I never realized how little he was in this.And it's "his" movie
I never realized how little he was in this.And it's "his" movie
home alone 1 & 2I remember trolling my film class in college when I said Keatgawd was one of the greatest American actors ever. Hipster riot.
Anyway, this along with Batman '89 are still probably in my desert island collection. Part of my entire youth. Batman Returns is only second to Die Hard in greatest Christmas movies ever if were being honest
I legit watch BR probably once or twice a year. 2017 and nobody is touching Keaton's Batman imo.
I hate Batman Returns. Such a fukkin dumb ass movie. Idgaf.
GOAT cat woman
Goat penguin
Goat bat mobile
Bat man returns > dark knight rises
i thought christian bale sounded retarded as batman 90% of the time in all 3 movies.
"this city is full of people... ready to believe in goooooddddddd..."
just awful stuff.
fans have been more critical over less.
Man you're bugging. Devito fukking killed that performance. Like I'm not saying Oscar worthy, but fukking close. I love his performance, especially now because I naturally associate Devito with comedic roles like always sunny.Well that I agree with. Idk about the best penguin tho. Animated series penguin is eons better than DeVito
Yeah this movie epitomizes burtons surrealist style. A style which I personally love but understandably not everyone would be attracted to itThe movie wasnt that well received when it came out because how they tried to market it to kids but was a bit edgy and it got mixed reviews for it
The reason it gets beloved since then is Burton stans advocate it as such signature movie to his style and the fact that the Schumacher movies that came after were worse
Forever is literally the best Pre Nolan flick IMOWould u of taken a third film from Burton or stick with forever?