Being a young professional appreciation


All Star
May 15, 2012
black excellence :win:

I cant hate on these bum ass nikkas like Havoc00 (no hate, I'm a firm believer in whatever makes you happy is most important) but having a career and being a yuppie is a great feeling :mj:

just networking and meeting other yuppies is cool

:clap: for young black professionals

So you come in here bragging bout being a yuppie. Which is fine. Do you. But then someone's like :what: yousa yuppie? Your response is I'm no ordinary yuppie
I'm a hood thug yuppie...:comeon: Just be your self. So youre the real pac in a business suit?


May 1, 2012
That Wall St stooge ain't sh*t in the grand scheme of things neither :shaq2:

Morgan Stanley may have fukked up his IPO, but he's still more than just a few billion richer than all of us combined on the Coli and can become way richer and more powerful in a few years.


Apr 30, 2012
What exactly were those random tangents? Go ahead explain. I'll wait.

LOL, do you even know what one is? Don't ask me that stupid question when I already responded to what's his face? Bdizzle who is out here lying about his job. You and him posted the same damn thing and my response to both is the same. Read through the thread, it's not that hard.

LOL@acting like this dude said he equated this with being president or something. Only in here will idiots like you act like someone from poverty who is African-American, rising out of it and joining the middle class--the black middle class is shrinking and black unemployment is like twice the national average--is something worth ridiculing. You act like this dude said that this is his ending point. Stop it. I actually wrote up an elaborate response to you, but you're not worth even that. I hate people who think they're different and dropping knowledge yet they lack perspective.

Now guys like Ram whatever are like :ohhh: you have a point. Because they all are missing the initial premise of what the OP was happy about. That would be like being mad at a kid who sucks at math and just aced Algebra and you look at them like :pacspit: "what that calc 3 grade look like though?" The journey there is just as important. LOL@not celebrating those steps in between. Did you mean mug when you got into college?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
You know, I originally took you for a hater, but you've actually got a point with this. I often have to remind myself that I really haven't accomplished shyt and I really ought to be aiming for what's bolded above. This is what sets apart blacks from Asians and Jews. Blacks are happy just to get in Corporate America, but Asians and Jews aren't satisfied until they've made VP, graduated from Harvard b-school, and earn well into the 6 figures.

When I start feeling arrogant, I look at Mark Zuckerberg and realize I aint shyt in the grand scheme of things :to:

Well, I ain't shyt yet at least :youngsabo:

That's my whole point. nikkas keep comparing themselves to the lowest common denominator and have the audacity to walk around with the :jawalrus: look on their faces.
May 31, 2012

LOL, do you even know what one is? Don't ask me that stupid question when I already responded to what's his face? Bdizzle who is out here lying about his job. You and him posted the same damn thing and my response to both is the same. Read through the thread, it's not that hard.

LOL@acting like this dude said he equated this with being president or something. Only in here will idiots like you act like someone from poverty who is African-American, rising out of it and joining the middle class--the black middle class is shrinking and black unemployment is like twice the national average--is something worth ridiculing. You act like this dude said that this is his ending point. Stop it. I actually wrote up an elaborate response to you, but you're not worth even that. I hate people who think they're different and dropping knowledge yet they lack perspective.

Now guys like Ram whatever are like :ohhh: you have a point. Because they all are missing the initial premise of what the OP was happy about. That would be like being mad at a kid who sucks at math and just aced Algebra and you look at them like :pacspit: "what that calc 3 grade look like though?" The journey there is just as important. LOL@not celebrating those steps in between. Did you mean mug when you got into college?

Haha @ this hypocrite. Youre doing EXACTLY WHAT YOU HATE. Youre acting like youre different just by implying I lack perspective. fukk where do all you dumb smart clowns come from? All you fools think youre smarter than the next man, and check it, THATS EXACTLY WHAT MY POST IS ABOUT. And you play right into it. You just became a case study with you stupidiy. Talking about "Dont ask me stupid questions, like I'm supposed to respect some clown who couldnt even answer such a "stupid question." If the question was stupid why couldnt you refute it with a knowledgable answer crushing that stupid question with an in-depth analysis making the question irrelevant to ask? For a question to be stupid, the answer must be so obvious that everyone will know it. But noone even responded to your post saying youre right? Maybe if you knew how to comprehend and keep up with the thread at the same time then you'd get it. Youre acting like these threads stay on topic and point throughout. More points and topics are added to the thread because more positions are created to argue as more people post in it. Is it that hard to understand?

I also liked how you did everything BUT tell me why I'm wrong and why my points were random tangents when they all had something to do with wat was going on in this thread so you go off on a rant because you know you cant even answer the question because you peeped how wrong you were. You just cant concede so you have to find a detour to seem superior. Every point I made had something to do with the posts I was reading as I scrolled down so you're looking very stupid right now.

And how would this not even be close to what I said when in his post the first thing he did was take a shot at Havoc? And before that he said Black Excellence :rudy: and did not even say what he was doing to be considered "Black Excellence" I dont think Jay-Z imagined Black Excellence as going on a forum bragging about having a job when he made lyrics about it. Then dudes come in like :rudy: then dudes supporting OP come in like :pacspit: and I peeped 3 cats use the crabs in the bucket metaphor so :childplease:

So you write a response to me but I wasnt worth it? So why did you even write the response? Why didnt you just judge that based off that post you referred to that you were soo against?SMH Youre one of those dudes who try to be snide and slick but you just come off looking ridiculous. And info on idiots like me when you are the one who is SO sure this dude came out of poverty and BDizzle is lying about his job. So you know both of these dudes personally eh? Dude just stop, your not looking superior with your style of posting youre only looking weak. I simply asked you to explain to me how my points were random and you couldnt even explain that so you digressed onto BDizzle and back to the main topic which I evaluated wholly.
May 31, 2012
I guess... The money is out there, but money isn't everything. I'm trying to tell you cats that. Just make sure you enjoy what you do for a living.....

Yeah youre absolutely right. Money isnt everything but no matter how much I try to say that too myself here I am still trying to make money. If I really embraced it I would live in a nudist colony or a comune and chill for the rest of my life.
May 7, 2012
Only a bunch of haters would go off on this post:

black excellence :win:

I cant hate on these bum ass nikkas like Havoc00 (no hate, I'm a firm believer in whatever makes you happy is most important) but having a career and being a yuppie is a great feeling :mj:

just networking and meeting other yuppies is cool

:clap: for young black professionals

All he does is express his happiness for where he is in life, and that got the crab ass niccas all fired up. "you ain't doing shyt" "you're just one of many" blah blah blah

(and ftr, "black excellence" is a coli meme....niccas yell that shyt after busting on the face of a PAWG, let's not act like he was comparing himself to Oprah or Obama or some shyt)


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
I think it has alot to do with upbringing. People from the hood tend to celebrate things that blacks who had a more privileged upbringing wont. Its like a hoodrat being gassed because they bought some red bottoms. To a rich heiress like Paris Hilton thats nothing. I dont think it has much to do with being jealous...
May 7, 2012
I think it has alot to do with upbringing. People from the hood tend to celebrate things that blacks who had a more privileged upbringing wont. Its like a hoodrat being gassed because they bought some red bottoms. To a rich heiress like Paris Hilton thats nothing. I dont think it has much to do with being jealous...

Simply not being impressed is one thing, if she bothered to shyt on said hoodrat as the hoodrat's friends give her compliments/talk of the red bottoms they're getting or have then that's hate. :yeshrug:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I think it has alot to do with upbringing. People from the hood tend to celebrate things that blacks who had a more privileged upbringing wont. Its like a hoodrat being gassed because they bought some red bottoms. To a rich heiress like Paris Hilton thats nothing. I dont think it has much to do with being jealous...

nikka, being from the hood isn't an excuse to brag about your mediocrity. I'm from Brooklyn, can't get more hood than that. Like I said, nikkas need to stop comparing themselves to the bottom of the barrel of black America in an attempt to boost their low esteem.


May 19, 2012
Morgan Stanley may have fukked up his IPO, but he's still more than just a few billion richer than all of us combined on the Coli and can become way richer and more powerful in a few years.


He personally made a billion dollars cash from his ipo and still has 100% control of his company.

Imagine sitting on a bil and being able to just have fun out there with your 70 billion $ company

If he isnt shyt I don't know who is

:snoop: This cat is pure Wall St creation. His company has no real value other than the "coolness" factor. The only difference between Facebook and Myspace is the "it" factor. Google has the search engine, Yahoo has the IM and email game. People on Facebook don't even want to see ads. People got duped (into epic proportions) into buying this stock, which is why he's worth so much. I see this stock selling at 30% of its IPO price in less than 2 years, if people are lucky.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I get what some of the so called "haters" are saying. Look at it this way; we constantly shyt on single mothers who go out of their way to pat themselves on the back for taking care of their children. bytch, that's what you're supposed to do.

Same goes for men. You got a job, car, house, GREAT. But that's what you're supposed to do. As blacks, we definitely have to set our goals higher. And yes, this coming from a TSA "officer." Thing is, this isn't my ultimate goal. Always got to keep moving. Never stop.


May 1, 2012
*Man makes thread bragging about his position which he is yet to name*

* People come in and state the obvious, asking why he is celebrating what should be the norm*

*OP and his supporters defend position with constantly calling anyone a "hater" or a "crabs in the bucket nikka" for stating such observation*

Where have I seen something like this before? Oh yea the barbershop or any where black people congregate. Man comes in like " I got a job!! WOOOOOOHHH!!! Yea we eatin nikka!! I'm about to ball out on all my haters" The people around him who have had jobs are like :rudy: " nikka that aint nothin to celebrate about" and then the person who just got said job proceeds to say " Shut up nikka you a hater" When will black people stop using the same knee jerk reactions for everything? Why does everyone have to be on your side? Are you a baby? Are you in high school? Maybe thats it. Maybe youre stuck in your high school glory days and being in your cliques of yes men that any form of opposition gets you upset. Welcome to the real world where not everyone will be on your side and pat you on the back. Where for your " I'm a young professional" jubilation there's a "I'm a young self made millionaire" or " I'm making 400k and I'm only 24" jubilation. You cats needs to learnt o stop bragging on your little minimal bullshyt. You can be happy with your thousands but ME? I'm not going to be happy until I see 6 figures.

...or maybe he's just happy to have started his career? Would that not be something to be happy about, despite the likelihood of not being a millionaire at age 24?