Because you're acting like YOU'RE the only one breh. So have I. screenwriting classes, writing classes, freaking professional writer, like I get paid for a living TO write, etc. So the fact that you're acting like you're the writer here which makes you the authority, it sours your argument. I can't hear whatever facts and good points you may be making because you're coming off like a jackass lol. No one likes condescension breh, especially in this forum. Do I agree with you on every point you've made? No not at all. Do you have good points? Yes. But you acting like your head is up your ass isn't going to get the job done with me.
What type of writer are you then
you can't be a screenwriter if you don't know what plot and a story is
plus classes don't mean anything, there's not a class on this earth that will make a great writer or story teller, you can either do not or can't
I straight up asked what the plot was and you gave me a summary