not CaC science just science. What works and doesn't work in regards to parenting is well researched and known. It is funny how people will rely more on anecdotal evidence as opposed to research, on some "my parents beat me and I turned out fine." If beating Black kids was so great, then why did previous generations fail us? Why did Black fathers leave? Why have Black families disintegrated? The generations that slowly failed were beat by the previous ones, how come they failed? Children are respectful with consistent and balanced parenting practices. Kids talk back and are disrespectful because of bad parenting from they were little, not because they were not whipped. Kids can be kept in line without beatings. If you have to beat them, then you have not done enough when they were young. Again, I have done parent trainings. I have been in the homes training parents after their failed attempts. Parents still beat their kids, so let's dispel that myth right now. We have been failed by archaic views of parenting and need to learn better and more effective tools. What we have been doing historically has not worked, we should try something formal training of parents for our most precious and most vulnerable assets.