mjlol:

I got friends who "buddy" up to CACS. Buying into the corporate model, going out for drinks after work and shyt.

Then when they felt it was time to ask for a raise, guess what the division manager did......:mjpls:

Nikkas left due to extreme saltiness.


Nov 18, 2016
As long as you're in the "burbs" for happy hour, yupping it up with them, COOL. :mjgrin:

Ask them CACS to come to the "hood" for drinks. :mjpls:


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
And just like I thought...the cacs on my team are asking me to come to their meeting this afternoon after conveniently leaving me out of the management meeting this morning.

My response.....


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
One thing I've known is being black you gotta be careful as hell. Careful what you say, careful who you talk to, careful what you Do. I just clock in and clock out not here for friends, not here to talk about politics or religion, or music. Careful how I dress, a CAC can have a scraggly beard not me, a CAC can dress down , not me.

I've climbed the ladder at the hospital I work it, I'm the only black person. I'm quiet and careful as hell. I don't even close my office door.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
The OP meme is accurate. It better to not even joke with these two-faced lazy people and make sure your work is always complete than to try to play politics. The moment you play with them they are going to say you play too much or see you as ghetto/not a serious person when it comes to work. They'll see you as that comedic relief black friend from them movies, but when you're review comes around they'll be like "rememeber that one day you was playin :mjpls:"