I seem to glide like a G in this shyt.
Yeah, they've actually improved the gliding and overall movement really in this game. As soon as you get the new suit, it explains how it makes him all faster and whatnot and then with the upgrades, you get propelled high as shyt when you launch out the batmanmobile. You even bounce back upwards from a dive way higher in this game than you used to due to it. Traversing the city in either glide mode or the batmanmobile makes traversal so fun and quick. Also, Ionno if this is new to the series or not, but I don't recall being able to multi-grapple when going up a building. At any point in time, if you have another grappling point that you can connect to, you can click the R1 button and keep that momentum going upwards. shyt is great.
Everyone makes a big fuss, one way or the other about the batmanmobile being all the rave and talk about what's new that's been added, as if that's all there is. There's so many lesser talked about improvements and subtle changes that just makes the game all the more better, like the environmental takedowns and usages in counters and combat. Bats be straight up doing that MJ off-the-wall round kick that Pettis levelled Benson Henderson with

. Being able to utilize your weapons while gliding en route to enemies is ill. Also good that you can now pick downed enemies back up off the ground and so many other new combat skills my man Bats got.
My only real gripe so far is that they missed the opportunity to make true 2-player missions in the game. I do like the dual character usage parts, but I think the could've incorporated multi-player like this, even if only on a smaller scale within lil challenge room areas and whatnot, let lone if they went full scale with free roaming. Could have the other Robins and/or Catwoman ride motorcycles n shyt. Only thing is, I don't know about any of them having any gliding alternatives.